Launch formula: what is it and how does this course work?

If you already know a little about the Internet sales market, you have probably already heard about the course promoted by Ignição Digital by Erico Rocha.

If you haven’t come across these names yet or don’t know exactly how the course works, we’ll show you below:

  • What is Launch Formula,
  • The story of its creation;
  • What to expect from the content;
  • To whom is the method recommended;
  • If it really works.

What is Launch Formula?

Launch Formula, often called just FL, is an online training that helps the entrepreneur to bill a large sum in a short period of time, generally up to more than USD 25 thousand in a week.

In the jargon of the medium: make a 6 in 7 (6 figures in 7 consecutive days).

The idea is to create a whole strategy to bring, in a very short time, much more significant results than the traditional method of constant sales, distributed throughout the entire year.

Thus, the coveted “6 in 7” is achieved seasonally, with some Producers making only 2 releases a year. These sales remain available for a limited period.

The goal is to launch, invoice a high value (relative to months of work) and, in a short time, close the cart, that is, close the sales.

Obviously, there is a lot of preparation prior to these stages and, furthermore, if the product in question is not good, the results will hardly come.

The figure behind this method is Erico Rocha, a businessman who abandoned a successful career in a European investment bank to become one of the biggest Digital Marketing specialists in Brazil.

He was responsible for bringing and adapting the methodology created by to our country.

Jeff is a leader in Internet Marketing in the US, author of the best-selling Launch and the original version of the course, the Product Launch Formula. Markets from various segments and celebrities such as Tony Robbins have already used the method successfully.

How did Erico Rocha create the course?

Despite never having been a programming lover, Erico graduated in Computer Science.

At the end of the course, he got an internship at a bank in Germany, with which he took the opportunity to move away from his initial training area, getting more and more involved in performing numerical analysis in the financial market.

Later, he moved to London, where he came to hold prestigious positions and high salaries.

Despite his professional success, Erico did not feel fulfilled in his career and, at one point, he had a personal crisis. As a consequence, he asked his boss to resign, he repented the next day, but it was too late.

So, together with his wife, he was forced to take 3 months of vacation to try to relax. But the entrepreneurial impetus did not let him rest and he decided to use that period to unleash his passion for him, committing himself to developing some type of business within the stipulated period.

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It was then that Erico returned to Brazil, joined his brother, Hugo Rocha, and together they began to work on a website dedicated to investors in the profitable real estate auction market, concentrating valuable information in a private system, something unprecedented until then.

Despite having created a unique and very useful platform, the venture was a failure and both sold very few subscriptions.

With enormous frustration, the duo realized that having a great product in a profitable market, even at a great time, was not enough. It is necessary that this product actually reaches the public and also convince them that the purchase is really worth the investment.

The experience led Erico to travel to the US in search of more sales knowledge. And in that process he met Jeff Walker and his methodology.

Thus was born the adaptation that became the Launch Formula course.

What will you find in the FL course?

The course is divided into online modules that range from fundamentals to more advanced content on:

In other words, content that teaches how to create an audience and arouse interest in your product in such a way that, at the time of launch, you have a legion of people extremely willing to make the purchase.

Various bonuses like tool tutorials, webinars, and case studies are also available.

All classes can be accessed through a members area.

In addition to the content itself, the Launch Formula allows access to exclusive communities on social networks aimed at course users.

For many, this is one of the greatest advantages, since various promising connections can be created between participants in these virtual environments.

Having the possibility to share experiences and exchange information is of great value for members of the select groups.

Through the webinars promoted for the students, Erico Rocha also answers several questions from the participants, who can send the questions beforehand.

Since it focuses on launches, this concept is quite scrutinized. Thus, you will learn about variations such as:

  • Internal Launch (for the subscribers themselves);
  • External (with support from Affiliates);
  • Affiliate Release (for third party products);
  • Launch of ecommerce (virtual stores);
  • Lightning (fast promotions) and
  • Perpetual Release (sequences).

There are also the famous Seed and Hyperseed Releases, which are aimed at testing potential claims.

The idea behind a Seed Launch is similar to the purchase of an apartment in the plant: the sale is made without the product being finalized, but the entrepreneur receives the money before creating the product. This tactic allows the Producer to finance his idea through the client itself.

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Despite the tempting of the concept for those who intend to undertake, obviously, it involves risks and controversies.

Launch Formula is not limited to the virtual environment, since the purchase gives you the opportunity to participate in the live event.

Past editions involved more than 3,000 participants, over 3 days, and were attended by the likes of Flávio Augusto, Carlos Wizard, Ricardo Amorim and even Jeff Walker himself.

With so many people together and interested in the same subject, the environment provides diverse contacts and additional learning, this experience being one of the high points for the students.

Who are the recipients of the Launch Formula?

The course is oriented to those who want in a scalable way, mainly digital products related to knowledge and information.

This does not mean that the teaching does not apply to those who work with physical products. But since the idea is to sell a large quantity in a short period of time, using the strategy for physical products can involve a gigantic logistics challenge, which is unfeasible or inefficient.

As we have already said, Formula can be useful even for those who do not yet have a product. Therefore, training can serve to shape a project and build an audience.

For someone who works with physical products, this can be a great way to think about a digital bypass.

For reference, if you had an upholstery, it can be very difficult to apply FL concepts with the sale of the parts. However, the learning can help you think about launching an online course on tapestry production.

If this matter interests you, we recommend ours, so you can learn how to create your digital product from scratch in a month and for free!

An excellent way to find out if the Launch Formula is made for you is to follow the related content that Erico Rocha himself makes available at .

You can also participate in a face-to-face Masterclass of the course. These events, with very affordable tickets, take place in several cities and are aimed at those interested in acquiring the complete training.

For more than 8 hours, Erico immerses himself in addressing various concepts of the methodology, transmitting content, clarifying doubts from the audience and presenting success stories.

At the end, participants are presented with a special offer to purchase the entire training.

If we consider that FL is dense (in relation to the amount of content) and high ticket, it is clear that it is not for the curious. It is an investment for those who want to study thoroughly and act seriously.

Does it really work?

Launch Formula aims to organize an infinity of concepts and learning in a clear and objective way and in fact it succeeds.

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The language and the didactics are direct and the subject is treated in a fairly complete way.

The simple way in which Erico presents the content does not mean that it will be easy to apply the transmitted techniques.

People have different skills and each business has its own peculiarities. In this way, perhaps the Launch Formula is not the ideal method for you, due to the type of work and commitment that it requires.

In some cases, a significant investment in ads may be required for the tactic to work well and faster.

It is also worth mentioning that billing a high amount in a short period of time does not necessarily mean working less.

The sale is only the “harvest” of the work of long months (sometimes the whole year), which in this analogy with agriculture implies:

  • Select the seeds;
  • Plow the land;
  • Carpir;
  • Pay;
  • control pests;
  • Irrigate;
  • minimize erosion;
  • deal with the weather;
  • Think about storage logistics;
  • transportation strategies;
  • Manage and train employees, etc.

All carried out, often facing overwhelming sun and insect bites in the process. In short, you have to work a lot and hard, all the time, before the big harvest.

Another important point is to be careful enough and avoid third party billing enchantment. Such comparisons often misrepresent reality and reveal much less impressive results.

When talking about billing, we must always think of return on investment, the famous one.

Expenses for production, ads, traffic purchases, tools, services, taxes and commissions lead to a much more modest return, mainly after dividing it by several months (so that you have a more realistic notion of the profit in relation to the time total work).

If later it would have to be divided between partners or larger teams, the final net value is even lower.

Also, as in any area of ​​life, success can take time and require multiple attempts.

Many entrepreneurs make several launches before obtaining a satisfactory result. Jeff Walker himself took years to achieve professional success, accumulating, throughout the process, a lot of knowledge and experience to create a product that actually delivers value.

You can learn a little more about his story in this interview conducted by Erico himself:

These points bring us back to a very important prerequisite: your product has to be great for the target audience. Nope…

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