Carmen, minister? We can ‘use’ the former mayor to ask Sánchez not to veto his proposals

The negotiation between Pedro Sánchez and Unidas Podemos, which seeks to agree on a cooperation government that facilitates the investiture of the PSOE candidate for Moncloa, is in an initial phase in which it seeks to configure a program that houses programs and measures that satisfy both sides. . However, not looking further seems impossible for the purple formation, which does not allow Sánchez to forget that he wants his own ministers.

The spokesperson for the Podemos Coordination Council, Noelia Vera, has set an example in this regard today. If from the PSOE Manuela Carmena were proposed as minister, an assumption, they would not raise any objection. “If they think she can be a good minister for them, then great.” And they expect the same in return, that is, that there are no vetoes on the names proposed by United We Can.

Beyond the program, there are several names that are ringing. Vera has been asked this Thursday on Telecinco by Juan López de Uralde and Yolanda Díaz, deputies of Podemos, as ministers. “There is much ado about nothing”, she has said, insisting that she now has to agree on measures. Now we have to talk about the objectives, which is the most complicated part of the matter. It is the most complicated and the heart of the matter,” she assured.

However, the claim of Pablo Iglesias to get ministers does represent a point of serious disagreement in the negotiation, at least that is how it has been perceived so far in the reactions that the PSOE has raised about this debate. Just yesterday, the Socialists acknowledged that they had offered Podemos second-level positions in the Government, insisting that those in purple not enter the Council of Ministers.

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Vera has reacted to this announcement by betting on “being very discreet and prudent” and on “protecting the negotiation because we want it to come to fruition and end in a progressive and shared government in the proportions that each one obtained on April 28”.

Without going into details, the spokeswoman took the opportunity to convey the “positive” sensations that came from the advances that were made. The official version of that day pointed, however, towards the stalemate between both positions.

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