【UPDATE WINDOWS 7】▷ 2022 ◁ Latest Version Available

Windows 7 is a version of the operating system created by Microsoft in the year 2009. With a market share of 41.55% at the beginning of 2018, it is an operating system similar to its predecessor (Windows Vista) in many of its functionalities. But, what we are interested in bringing you in this post is a step-by-step and easy-to-use guide, if you have ever wondered how to update windows 7 to the latest version? you are in the right place.

The company intends to include several interesting improvements, all of them focused on a much cleaner, lighter and more interactive style. The interface created for this OS is very interesting, complying with features that already existed beforehand but adding customization options, such as saving complete themes, with the color of the windows, the images built, the sounds, and the protector. of screen.

The calculator has also been improved, adding programming and statistics functions. In short, we find advances that are made in each new update to satisfy the user and make life easier and safer when performing tasks with our computer.

How to safely upgrade Windows 7 operating system?

This operating system already has an expiration datesince the company Microsoft has decided to support this system and create updates only up to the year 2020. Now if you have an official license, they offer you the option in a simple way without having to pay a supplement. This will encourage many of the users, Today we focus on the version 7 .

Updating this software to the most current version is quite simple if you know the methods to follow for it. Here are the most direct steps to do it successfully:

  1. You must position the mouse on the taskbar and click on the Windows symbol or button “Start”.
  2. Search “Control Panel“, in section “Security system” and then entering into “windows update“We click on it.
  3. On that screen you will see a warning that there are updates available and the level of importance of each of them. It also informs you of the size that it occupies. You will also have the optioninstall updates”; press it.
  4. Installation is done without the need for user intervention; It may be that when finished you will be asked to restart the computer. Clever! the new functionalities will have been installed in your Operating System.
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*Note: If at the time of accessing Windows Update we do not see any available update, we can perform a search manually by clicking on “Search for updates“, which is on the left side, this way Windows 7 will try to find new update files available for download and installation.

Download and install the new Windows 7 update automatically: Settings

Once you have your operating system on the most current version, you can determine the way you want your computer to act when it has updates that affect the operating system. This way you will not have to manually perform the updates each time. To automate the process a bit and that they are done alone, you must follow the steps indicated below:

  1. In the same way as the previous steps, you must access the “Control Panel“and once inside, click on “Security system”. Next, position yourself on “windows update”.
  2. To be able to see all client updates, click on the text with the blue line which tells us that we have pending updates. That is a hyperlink which takes us to a screen where they indicate the new file packages that we want to install.
  3. By default they are all checked, but you can make a selection of the ones you want to install at that moment and leave others pending. Although we always recommend that our operating system is on the most up-to-date version by security reasons.
  4. To configure the next updates, click on the option that appears on the left side where it says “Change Settings”. This section is where we can play a bit with the way in which future updates are going to be carried out.
  5. The configuration options that allow us to choose Windows 7 are the following:
    • Install updates automatically (recommended by Windows itself).
    • Download updates, but let me choose if I want to install them.
    • Check for updates, but let me choose if I want to download and install them.
    • Do not check for updates (not recommended by Windows).
  6. After choosing the most convenient option in your case, click on “To accept”. This setting will start working the next time you restart your computer. Thus, depending on how you have configured your updates, your team will be in charge of carrying them out in the future.
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FAQ: What problems exist when upgrading Windows 7?

There are two main problems that could appear when doing an update of windows 7 we are going to see how to solve them so that these errors do not prevent us from being able to work with this operating system.

Windows update keeps “thinking”

In order to remove the message of “looking for updates”, what we have to do is intervene from the command window.

  1. To open a window of this type, click on the taskbar start menu.
  2. Then in the search box, you need to type “cmd” (without quotation marks).
  3. Click on the option “Execute as an administrator”.
  4. Write the command “net stop wuauserv”. Click on the enter to execute.
  5. It will then ask you to restart the computer.

*Note: If this doesn’t work, you can download the update directly from the Microsoft website or from , install it yourself, and run the process of checking for updates again.

Windows Update does not find updates

This error may appear in previous versions, now it is fully solvedbut if it happens to you again, it is best that re-download the files most current related to updates from Microsoft.

*Note: To avoid having these problems, you can consult a Microsoft page error solver, which through a series of questions can lead you to resolve the update problem. You can go directly from .

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