【Semantic Web or 3.0】What is it and what is it for? List ▷ 2022

Web 3.0 is just the evolution of web 1.0 and 2.0, whose errors were solved with the idea of ​​contemplating a constant advancement of technology. Every day the Internet undergoes different changes, both positive and negative, which is why it is considered that web 3.0 It is the solution to many problems.

Today we will explain some key concepts about web 3.0. But we want to clarify that even if you see or consider that this post is somewhat long, we fail to fully grasp the great concept and the great breadth that it brings with it.

If you want to know what are the improvements that were included unlike web 2.0, later you will find those features that make it the premium version of these sites.

What is web 3.0 and what is its origin on the Internet?

Web 3.0 had ancestors, others call them as prototypes, but the reality is that they were not like that. They were just sort of very exposed to errorsto be able to correct them until achieving this semantic web.

Web 1.0

It is a website that refers to a state of the World Wide Web, which in general terms is used to describe a page before the hit of the “dot com” fever in 2001, which gave a 360° turn to the world of the Internet.

It is a concept that emerged simultaneously with Web 2.0, where it is used as relation to the second term, to compare both terms.

web 2.0

Also known as the social Web, it is comprised of those sites that enable information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Webso its core or system is made up of constant feedback.

This allows us as users interact and collaborate with each othergiving us autonomy as content creators. The social network formerly known as Web 2.0 went from being a normal container or bank of information, to a work platform.

Being the information obtained by the experience of the users of great importance, it begins to a more advanced system of sites, known as Web 3.0.

web 3.0

Also known as the semantic web, whose expression is used to describe the evolution of the interaction between people on the Internet, through various forms, where among them it is highly valued the transformation of the network into a database.

Since its launch it caused a great social evolution, giving it as its main objective generate content through multiple applicationswithout the need for an intermediary such as browsers.

This has given a great boost to artificial intelligence technologies, the semantic web, the 3D web and the Geospatial.

At the beginning of 2006, the name of a 3.0 site was heard for the first time, and it was gThanks to an article by Jeddrey Zeldman (great critic of 2.0), which in turn works on AJAX technologies.

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Uses and services of web 3.0 What are these portals for?

Web 3.0 has different uses that characterize it, such are the following:

smart searches

This website seeks to implement a new classification system for siteswhich is closely linked to the different needs and characteristics of the users.

In general, when we connect to the Internet, as users we can enjoy different platforms that we can customize.

The evolution of social networks

Other services offered to us is the constant evolution of cybernetic communities known as social networksalso adding the large number of people who join them every day.


Another of the new functions is an increase in speed, and it is that to give a better response to this, the main telecommunications operators implemented different broadband connections that guarantee a better browsing experience.

Connectivity through more devices

With web 3.0 improved the possibility that we as users we can connect to our computers through our tablets or mobile devices.

free content

Allows the creation of free programs with Creative Commons licenses, which are much more common on this type of site.

three-dimensional spaces

All of us can access new ways that allow us to visualize the web, with three-dimensional spaces. Example of this is Google Earth.

Geospatial Web

It is a geospatial system that allows us to access any information available on the network, according to our geographical location.

Ease of navigation

The navigations have an increasingly better design, which allow us to establish certain standardizations that make our experience easier during each navigation.

Cloud Computing

Thanks to the 3.0 sites were created new storage spaces, that allow us to save any type of file, be it programs or documents, in a more secure way.

data linking

allows us to enjoy of any information serviceeven those capable of adding data from other sources, in order to merge all responses to users.

What is your relationship with the blockchain?

New technologies have been improving and evolving every day, and this is because large companies have joined them. What we must understand is that technology makes life easier for man, but only solve problems of the same technology.

Part of those solutions lie in the integration of blockchain technology into web 3.0 features, since its simple and straightforward logic together with the blockchain creates a public ledger that allows us to distribute information between different records.

By relating these, we get three aspects:

  • Fact
  • hash
  • Cascading interconnection
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In a blockchain, the first is credited the genesis name, considered as the storage block. It stores data and has hash values ​​assigned to it by the input instance, meaning that the learned hash is a form of encryption of the data we input, making it totally impossible to move without leaving a mark.

Other of the characteristics that are obtained, is the dispersion of the millions of servers small, being a totally shielded place against cyber attackers.

What are the innovations of this new concept of web development and how is it different from 2.0?

Previously we saw the terms of a Web 2.0 and a 3.0, now We will proceed to mention what are the new features that are added to web 3.0 that make it different from 2.0:

web 2.0

  • A purely reading and writing site
  • Offers a collective intelligence
  • Allows users to read and post information
  • Social networks, which allow collaboration and content sharing
  • The user is always the main protagonist
  • Facilitates the use of new tools
  • You do not need prior knowledge to use it

web 3.0

  • Promotes the construction of a site with semantic meaning
  • Enable and evolve artificial intelligence
  • Establishes a pattern of behavior for interaction
  • Implements concepts of three-dimensional spaces
  • Evolve the new age of information seeking
  • Relate concepts from multiple sources in a few seconds

Pros and cons of Web 3.0 Is it the final Internet?

We don’t really know if Pages 3.0 is the definitive Internet, but we can tell you that is the most important and the one that is bringing great changes to the technological world.

And this offers us many advantages, as well as disadvantages, as we present it to you below:


  • Search engines offer us relevant information that is easier to find
  • It offers us a facility when making changes or sharing information
  • It has different services that allow you to obtain information
  • It provides semantic content to the documents that are placed on the Internet, allowing us to better organize the information.


  • It is very expensive and laborious to adapt and structure the necessary Internet documents to be able to process them semantically.
  • It presents complexity when doing the semantic coding, because it is necessary to unify the semantic standards, which is another laborious process

List of the most useful Web 3.0 that you can currently use

Take a look at the list below:

Social networks

Social networks are one of the factors most important in our lives, since they connect us with those distant people, but even so, this shows us different disadvantages since their platforms are very vulnerable. For this reason, 3.0 sites seek to completely eradicate, or at least reduce them, thanks to the use of the blockchain.

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This will bring us different benefits, such as making it completely impossible for Internet communication platforms to be limited, while allowing anyone to join it.

exchange services

It is an exchange service, which for now it does not have a completely effective centralization. We can use as an example the biggest failure of this, which was when Mt. Gox was hacked.

The solution to this is to create a stronger centralization exchangethat provides experiences without any problem, and without the worry of a hack, avoiding any conflict that may be generated during its process.

Messenger service

the messaging It is one of the most widely used communication methods.. Among them we can find some famous like Whatsapp and Facebook Messengerwhich use a platform that allows direct and online communication, but as we know may have falls of them, by their network or by attacks.

such problems are decreased by strengthening security of it with a blockchain system that we can find in web 3.0.


As we have already mentioned, one of the great features that site 3.0 offers us is the ease of information exchange and the creation of a cloud system to store files, thanks to the speed and the way in which the information is protocolized, we will not need to worry about the security of each of our saved data, or virus infection.

Streaming (Video and Music)

This is one large industry that allows us to view files online, and every day its use is more frequent. Examples of this are YouTube and Spofity, which have a database that the user can enjoy when and how many times they want.

Despite being such complex platforms, they are easy to use, and some are even free or at least very cheap, the truth is that without the help of advertising they are not profitable and it is because they are expensive in maintenance.

With web 3.0, maintenance costs are reduced a little because by having it already adjusted to its characteristics, it does not need long periodic work.

As an example of this are:

  • Livepeer.
  • Viuly.
  • Flixx.
  • Videocoin.

remote work

The world is always in constant movement, which forces us to move with it, and among this widespread ideology remote jobs includedbeing more and more used…

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