【 CRIPPLEWARE 】What is it and what is it for? + Examples ▷ 2022

With the remarkable evolution of technology today, there are many terms that are used in the computer and digital world. Reason why, many users they can find certain expressions that they don’t understand, even if they handle something based on it.

In this sense, this is precisely what happens with the “Crippleware” which refers to a terminology composed of “Cripple” which, in Spanish, means “Amputee” and also for Ware What does it mean “resource or element”. Which can be used both at the software level and also at the hardware level (to refer to those devices that have not been designed for their full capacity).

However, due to the great importance that this expression has taken on the web, many users want to know everything about how it worksits most important characteristics, some key examples that allow a better understanding of what it is about and other details; Therefore, in this post, we will focus on all of this..

What is Crippleware and how does this type of program work?

Basically, Crippleware is a terminology that is used to refer to basic and limited versions of certain software. Which means that it has fewer features and therefore occupies less hard disk space and consumes less memory as well.

Taking into account that this type of program has been created with the purpose that users can use the basic functions of a software without restrictions only for a period of timeso that the customer decides to pay for the more advanced features later.

In other words, Crippleware is defined as any program that cannot be fully used, only until the user registers or cancels a kind of membership for it in order to use it without problems. Since, in the form of Crippleware, the main features are disabled or blocked by defaultto only operate when the client buys his license to use.

On the other hand, regarding its operation, We delimit that this type of limited programs have two types:

  • The first of them refers to that class of software that support activation of some app features (not all).
  • The other type of Crippleware that allows the user take full advantage of all the program’s features, but only for a defined time or for a few sessions. So, when said period expires, your payment or registration will be necessary to execute it again in its entirety.
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What are the main features of the Crippleware versions?

Despite the fact that the particularities of a Crippleware version program are really basic, it is also necessary to distinguish What are the most important innate details of a software of this type?. In view of the fact that in this way, users will be aware of its operation and of the different solutions that may arise while browsing the web.

Thus, having clarified this, we proceed to point out the most interesting characteristics of any Crippleware:

  • Usually, these programs and/or applications are free versions of a certain large-scale software.
  • All Crippleware lack the advanced features of the original program and, in most cases, they are quite crucial singularities.
  • In general, they are applications used to increase the popularity of complete softwares, without having to offer them for free. That is, is a software marketing model.
  • They stand out for be based on concepts such as “shareware” and “freeware”for the distribution of programs on the network.
  • One of the most common examples of this class of applications, we see it in those programs that they can block the “save” option which is required to store the changes made in a certain document. With this, the user will consider that the program is useful and proceeds to pay a registration key for it to unlock said function (in this case, the “save”).
  • In the case of hardware of this type, the functionality of the devices is deliberately limited to encourage your users to buy better and more expensive versions. Well, it is not designed for its full capacity.

Examples of Crippleware programs What are the Lite versions of the most popular programs?

Although it is true, a Crippleware program or application means the same thing as a Lite version, since the latter is based on those lighter versions of a certain application. Which means that, it also fills up a little space, consumes less device resources and spends a smaller amount of battery, just as it happens with Crippleware.

In this way, many users with low-end equipment choose to use a Lite version in order to test only the most common features of a specific application. without being able to access the most advanced. This being an advantage and at the same time a limitation that developers have implemented in the digital world.

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Now, it is good to know what are the most famous programs that provide their users with Lite versions, today and, therefore, at this point in the post, We proceed to mention the most recognized of all:

  • : It consists of an app that occupies less than 1MBmanages to work on all mobile devices, is specially designed for 2G networks and slow connections, allows you to chat with Facebook contacts without having the Messenger application installed and its interface is smaller than the original.
  • Instagram Lite: It stands out for being an official client of the famous social network that is much lighter than the normal one and can be used on Android devices with limited and weak Internet connections. Thus, it allows sharing photos and stories in a simple way, but in none of said contents it is possible to apply effects.
  • SpotifyLite: Of course, it is a simplified version of the well-known music streaming application. Which is characterized by using less storage space and using less mobile data than usual. Since, it provides you with a mechanism from which you can monitor and set a data spend, as well as simply free up space.
  • twitter lite: It is part of the Lite or Crippleware trend and, basically, it is characterized by showing up to 30% faster operation than the standard version. It also adds a data saving mode and weighs less than 1MB to provide the basic functions of the service. But, does not issue notifications of interactions in real time.
  • Opera Mini: Unlike most options for browsing the web, Opera reveals less consumption of resources and, apart from that, it has optimization tools for website loading and optimal data savings; all this, directly from its Lite version, which is considered one of the most recognized of its kind.

It should be noted that of course there are many more Lite solutions on the market, but in this post we have only pointed out some of the most famous today.

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Crippleware vs Shareware Which is better and how are they different?

Finally, it is worth mentioning that versioned programs like Crippleware (or Lite) are similar to Shareware and, for this reason, many users assume that they are the same types of programs, but they are not. Since, although both are free and do not provide the complete product indefinitely, Crippleware is used for offer an incompletely functional productwhile Shareware provide full software, but limit it.

In this way, we highlight the main distinction between Crippleware and Shareware type software, although there are also other truly decisive differences that, we will point out immediately:

  • Once the user accesses a Crippleware proposal, he will be able to try all available options without any limitation (taking into account that others are only available in the paid version). Instead, Shareware takes care of provide the product with limitations on its functionality or availability and, once it is tested, it is usually eliminated.
  • Depending on the user’s point of view, while a Lite program has the ability to fulfill complete functionsa Shareware provides them incompletely.
  • Generally, Crippleware programs allow you to use the basic functions of the original software (for example: a text editor that generates documents and does not support saving or printing), but Shareware simply work as an explanatory brochurethat is, they cannot be useful in the real world.

Having clarified all of the above, it is possible to affirm that Crippleware type programs and/or Lite versions are much better than Shareware programs. In view of the fact that the latter reveal a greater number of limitations, do not show the true functionalities of the original version and are not considered useful, since they they are simply used as a kind of display and apart from that, they crash faster than Crippleware after their free trial.

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