【 Earn Money Playing Video Games 】 Step by Step Guide 2022

Mastering video games was one of the activities we used to do at home to entertain ourselves, At present it is one of the alternative ways that works to produce electronic money.

The fun is that while we play we obtain economic benefits. So if you are a regular player of online games, you can take advantage of that interest and talent to become a gamer and .

Surely the above is calling your attention, but you know little about its system to get started in this universe. If your answer is affirmative, you are reading the correct article, so we encourage you to discover it below.

Can you live from video games?

gamers they all consider themselves professionals in the virtual world. But What do they live on? Basically from playing online, there are even special devices to make your plays more powerful, so from the outset you know that you must have a budget. This way of life has become so popular that there are world tournaments, which distribute thousands and even millions of euros.

It is known that many players have become millionaires by improving their in-game strategies.We are not saying that it is easy, because they can spend hours sitting in front of their computers, studying their abilities, improving their avatar and tools, and then selling them at a very high price. It’s all a job that requires discipline, concentration and perseverance..

The video game experts also take advantage of their acquired knowledge () and monetize them for through one or , writing guides, creating blogs, testing games and many more ways.

You should see this topic as a new form of investment, it is not only the time you dedicate to it, there are games that to start playing you must pay a fee. Therefore, your purpose will be to make a profit. So definitely, if you have the equipment at home, a stable network and you are serious about work, it is possible that you can make a living from this, because even there are people who are doing it and see it as a way that has increased since the confinement.

How much money can you earn playing from home?

Exploiting your gamer skills is a great opportunity to get started in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, because this is the base incentive for players. Day by day this is an activity that is gaining followers, to the point that it has become their main source of income. Delving into this method to earn money is not complicated, however, In most platforms you start with an investment and you see the profits after solving challenges.

Many games have paid rewards of 400 euros per month. For example, with the title of the most agile players can achieve 700 thousand euros per week. In fact, there are users who have valued their characters NFT for 40 million euros.

To be more explicit, the work within the game is to improve the abilities of your avatar, acquire elements, multiply characters, among others. Of course, everything you have in the game is your property and can be profited. If you want to be part of this community, You must keep in mind that the value of the game assets is stipulated by the market, the more popular the game, the more profitability. Therefore, you should be cautious when investing in a video game.

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Play to Earn What is this philosophy and how does it work?

Within the online gaming industry, games to win are called Play to Earn (P2E). The business is in buying or selling digital assets (tokens), each game has its native currency which is called tokens. Unlike traditional games where you had to level up while collecting points, here the currency does have real value. The goal is to redeem your reward in a virtual wallet, this is literally the job and like any task you receive a remuneration.

These games that are associated to the They have gained popularity especially in developing countries. You may also be wondering where the income of these platforms that use this modality come from, well, this It happens due to the commissions that they request after various transactions, depending on the game. If you are a beginner, you should know that your ability to invest, trade and become familiar with the cryptoactive universe is also at stake.

In recent years, Play to Earn games have had a huge impact on youth and the digital economy. Users work on the assets of the game, , to later trade them. To be more clear, your NFTs They would be the elements or objects in the game such as: tools, weapons, cars, properties and characters, among other tradable elements.

Likewise You must work hard to win missions, defeat opponents to accumulate tokens, which is the same as the game’s cryptocurrency. Your continued investment in continuing to play to improve your character’s skills, making it unique increases its value in this market. You must have an account in any digital wallet, many gamers use Metamask Or you can also opt for physical wallets.

Additionally create another account in oneone of the most used is Binance, Uniswap and Airtm. We recommend that you check if the platform accepts the game’s crypto. These are the key requirements so that you can buy the game token or cryptocurrency with real money and acquire NFTs. In the same way, you sell yours to exchange them for euros.

Learn how to earn money playing Axie Infinity

With at least 250 thousand active players currently makes this game the standard bearer of the NFT.

Here’s how you can get started:

Farming SLP

The coins (Tokens) of Axie Infinity are called “Smooth Love Potions” (SLP) and Axie Infinity Shards (AXS) whose value is based on the cryptocurrency Ethereum (ETH). With this game that is similar to Pokemon Go, you can earn profits by farming SLP, which you can redeem every 14 days.

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You must take advantage of the daily amount of the game (100 SLP) and try to get them 50 SLP additional discovering missions. For this it is necessary that you win 5 times in arena mode and 10 in adventure mode, in addition to using energy in the arena. Per month you can accumulate 4,500 SLP, which you can then sell on the cryptocurrency network. Being a constant player, some aim to earn 30 to 60 euros daily.

with the breed

When creating new creatures (axis) you have the possibility to sell them, many players prefer mating until they achieve a Axie level rarity that has a lot of value in this metaverse.

If this option sounds more familiar to you, you should know that you will use ETH and SLP. For this you need 2 Axies that have the baby. It should be noted that a maximum of 7 reproductions per pet is allowed and the parents, if they are siblings, cannot breed. Once you have the egg in your inventory you must wait 5 days for it to become an adult and it will be ready to be sold.

Being a PVP coach

In the universe of this game you can participate in the mode “Player vs. Player” (RRP) and “Player vs environment” (PVE). In the first you earn money by competing with another user. If you are a beginner you will need a guide, which is why coaches have emerged in scholarship player programs (Scholarship), because not many people can afford the team of three Axies, which can be 400 to 600 euros.

The idea is to help them gain experience and master the game, in this case to improve the ranking in PVP competitions. The profit will be divided between the manager and the scholarship recipient, usually 50/50 or 60/40. Additionally, you can make tutorials on platforms such as Youtube or write a blog as a course to have your own audience. Many well-known high-level players have used these platforms where they get at least a payment of 20 to 200 euros per hour.

Discover how to earn money playing League Of Legends

It is a multiplayer online battle arena game known as MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). It is free and is on the list of the best video games of 2022.

Try to benefit financially from it by finding out how to do it below:

being a coach

Just as there are people who pay for physical training (Sports or Gym) There are also new players who want advice from experts to improve their plays and for this they agree on a remuneration. So you can offer coaching services for LoL, a job that is considered an electronic sport.

If this is your goal, you can train you in abatalia.com either gameboost.eu and then recover that investment. An example of trainers LOL it is metaphor, who can charge by the hour 50 to 80 euro.
ELO upload service

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Other job opportunity you have with LoL is the Elo boosting serviceThese are people who are willing to position users who are at a lower level in a high ranking, in the ranked pages.

The account owner Riot (the one who contracts the service) allows you access to the boosting (hired) to reach new divisions and ranks, these are: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Grandmaster, and Challenger. Depending on what level they can charge between 15 to 25 euros.

as a streamer

Use Twitch to create quality content, This will allow you to obtain an inflow of money that can also be donations or gifts from your followers.

You must have certain skills so that your live broadcasts are not boring and you do not lose audience. Google Adsense makes you earn income based on the number of stream views. On this topic we can mention “Tyler1” Tyler Steinkamp, a streamers who has achieved success with LOL. He has 3.52 million followers and it is estimated that his funds reach one million euros.

Learn how to make money playing Roblox

from this platform users can program and design games online (with Lego-style pieces) so that other people can play. Currently, it is very popular among the youngest.

That is why we recommend these tasks to generate income:

Playing and selling Items

The and its rate is calculated at 4 euros per thousand. As in every game You are winning the levels and accumulating your coins, at the same time you can share the URL of the items on the platform (skins, clothes, accessories and others), in your social networks and if you get a sale you will receive a reward of 20 “Robux”. You can also design original clothing for the characters and sell them in the in-game store, thus you will receive 70% of the profit. This option is valid for users with a Premium account.

creating minigames

For this it is necessary that you are a programmer or have knowledge in the area. In this case, users must pay to enter this private room and as is well known, the greater the flow of your game, the greater your profit. However, to have this income you must be over 13 years old and have a membership in Roblox Premium. In order to redeem your “Robux” For real money you must have 100,000 (€350) in your fund. This platform pays monthly.

Discover how to earn money with Mir4 Play to Earn

It is the few games that do not require prior investment. It was launched in the 2021, it is multiplayer and it’s perfect for playing…

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