What is ? The history of the largest online course platform

There are many years of stories and challenges and above all a lot of learning, both for us and for all those who accompany us and we believe that to answer the question “What is ?”, it is necessary to take a brief historical tour. Let’s go?

The platform started as a startup in 2011 and brought an innovative solution to a market that was just taking its first steps: the creation and sale of digital products.

The union of two friends and the passion for was the starting point to create what is known today as one of the 50 largest online education companies in the world.

A company that is proud of its Brazilian roots, but is not afraid to go out and conquer the world.

VIDEO | 10 years | passion changes everything

goes far beyond the tools and solutions it offers, it is a company that is built every day based on its pillars and mantras.

We write this post not only to celebrate ‘s 10 years, but also to show you why these years have been a great source of pride for those who are part of our ecosystem.

What is ?

is a global technology and education companyleader in digital products and focused on Creator Economy (Economics of Content Creators).

It is headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with offices in Brazil, the United States, Spain, Colombia, Mexico, the United Kingdom and France. and has more than 1300 collaborators.

We offer complete solutions to Producers, Affiliates and students. We have more than 420 thousand products registered on our platform, a number of users that exceeds 29 million and sales made in 188 countries..

Our great mission is to make it possible for more people to live what they love, sharing their knowledge and helping to train others. In the end, we believe that learning changes everything.

We do this by offering tools and solutions that help host, promote and sell digital products, so that anyone can create and take their business to the Internet.

In short, works as follows:

  1. A person () take your knowledge in a certain area, which can be your job or a hobby, and create a digital product to share everything you know with the world.
  2. The Producer has various tools to be able to publicize its product on the Internet and can count on the help of third parties to do so, the .
  3. The student has an exclusive members area to access their courses from wherever and whenever they want, with comfort and security.
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Any natural or legal person, over 18 years of age, can register and start their digital business, either by creating their own product or by affiliating with other Producers.

How it all started?

Officially, was launched in 2011 by João Pedro Resende and Mateus Bicalho, who met in college and worked together at MobWorks, a company created in 2004 to develop applications for mobile phones.

As you can imagine, it was not easy to carry this idea forward for a long time at that time. But mistakes help build successful days.

In 2006, when MobWorks closed its doors, JP and Mateus went their separate ways.

The idea of ​​a platform that allows the commercialization of digital products arose in 2007, when JP on paid traffic. However, he did not find any channel or tool to help him get this material to potential buyers.

And if that channel did not exist, why not create it? Once again, the friends got together, this time in 2010, to start programming the platform.

As of February 2011, the company had made approximately $30, enough for both of them to see great potential in the business and to dedicate themselves exclusively to it.

From Brazil to the world!

With the growth in demand for digital products, began to conquer the national market. This same demand existed abroad, which led the two friends to explore other borders and open international offices.

But, to grow and expand throughout the world, it is necessary to have solid foundations.

Our pillars

If there is something that distinguishes us and defines the essence of what is they are our mantras and pillars, which guide our culture every day.

The pillars help foster creativity, to deliver the necessary solutions for market growth and attract talent to help in this growth. They also reinforce that we can be whoever we want in the company.

That’s why we take very seriously our three pillars:


Autonomy means that each person who is part of the company has the power to decide how to carry out their work, solve problems and implement new ideas, focused on always delivering the best possible results.

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This independence does not mean having to work and do everything on your own, in the end, unity is strength!


Freedom within means that our Troopers (as we call our collaborators) can choose how to organize their hours and workplace, as well as having the flexibility to decide where to meet, study, rest and how they want to work.

Freedom also means that these decisions must be made responsibly, after all, “with great powers comes great responsibilities”.

Sees it

Our Love pillar (love) reinforces not only the care of the company, but also with those around us, whether they are our work colleagues, customers or suppliers.

It is the care in the details, offering a healthy and harmonious environment for the Troopers, the concern of knowing that everyone is well and protected, as if we were a family in the work group, giving the opportunity for personal and professional growth.

It is something that manifests itself in the most diverse ways within , knowing that we impact millions of people every day and we understand this enormous responsibility.

How can you learn more with us?

also cares a lot about passing on its knowledge of the digital marketplace. For this reason, to understand what is, we also invite you to visit some of our courses totally free. Come learn with us!


It is the ideal course for those who want to start in the digital market as Producers or Affiliates.

Divided into two seasons, it contains the best ideas to create a product and marketing strategies, sales, metrics and results analysis. It is ideal for those who have just started and want to better understand how the digital market works.

30 Day Challenge

Do you want to share your knowledge and teach other people? It’s time to do the .

In this course, you will learn in just 1 month how to create your first digital product from scratch. There are various video classes, in addition to complementary materials for you to study for free.

First Sale Challenge

If you already have a product ready or want to be an Affiliate, this is the time to learn how to sell it. The teaches you, step by step, how to create an organic sales strategy and .

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There are only 4 classes and the course has a total of 30 minutes. The classes are fast and teach you to get down to work.

Teacher Online Mini Course.

Are you a teacher and want to adapt your classes to the virtual world? So he is for you.

There are just 5 classes, with which you will learn how to take all your knowledge to digital, without leaving your home.

transform your business

It is a different project from those mentioned above, but it will also help you transform your physical business into a digital one.

Launched in 2020, it aims to teach entrepreneurs how to continue their businesses from home.

There were 5 live classes with specialists, with which the participants learned to plan, create and disseminate content on the Internet.

Registration is closed, but don’t worry, all classes were recorded and .

live webinar

Every week we have that teach you to sell more in less time.

It is your opportunity to be in real-time contact with our specialists, learn a lot and clarify your doubts.

10 years of and we’re going for more…

The evolution of during these 10 years was very important for the growth of the digital market. And the trend is to keep growing more and more!

We work hard every day to provide the solutions necessary for Producers and Affiliates to continue growing their businesses, and to enable more people to easily learn a new skill.

In our story, the most important thing is you. So, if you want to start a business or are looking for a course to learn something new, we have the perfect solution to help you achieve it.

Now that we have told you what istake advantage of the fact that you are here to understand how works, its

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