What to eat to strengthen the immune system, an ally against Covid-19 that needs vitamin D and vitamin C

The immune system is in charge, among other things, of fighting infections such as the coronavirus. Thus, interest in this essential part of the body has grown exponentially since the pandemic began. The goal is to keep it strong to withstand any invasion, like the flu virus or the common cold that starts in mid-autumn.

What to eat to maintain a strong and healthy immune system

Arantza Errazkin, director of Quality Supply at Kaiku Sin Lactosa, has already compiled for Status . And she remembers, however, that “the immune system must be fully functional throughout the year.” In addition, the expert points out that not only diet is one of the aspects to take into account: “Control stress, sleep well, perform physical activity on a regular basis,” she adds.

1. Vitamins to strengthen the immune system

To strengthen the immune system through food, Arantza Errazkin indicates a series of guidelines to take into account. “Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables is key to keeping the immune system in good condition. Especially foods rich in vitamins A, D, C and group B contribute to the normal maintenance of the immune system. Vitamins A, B and D are found in dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese, while vitamin C is found in fruits such as kiwi, citrus or forest fruits”.

2. Minerals, essential for the body

In addition to vitamins, we must consume foods with the necessary and essential minerals for our body. “Foods rich in iron such as legumes, red meat and shellfish; zinc in nuts such as walnuts; copper in meats; and selenium in products such as Brazil nuts, garlic or sunflower seeds”, details Arantza Errazkin.

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3. The special case of vitamin D

Group D vitamins have been one of the most sought after during the coronavirus pandemic because they help strengthen the immune system, but above all because a study has shown that, with a blood level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D of at least 30 ng /ml, had a significantly lower risk of adverse clinical outcomes.

Thus, interest has grown in the consumption of this substance that the body synthesizes by itself thanks to sunlight, but that it also finds in the diet: fatty acids from fish represent the richest source of cholecalciferol or Vitamin D3, salmon being the main source; eggs, butter, liver and other organ meats as well, but you have to take care of your consumption because of its high cholesterol content. Other products with vitamin D are tuna, sardines; oysters, prawns and prawns; mushrooms; and avocado.

4. The special case of vitamin C

Vitamin C is another of the substances that has seen its sales rebound due to the coronavirus,

The relationship between the benefits of vitamin C against the flu or other similar viral diseases are part of popular culture. And that they respond to the fact that this substance is an essential element for the human being that, among other functions, participates in the activity of the immune system, in charge of fighting viral infections such as flu or Covid-19.

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Thus, Dr. Jazmín Fragoso, aesthetic doctor of the , reminded Status that “there have been studies since 1976 that confirm the importance of vitamin C for the human being, its application, uses in aesthetic medicine and its uses are currently a source of study. in other pathologies”. However, the doctor recalls that there are currently no conclusive medical studies on the relationship between vitamin C and the coronavirus, but they do maintain “an important role for the immune system, which could improve the individual’s immune response against the virus.”

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What foods have vitamin C?

Dr. Jazmín Fragoso explains that it is only necessary to consume 90 mg/day of vitamin C and that this amount can be achieved easily through diet. Thus, a cup of strawberries (95mg), a kiwi (75mg), an orange (70mg); a cup of grapes (120mg), a cup of broccoli (158mg), 1/2 cup of peppers (50mg)”. That is, an easy way to maintain correct levels of vitamin C with the diet that do not make it necessary

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