What is the storm that has colored the air of Spain with sand and how long will it leave dust in the cities?

This Tuesday, millions of Spaniards have woken up with a strange feeling when opening the window and seeing the sky and the streets of their cities dyed brown. In towns throughout Spain, presenting itself more harshly in the east of the peninsula, a sand storm arriving from the Sahara (due to the Celia storm) has left .

No. It is not a plague that has flooded the sky, although it could well be added to other historical events that have been unleashed in Spain since 2020. Coronavirus pandemic, snow with quotas never seen before, a volcano eruption, the direct consequences of a war that threatens to be global… and now a haze that stains buildings, cars and everything in its path brown. step.

Millions of Spaniards have risen up under this stamp, although already during Monday afternoon in the municipalities of Murcia, Alicante or Albacete, a brown sky more typical of summer than of an already anomalous almost spring was being witnessed. Due to the strange winter experienced in Spain, which has brought almost no rain, it is during these days of March when the first large rainfalls of the year have led to the aforementioned sandstorm.

This is the sandstorm these days

A cloud of mud arriving from the Sahara, through the Celia storm, which is nothing more than a haze like the ones that usually appear in areas closer to the coast. On this occasion, being a haze of dust, the reduced visibility is caused by the presence of small particles invisible to the human eye but so numerous as to give the sky that ocher touch.

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This is how the (Aemet) notifies this phenomenon that has reached the Iberian Peninsula and that leaves a relative humidity of less than 70%, which has helped to stabilize the temperatures that during these days had left cold thermometers. A natural haze, therefore (there are also haze due to fires or pollution), which will continue for the next few days in Spain.

How long will the sandstorm be in Spain?

Worsening the quality of the air, therefore, as long as it remains over the Iberian Peninsula, the most affected areas will be the east and center of the peninsula, but also the southwest where the Celia storm will remain stationary. Until Thursday, when abundant rainfall is expected throughout the geography due to the arrival of humid air from the Mediterranean, the sandstorm will lead to a rain of blood.

That is to say, goodbye to this sand dust that will go away with the rainfall, but leaving prints where the mud will be the protagonist, dragging these strange prints that are more common in summer. A sandstorm that has been presented as a new atypical symptom of the last two years, to the incognito of the Spanish about what will be the next to arrive.

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