Springfield Online: opinions, evaluation and comments – Marketing 4 Ecommerce – Your online marketing magazine for e-commerce


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We analyze for you Springfield Online, the online sales channel of the main brand of the Cortefiel Group


your scoreUser Score: 1.5 (9 votes)

Springfield is the main brand of Grupo Cortefiel. In 2014 it registered a , thanks to the good acceptance of the women’s collections and the rise of online sales. Created in 1988, Springfield was born with the aim of dressing urban, cosmopolitan boys, from 20 to 30 years old, who “have a relaxed way of seeing life and conceiving fashion”. Following that casual, young and modern spirit, in 2006 the firm incorporated its own clothing collection for girls with the springfield woman launch.

Currently, the ‘young’ brand continues to expand its line of basics with collections adapted to new trends; studies, merges and adapts the proposals of the catwalks to create garments that can be used at any time of the day.

This letter of introduction has served to add new physical stores and extend its sales point network until reaching the 904 current distributed by 63 countries of the world.

Springfield Online: design and structure

In July 2010 Cortefiel opened with the aim of adding a complementary sales channel. became the second brand of the group to make the leap to the eCommerce world behind of .

Today we analyze the online store of the largest Cortefiel chain, a platform that respects the design, structure and basic functionalities of the other online stores of the group.

Their visual proposal it is conventional and unambitious, as is the use of photography, which seeks a certain quality and dynamism when it comes to presenting the garments available at Springfield Online.

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Navigation offers the user different routes depending on their tastes and needs, which in practice requires numerous intermediate steps before accessing the full product catalog. The menus are simple and have different access routes, but it is necessary to enter each section to explore all the purchase options.

With regard to the immediate location of a specific garment or accessory, one of the strengths of Springfield Online is that It has a system of filters and ordering of resultsin addition to a general search engine that facilitates direct product search that the user is interested in.

Springfield Online: terms of payment, delivery and returns

Discarding other possibilities such as transfer or cash on deliverycard and PayPal are the only valid forms of payment in Springfield Online, which takes advantage of its network of points of sale to facilitate the delivery of orders to virtual buyers who want it. It is the most outstanding option for the collection of orders together with the conventional home delivery.

  • The delivery time for home delivery is between 2 and 3 days. This modality entails a shipping cost of €2.95 regardless of the purchase amount.
  • The store deliveries they take between 3 and 5 days, and unlike other stores, they are not free but require a one-time expense of €1 for any type of request. A curious decision, which distances Springfield online from the current standard in eCommerce, and which may annoy many of its customers because it is incomprehensible.

In addition, at present, not the entire network of physical stores is prepared to receive orders from online customers, which shows room for improvement in the management and use of its logistics section.

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The returns, changes and withdrawals of any purchase are freewhether they are made in a physical store or through the online channel itself.

Other additional services

  • Springfield Online considers the possibility of prepare a gift shipment and deliver it at a different billing address.
  • allows you to do the track your orders through the ‘My Account’ space.
  • Offers online gift cards for exclusive consumption in eCommerce.
  • And apply discount codes at the time of checking out in the shopping bag.

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