What is turnover and how to reduce turnover in your company?

If you have a business and hired other people to work with you, you need to know what turnover is to prevent it from being frequent in your company.

Also known as staff turnover, turnover has become one of the most important in cases where the function performed is related to the technological area.

Both the shortage of qualified labor and the offers for renowned professionals in the market make this rotation frequent in the corporate environment. However, this instability is not beneficial for the company.

One of the reasons is that future candidates may have a certain fear of being part of the team. In the end, they may get the impression that they won’t be long in the employee cadre.

The company can also be marked by this characteristic, and attract candidates who do not stay long in the same place, which ends up perpetuating this cycle.

In addition, a high turnover rate will require much more training and actions that bring the employee closer to the company’s philosophy.

For this reason, in order to minimize turnover and contribute to improving the productivity of your company, we have separated 7 practical suggestions that you can start applying right now:

What is turnover?

The word turnover is currently widely used in companies, more specifically in the area of ​​human resources, and as already said, it refers to the level of turnover of the organization’s employees.

In many cases, a high turnover rate can be among the factors that directly affect the quality and productivity of a given company.

This has always been an important issue for entrepreneurs, since having a skilled workforce for many years, for example, means having more committed employees who know their business well.

And believe us, having people who have worked with you for many years directly interferes with the ability to attract new professionals.

A company can be seen as a good work environment if its employees clearly perceive the opportunities for growth and if they see, by the example of others who already work there, the possibility of a longer career.

Therefore, knowing how to minimize the impacts of turnover is vital for the health of a business, regardless of its industry.

Why do you need to decrease turnover?

Everyone knows how difficult it is to attract, keep and specialize good employees.

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He also knows that this complex equation is fundamental to the success of his business, since building a good team requires time and resources.

A high level of turnover leads to another big problem: the extreme difficulty of delegating more specific tasks, which require more knowledge about the internal processes of your company.

With high turnover, a lot of time is wasted on properly teaching and qualifying new employees, thus creating an endless cycle of training.

It is essential to reduce turnover also as a matter of market strategy.

After all, if the company is stigmatized by high turnover, it will pass on a negative image and can only be seen as a springboard for other companies.

7 suggestions to reduce turnover

Now that you have understood what turnover is, we will show you 7 quick and efficient suggestions to help entrepreneurs and those responsible for hiring employees to reduce staff turnover in the corporate environment.

Of course, each company works in a different way. Therefore, think that these suggestions can and should be appropriate to the reality of your business.

Meanwhile, whatever your area of ​​activity, some guidelines are basic to improve communication and internal processes in companies.

Knowing this, examine the suggestions we separated:

1. Offer constant feedback

An efficient way to reduce turnover is an old friend: dialogue. This means establishing frequent dynamics in which employees can receive clear and precise feedback on the successes and the necessary improvements.

Closely observing the professional development of the people who work with you creates a productive and mutual growth bond, since it shows the employee that you care about the path he is taking in your company.

2. Ask for feedback

Learning to listen to your team is essential to establish an effective communication channel, after all, this dialogue has to be two-way.

Listening carefully to what the employee thinks allows evaluating new points of view and improving processes.

In addition, the employee who has an active voice in the professional environment feels valued and important. He perceives that he is effectively part of the enterprise and the tendency is for the results to be more positive.

3. Do weather surveys

The excess of commitments and responsibility, many times makes the entrepreneur isolate himself and does not perceive that of his organization.

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With that, employee dissatisfactions are likely to go unnoticed as well.

This distancing effectively collaborates for a high degree of turnover in the company, since the existing problems do not reach the person in charge of the organization.

The solution to this problem involves the use of mechanisms that allow measuring how the work environment is, such as surveys, anonymous suggestion boxes and other methods for people to say what it is like to work in your company.

It is very important to closely observe and monitor what employees think and say about the company, and to make corrections quickly as well.

But be careful not to turn that activity into surveillance, as that can discourage people from saying what they feel.

What you need to do here is a constant evaluation of the work environment itself and not of the people.

4. Talk to the leaders

In the work environment, it is natural that they arise in certain sectors, whether established hierarchically or based on the personality of certain employees.

These leaders function as catalysts for the company climate. Therefore, talking with these representatives makes it easier to understand the general vision of your business in its most varied sectors.

This close relationship also allows these professionals to be valued and the team spirit to be consolidated, which is essential for reducing turnover.

5. Offer adequate remuneration

Although it seems obvious, one of the main reasons for turnover in companies is still the question of remuneration. In the end, every employee takes into account his salary, benefits and employment rights.

In order to offer adequate remuneration, it is essential that you pay attention to the market and its constant variations.

Offering a clear career plan and indicating growth possibilities also helps reduce turnover in the corporate environment.

6. Acknowledge good deeds

Recognition is still one of the elements that give the most

In addition to remuneration and a healthy environment, it is very important to stimulate recognition in the work environment.

There are many ways to recognize good practices, such as bonuses, salary increases, promotion or promotion, collective recognition programs, extra breaks, among others.

This prominence must be encouraged in a healthy way in order to promote competitiveness among employees, always aiming at improving collective results.

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7. Contributes to personal development

So far you’ve seen some simple tips that can prevent churn from compromising your business results.

But, in addition to the professional aspect, it is also important to think about the personal development of your team, that is, seeing the employee not only as the one who performs tasks for the success of your business, but mainly as a human being.

Showing that you care about the well-being of your family, health, and employees in general also helps build a more positive work environment.

In the same way, promoting sports and entertainment activities also contributes to the organization and, consequently, adds benefits to the work environment.

Large corporations have already perceived the advantages of these dynamics that, in certain cases, even involve changing the physical configuration of the company.

It is increasingly common to find rest and game rooms in the work environment, training and courses not related to the company’s area of ​​action, in addition to a series of other dynamics that improve the environment.

Of course, as we said, that depends on the structure of your company and how you can adapt these activities to leave the work environment better for those who are with you.

Remember that no one knows your business better than you!

The truth is that the answers to reduce turnover once and for all lie in a clear analysis and in the creative use of solutions that make the company increasingly interesting for employees, whether they are hired or those who will be part of the team in the future. future.

But keep in mind that providing and encouraging the development of your team members is, without a doubt, a great differential.

If you liked this suggestion and want to know more about how to help in the personal development of your employees, we have prepared an exclusive material with

Until next time!

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