Microsoft Teams: the new communication tool for companies

officially his new tool, Microsoft Teams which will be the main alternative to slackThe popular messaging and collaboration service for companies and business.

Microsoft will compete against Slack

The purpose of Microsoft Teams is create workgroups more productive and more collaborative oriented. If you have ever used the Slack messaging system, we can tell you that it is very similar.

Both systems share instant communication between teams which includes many media in one place and integrate a lots of tools to interactuate. In any case, Microsoft Teams It has an important asset in its favor: will be part of Office 365 Enterprise and Business as of the first quarter of 2017.

Integrating Microsoft Teams eliminates the need to install a external application and of course Microsoft, which is trying to position itself as one of the giants of but in the business directionwants to take every opportunity to offer all possible alternatives in one tool.

slack currently has 4 million users assets per day, which makes it a highly requested application and of course microsoft wants a piece of this cake. Your current advantage is to introduce the new tool inside office useand we will see how the history of both platforms unfolds.

Microsoft’s goal is to create the largest business social network

Just a few months ago, Microsoft, the largest professional social network of the world, and has also been integrating new tools as the implementation of offering online training for all Premium users.

Microsoft’s new step is expand functions that it offers as a messaging system, and in fact before its official presentation the internal name of this new tool was skype teamsbut it seems that they want to leave a clear separation in the use that they can give to both services.

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Even with this slight separation, integration with Skype is completesince from Microsoft Teams you can hold video conferences and audio calls no need to exit the app. In addition to Skype, Microsoft Teams integrates with the rest of the Office 365 apps.

Microsoft Teams integrates all the Office tools in a single application

Thus, work teams will be able to create together Word, Excel, Outlook or OneDrive documents among others. can be created conversation threads to which we can integrate any member of the team or create private conversations to converse with only a few of them.

They can also be integrated emojis, GIFs, stickers, links and even memes, in case we want to make the work environment more pleasant. The system api will be open so that each team can customize your groupsand conversations are offered encryptedthus guaranteeing the privacy.

Satya NadellaCEO of Microsoft, in the presentation that “Microsoft Teams brings the chatmeetings, calendars and all other apps and extensions to one place to help teams across an enterprise collaborate.”

Demand is high for work team services

Thus, Microsoft Teams will be a platform that will integrate work teams in a chat space, but in addition to conversing and proposing ideas, they will also be able to collaborate using all the tools available in Office 365 and integrate your work ideas more effectively.

From today it will be previous version available of Microsoft Teams in 181 countries and in 18 Languagesincluded in the Office 365 Business and Office 365 Enterprise packages and its full and official launch will be in the first months of next year.

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