How to advance your retirement at 62: when can you and what pension do you have left

Bringing retirement forward as much as possible can become a recurring desire of workers who are approaching retirement, but depending on their age, only some can do it and not others. This is the case of workers who want to retire early at age 62.

The problem for these workers is that they will not be able to retire early, in general, voluntarily. Voluntary early retirement allows advances of up to two years with respect to the ordinary retirement age and said age in 2022 is 65 years for those who have contributed 37 years and six months and 66 years and two months for those who have not.

Therefore, workers with options to retire early at 62 years of age will only be able to do so in certain situations and by taking advantage of involuntary early retirement, the one that derives from an involuntary cessation of work and that allows advances of up to four years from retirement age:

– Workers with 37 years and six months of contributions may do so at any time of 62 years.

– Workers with less than 37 years and six months of contributions will have to wait until they are at least 62 years and two months old to be able to retire.

Requirements to retire early at age 62

However, the age to be met is not the only requirement that a worker who wishes to retire at 62 years of age has to meet. In order to benefit from involuntary early retirement, other extra conditions must be met:

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-Have a minimum of 33 years listed. For the global computation it is worth .

-Be registered as a job seeker at least six months before the retirement application ().

-Be registered or in an assimilated situation in Social Security.

-That the cessation of work has taken place due to a collective dismissal, due to a dismissal for objective reasons, due to the termination of the contract by judicial resolution or due to force majeure, by the will of the worker in cases of geographical mobility or substantial modification of the conditions of work, due to death, incapacity or retirement of the employer or in cases of gender violence that force the termination of the contract.

The amount of the pension if you retire early at age 62

Fulfilling these requirements, the worker will be able to retire early at the age of 62. But, for this, he has to take cuts in the amount of his pension after calculating it. These reductions are made from the application of reduction coefficients that have been applied to pensions and that have not only changed their amount, since they have become monthly and applicable to the amount of the pension (previously they were quarterly and were calculated on the regulatory basis).

When dealing with retirements with a greater advance, the cuts will be greater. People who wish to retire early at age 62 will advance their retirement between 48 and 25 months, that is, the first two years within the scales that became official with the publication of Law 21/2021, of December 28 .

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The reduction coefficients are different depending on the time previously quoted and, obviously, the months in advance of retirement. For major advances (those made by people whose retirement age was 66 years and 2 months and who advanced their retirement by up to four years), reductions of between 30% and 18.50% of the amount of the pension are contemplated. retired.

If retirement takes a little longer to come forward (this will be the case of workers whose retirement age is 65 and only advance their retirement three years to 62) the coefficients will, logically, be somewhat lower: they will range from 22.50% to 12.50% of the pension.

Special cases: early retirement due to profession

Some workers could retire early at age 62 if they belong to some of the professions that have special early retirement due to their danger, hardship or toxicity.

This is the case of mining workers, railway workers, bullfighting personnel, artists, firefighters at the service of the Administration, local police, members of the Ertzaintza, sea workers, aerial work flight personnel… all these professions have regulations special and individualized.

Special cases: early retirement of the Passive Classes

Workers who belong to the Passive Class Regime may also voluntarily retire early as they have different requirements: voluntary retirement is allowed from the age of 60, provided that they have 30 years of effective service to the State.

These workers are trainee or career civil servants from the State Administration or the Justice Administration, as well as from the General Courts, other state or constitutional bodies and others transferred to the Autonomous Communities. Also career soldiers, Complement Scales, troop and professional sailors, Cadet Knights, Students and Aspirants of Military Schools and Academies, as well as former Presidents of the Government, former Vice Presidents or former Ministers.

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The amount of the pension for these workers will depend on the number of years they have contributed when they retire at age 62. Being the minimum 30, they are entitled to a minimum of 81.73% of the regulatory credit, the equivalent of the regulatory base.

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