The SEPE notice to people who have worked less than a year: this is the subsidy they can receive

As its name indicates, the contributory unemployment benefit (unemployment) requires certain contributions from workers in order to be collected. These contributions are made through unemployment contributions resulting from paid work.

Thus, people who remain unemployed after a period of professional activity must attend the contribution period during that time. If it is insufficient, they will not have the right to unemployment: to collect the contributory benefit they need at least 360 days of contributions, that is, one year.

Workers who do not reach that quoted year will have to review that contribution to find out if they are entitled to one of the subsidies managed by the Public State Employment Service, SEPE. In its , the body has informed of the possibility that appears to these people who have not contributed enough for unemployment.

This is the subsidy for insufficient contributions, one more of the wide gallery of unemployment subsidies that SEPE has and that are currently paid to more than 680,000 people.

This subsidy is characterized by depending on the number of months contributed. It is not enough to contribute less than 12 months, you must reach a minimum amount of time contributed and that time will be longer or shorter depending on the existence of family responsibilities for the applicant for the subsidy:

-In case of having family responsibilities, it is necessary to prove at least three months of contributions.

-If there are no family responsibilities, it is necessary to prove at least six months of contributions.

Requirements to collect the subsidy for insufficient contributions

Apart from the prior contribution, people who want to benefit from this subsidy for insufficient contributions must meet other requirements, common to those requested in the rest of the unemployment subsidies. They are the following:

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-Be in a legal situation of unemployment.

-Be registered as a job seeker ().

-Sign the activity commitment with the SEPE.

-Not have income greater than 75% of the Minimum Interprofessional Salary. If the applicant lives in a family unit, all income will be added and divided among the number of members.

Duration of the subsidy for insufficient contributions

The duration of this subsidy for insufficient contributions depends on the worker’s previous contribution. Here the existence of family responsibilities of the interested party also comes into play:

-The subsidy will last three, four or five months in the case of people who have contributed three, four or five months and have family responsibilities.

-The subsidy will last up to 21 months (for extendable periods of six) for people with family responsibilities who have contributed for at least six months.

-The subsidy will last six months for people without family responsibilities.

Amount of the subsidy for insufficient contributions

With regard to the amount of the payment, there are no differences with respect to what happens with other unemployment benefits. Thus, the amount of the subsidy for insufficient contributions will be 80% of the Public Indicator of Multiple Effects Income, the IPREM: 463.21 euros per month.

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