Global-e arrives in Spain to internationalize your online store

Thanks to an investment of €17.5 million arrives in Spain global-ethe one for online stores.

The process of globalization that has expanded thanks to the internet and the means of communication that are available today, have made companies from all over the world They can sell their products anywhere on the planet.

In fact, it is one of the keys to the success of many companies and what they fight for every day since position yourself only in one market it is no longer as profitable or beneficial for brands. In addition the 70% of users and it is necessary to take advantage of the diversity of preferences online shopping of users around the world.

Cross border platforms internationalization

But launching your online store across borders is not an easy task either. You have to take into account regulatory standards, laws, languages, tax differences, customs, shipping, currency exchange rate and many others before embarking on the adventure of globalizing your eCommerce.

That is why companies dedicated to promoting end-to-end solutions outside borders are a great support in the drive to overcome the challenge or present your brand outside the country.

Global-e finally lands in Spain

Global-e which specializes in the internationalization for e-commerce websites has four years of experience and is one of the industry leaders in Europe, and now to support businesses in their plans for expansion.

Your bet isgo global, be local” and offers a tailored experience with more than 60 exchange currencies and 50 different payment methods, It has more than 40 clients inside and outside the European Union and was created to help brands sell their products internationally.

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Your arrival in Spain is with the help of the local partner EGI Groupwhich is an eCommerce SaaS run by Ronan Bardet. And at the head of this project is Arnault Sabliersales director for Spain, outstanding in his experience in eCommerce cross border thus helping to take your market offer beyond borders.

In its growth stage, Global-e presents itself, as Shlachet states: “With emerging markets competing for Europe and the United States, there could not be a better time to start doing business in new foreign markets.”

Its mission is to help you in the expansion of your online store

Global-e enables retailers to make transactions more than billion online shoppers in more than 200 markets all over the world. It has delegations in , , and Tel Aviv.

It is really good news that there are platforms of this type, since, as we have already seen, the expansion needs make growth beyond borders fundamental for all those companies and brands that want to strengthen your sales.

Having a good team that is a specialist in retailers will facilitate the reach customers in different places and direct efforts depending on the scope of our online store effectively.


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