NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID: 10 solutions for this error

Protecting your website with the HTTPS extension is an important security practice. However, an error message like NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID may appear due to an incorrect (SSL) certificate or browser settings.

This error does not prevent visitors from accessing a web page. However, the message will create a bad first impression as the browser will display a warning that the site may steal users’ private information.

In this article, we’ll explain what the NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error means, why it occurs, and guide you through ten methods to fix it.

Error codeNET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALIDbug typeSSL connection errorVariations of the errorYour connection is not private
Your connection isn’t private
Warning: Potential Security Risk
This site is not secureCauses of the errorInvalid SSL Certificate
misconfigured redirects
Browser extension conflict
anti-virus problems
Operating system problems


Normally, when accessing a website, the browser has to verify the SSL certificate to establish a secure connection. A site with a valid certificate will redirect the request through the HTTPS protocol, the secure version of HTTP.

However, if the NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error occurs, it means that the browser was unable to verify the SSL certificate. Most of the time, this happens because the common name that is written in the SSL certificate does not match the actual domain name.

For example, if you want to install an SSL certificate on your website example.comthe common name should also be

Domain mismatch is not the only reason for the error. In some cases, the problem can be caused by the site address itself and the configuration settings of antivirus, browser extensions, cache, etc.

Although this error can be difficult to fix as it has many possible causes, rest assured that there are ways to fix it quickly.


In this tutorial, we will explain ten methods to resolve the NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error on your website. With that said, before proceeding, be sure to check if your site is inaccessible just for you or for everyone else.

1. Make sure SSL is properly configured

A common cause of this error is a mismatch between the common name on the SSL certificate and the correct domain name. To fix the issue, make sure you’ve installed the correct certificate and configured SSL correctly.

We will show you a step-by-step guide to fix the error using Google Chrome. If you use another browser, the process will be similar.

Here’s how to check your SSL certificate settings:

  1. Go to your website and click on the padlock icon from the address bar.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select The connection is secure.
  1. Choose The certificate is valid.
  1. A window will open with the details of the site’s SSL certificate.
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The actual domain name must match the common name that appears in the domain information Issued for of the SSL certificate. If this is not the case, there is an error between the two. The only solution is to remove and install a new SSL certificate.

Check the configuration of an SSL Wildcard.

Wildcard SSL certificates can encrypt data across multiple subdomains. Therefore, in some cases, the common name within an SSL certificate appears as a subdomain like

If you use a wildcard certificate on your subdomain and you get the error NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID, it means that your SSL certificate does not cover the subdomain you are trying to access.

Check Subject Alternative Name (SAN) settings

A subject alternative name (SAN) certificate enables encryption of data across multiple domains pointing to a web address. covers the versions www and non-www of a website, subdomains and variations of the .

If the web page you are trying to access uses a SAN certificate, the SAN examines the list of domains it protects by checking the details of the certificate. If a web address is not there, the certificate does not cover it.

2. Check the WWW versions vs. Non-WWW and if your site is redirecting to another URL

It is important to know if you or your browser is forcing your visitors to another version of the site as not all SSL certificates cover both www and non-www versions of the site.

For example, if your domain is mydomain.comand the server redirects visitors to www.mydomain.comthe error may appear if there is only one SSL installed for the “www” version.

There are two ways to solve this problem. The first is to change the common name on your domain’s default certificate. The second is to purchase another SSL certificate that covers the domain you are redirecting from.

3. Make sure the WordPress URL points to the site URL

In some cases, the HTTP web protocol may have been manually changed to HTTPS without installing an SSL. As a result, you may encounter a common name mismatch error.

If that’s the case, you should change your WordPress URL:

  1. In the WordPress dashboard, click Settings and choose General.
  1. Check if the WordPress address (URL) and the site address (URL) match.
  1. If they don’t match, make the appropriate changes.
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4. Check for conflicts with browser extensions

Having too many browser extensions can cause problems as they can conflict with each other. This may be a possible cause of the common name mismatch error.

Enter the page in an incognito window and check if it is accessible. If so, the problem may be caused by a browser extension. To fix this, disable the extensions one by one while checking your site to determine the cause of the problem. Once you’ve isolated the offending extension, delete it.

Here’s how to remove extensions from Google Chrome:

  1. Click on the three points from the upper right corner.
  2. Mouse over More tools and select extensions.
  1. Once the new window opens, select the extension you want to uninstall and click Put off.

To prevent this issue from happening in the future, make sure to regularly audit and update your extensions.

5. Clear the browser cache

Browser cache is a great feature that stores records of the websites you have visited so that the browser loads them faster the next time you visit this specific web page.

Unfortunately, an outdated cache can cause problems when loading an old version of a website. To avoid it, regularly. This will ensure that your browser loads the latest version and prevents the NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error from reoccurring.

6. Disable antivirus software and firewall

Some antiviruses have an HTTPS scanning feature to add more protection. Of course, it can block you from visiting HTTPS sites. If you trust the website, try disabling HTTPS scanning in your antivirus.

If this option is not available, you may need to completely disable your antivirus software.

Here’s how to disable Windows antivirus software:

  1. Click on the button Start and search Setting.
  2. Search Privacy & Security and choose Windows security.
  3. Opens Protection against viruses and threats and click Manage settings. Lastly, change the real-time protection a disabled.

Here’s how to do it on macOS with ESET Endpoint Security:

  1. Open the Finder and search for the app ESET Endpoint Security.
  2. Open the app and click Setting. Change the real-time file system protection a disabled.

7. Configure URL settings in phpMyAdmin

The NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID can be caused by the URL difference between option_value in the rows siteurl Y home from your website’s database. You may change WordPress URL settings via phpMyAdmin.

Next, we explain how to do it through hPanel:

  1. Go to your hosting account and open the app phpMyAdmin.
  2. Choose the database of your site and look for the table wp_options. Within wp_optionsfind the rows siteurl Y home. Make sure they both redirect to the same URL.
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8. Clear SSL State

When you access a web page, the browser will cache your SSL certificate to speed up load time the next time you visit. This may cause the NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error later on.

This method involves clearing the SSL state in the browser and in the operating system. The process may vary depending on your operating system and browser.

Here’s how to clear the SSL state on Windows:

  1. go to Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Internet Options.
  2. The window will open Properties: Internet. Click on the tab Contents and select Clear SSL state.

You can also clear the SSL state in your browser. Here’s how to do it in Google Chrome:

  1. Accede to Setting after opening the menu three points in the upper right corner.
  2. Choose Security and Privacy and click the option Security.
  3. Scroll down and choose Manage certificates to view the list of SSL certificates cached by Google Chrome. 4. Finally, click on Put off to clear the SSL status.

9. Change LAN settings

Proxy settings direct web traffic to protect users from malicious third parties. Any misconfiguration can restrict access to websites or even cause SSL errors.

Here’s how to change LAN settings in Windows:

  1. go to Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Internet Options.
  2. Choose the tab connections and select LAN configuration.
  1. Check the option Detect settings automatically. Save the changes by clicking To accept.

Here’s how to do it on macOS:

  1. Open the apple menuclick System preferences and choose Net. Select a network service from the list and click Advanced. Finally, switch to the tab proxies.
  2. Check the option Automatic proxy configuration and save the changes by clicking To accept.

10. Update the operating system and browser

It is essential to update applications and the operating system regularly. Failure to do so can lead to software instability, which can lead to many errors on the site.

Here’s how to check for Google Chrome updates:

  1. Click on the three points in the upper right corner and hover your mouse over Aid. Choose Information from Google Chrome.
  2. I know…
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