The education of the future: know the most promising trends

Imagine the following situation:

Ana María is 15 years old and is starting her studies at secondary school. The geography teacher asks the students to do a job to understand the economic situation of the countries of Latin America.

What will be the first tool you think Ana María will use to do the investigation?

It is very likely that you have answered: Internet.

Some years ago, the solution for the development of this work would be to spend hours looking for information in the various books on the subject.

Today, students may also seek information in books, along with content found on the Internet, to do more complete work, a practice well known as hybrid education. But, of course, the Internet has been the first and, perhaps, the main option of most students.

If it is already so natural to understand that the Internet is playing an important role in studies, we cannot fail to notice that people are no longer seeking knowledge only through traditional means and are opting for technological paths.

But what does that really mean?

Anyone who thinks that this type of change occurs only with students who were born in the era after technological transformations is mistaken.

Actually, this is an opportunity for educators to also reinvent themselves, explore new formats and methodologies, with the aim of improving education that, already in the present, shows traits of hybridism.

We are reinventing and changing the world around us. And if we think about the education system, these are the signs of the education of the future.

hybrid education

You already know that the trends of the future of education go through technologies and, with it, the concept of hybrid education arises.

So that you can better understand this term, we are going to give you an example:

Think about banking apps. Today, it is possible to carry out many transactions through the internet, but to carry out others, it is necessary to be physically present at the bank branch. That is, both options exist and both work well together.

Hybridism occurs in the same way for the education system. It is traditional teaching constantly talking and using technologies to improve the way knowledge is transmitted and acquired.

We cannot assume that the current generation of students, who already have access to the entire digital age, can just sit at their desks and listen to what the teacher has to teach.

This is still important, but the figure of the teacher needs to adapt more and more to act in the mediation of knowledge, inviting students to use technologies as a form of learning, contributing to the education of the future.

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That is why, despite the fact that many people still believe that technology distances students from studies and can even hinder studies, it is already known that this is not a reality.

The virtual world includes another way of communicating, which does not annul what is personal and which must continue to exist in the classroom environment.

But don’t think that this happens only in the classroom.

Companies seeking constant improvement of their employees, with the , for example, have invested mainly in online tools.

On the Internet, training courses are offered that offer better results and more motivated employees, which is also part of the technological revolution that constitutes the education of the future.

Tools and technologies

As you may have noticed, the education of the future involves a number of factors ranging from the use of computers to conduct school surveys to the creation and use of online courses to share knowledge.

However, it is not just searches on research sites that make up hybrid education. The tools that help this type of teaching go much further.

There are some predictions that show what are the options of companies and institutions when thinking about the future of education, and they include:

  • Machine Learning: personalized learning tracks available on the Internet.
  • Gamification: games that are experiences for company employees and students at educational institutions.
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality – Increases engagement as the user has the real-life experience through the virtual world.
  • Practical and collaborative learning: it goes beyond the relationship between the instructor and the student, focusing on interaction.
  • Behavior-oriented learning: the most important thing will not be the titles obtained, but the relationship.

Little by little we realize that the education of the future is closely related to technology. Thus, the greatest trend in the coming years is in artificial intelligence, that is, the use of human intelligence mediated by software.

Online education vs. offline education

To get an idea of ​​the expansion of forms of knowledge, we are going to present some data regarding the growth of the in Latin America.

According to a study by , distance education, or the face-to-face modalities of higher education, have already become a new important reality in the higher education landscape in the region and whose rates of increase have reached 30% year-on-year. they are much higher than the historical expansion rates of traditional face-to-face education, both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Among the reasons are:

  • the economy;
  • ease and agility;
  • the possibility of interaction with teachers, which contributes to learning.
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Thanks to the importance and space that distance education has been gaining over traditional education, it is practically impossible not to believe that the education of the future is linked to the use of technology.

Therefore, knowing that technologies are trends in education, we are going to present some characteristics dealing with the main advantages and disadvantages of each model: online and offline.

online education


  • Combine studies with other activities;
  • Choose the study schedule;
  • Being able to use mobile devices without having to move;
  • Study at home;
  • Participate in forums with classmates and teachers to discuss and answer questions;
  • Pause content or watch again to better understand;
  • It costs less, in general;
  • There is an equality between the diplomas and certificates awarded in distance or face-to-face courses.


  • Not having physical contact with classmates and teachers;
  • Difficulty in achieving the necessary discipline to comply with schedules, tasks and learning, without the supervision of the teacher;
  • Having greater difficulty concentrating because you are at home.

offline education


  • Share experiences in person, build friendships;
  • Experience direct contact with the teacher;
  • Being able to form study groups;
  • Obtain good results in terms of organization, since there are predefined schedules;
  • Enjoy a traditionally known teaching modality.


  • Lack of schedule flexibility;
  • Displacement;
  • Parallel conversations throughout the study;
  • Impossibility of attending the same explanation again as many times as desired;
  • The monthly payments are usually higher.

As you can see, in both modalities there are advantages and disadvantages.

Why, then, not combine the two forms of teaching and, based on that, contribute to the education of the future, which is hybrid education?

Uniting online and offline modalities is a way to arouse more attention from students in the classroom and employers in a company, for example.

That is why if you are a teacher and you want to be always up-to-date in terms of educational trends, you should seek to unite these two forms of teaching-learning.

Do you want to know more about online courses and the distance education market? Do not miss the advice of our Tips:

Main trends for the coming years

Now that you have an overview of the education of the future, we are going to talk a little more about each of the teaching-learning trends that are already prominent and that are highly sought after.

Discover them!

1. Virtual reality

The use of tablets, interactive whiteboards and computers is part of the transformation process for the education of the future.

One of the ways to use virtual reality in the classroom, for example, is by doing field research, that is, walks and trips that are related to the content taught. Imagine, it is already possible to visit important museums or historic cities in other countries with virtual reality.

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Of course physically traveling somewhere would provide a broader experience, but it’s not always feasible. Therefore, the option becomes to use virtual reality to enable this experience for all students.

Nowadays, there are already special glasses that allow this experience and it is even possible to use the tool.

2. Artificial intelligence

According to Tecmundo, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that aims to develop devices that simulate the human ability to reason, perceive, make decisions and solve problems. In short, it is the ability to give intelligence to something that is not a person.

Many people think of AI only for the future, with robots capable of acting and thinking like humans. However, today there are already applications of AI in our daily lives.

Email, for example, is able to recognize what it is and send it to the trash.

Our smartphones can do searches and research just by recognizing our voice, and the answers come through virtual assistants.

Why not use tools like this to make the class more dynamic?

3. Education focused on student skills

In a classroom, there are certainly students who prefer different activities. Some identify more with virtual reality, while others like videos and others prefer to deal with the earth.

The education of the future anticipates that the focus will be on the abilities of each individual.

Thus, at the beginning of the year, students respond to surveys and, divided into groups, will have classes aimed at their preferences.

But, not for that, stop having some content. Those who like dance, for example, will be able to have math classes with examples of dance, for example, and so on.

Games (gamma) also enter this process, and can be used as a form of evaluation.

This goes to meet the multidisciplinary teaching, which can be used during graduation, with knowledge exchanges in the most different courses and topics.

4. Collaborative learning

Collaborative learning is a teaching methodology that is based on the interaction, collaboration and active participation of students.

It can be developed with workshops, talks, training and courses.

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