Erico Rocha: find out who this Brazilian entrepreneur is!

Every time a new class of “Launch Formula” is opened, everything in the community of Producers, Affiliates and professionals who depend on any degree of knowledge in . And it is not for less, after all, we are talking about Erico Rocha!

In this post you will better understand how Erico Rocha began his journey in the digital market. But, more important than this, you will get some special tips from behind the Launch Formula.

Erico Rocha has already made several releases using the formula created by and has a lot to share with us. Find out!

Who is Eric Rocha?

Erico Rocha is Brazilian, computer specialist. He spent a period of his life working in systems development, especially in investment banks.

Even if you don’t understand everything about technology, you surely know that this is a highly sought after market for those who want to have good jobs and never stop. If you think mainly of development and investments, you know that these are highly sought after positions as they are considered more and more necessary for various companies.

However, despite working with something that can be considered stable, Erico Rocha has never stagnated.

Deep down, Erico knew he needed to do something different and not only be financially independent, which many were looking for, but also allow him to live other dreams, such as the freedom to spend more time with the people he loves.

According to Erico Rocha, he always felt the desire to be an entrepreneur, but since he had never achieved it, he dedicated himself to building a career in an investment bank, more specifically in London, where he worked.

For many, that was even a dream: to work in another country and with something highly profitable. But for Erico, it wasn’t enough.

How did Erico Rocha start?

After a while working every day from 7 in the morning to 7 at night with the rates of public debt in London, something that, for Erico Rocha, did not make sense, he decided to take a risk and undertake.

At first he started investing in real estate, something that is still very common in Brazil. For Erico Rocha, buying real estate, waiting for the price to rise and selling it later was the best opportunity at that time.

Despite the success of buying real estate and the effort to become the best possible investor, with the crisis in Europe, the dream he had of retiring with the income generated in this type of investment fell apart.

However, as the boom in the Brazilian real estate market was just beginning, Erico Rocha saw an opportunity in that niche and decided to enter the country with his expertise.

He noticed that there was a big gap, mainly in what refers to the auctions of Brazilian real estate. For this reason, he wanted to found his company entirely online: ProLeilões (ProSubastas), which basically gathered all the information about real estate auctions in Brazil on a single website and sold subscriptions so that people had access to that data.

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But, with the launch of his site, Erico Rocha did not achieve the success he expected.

The truth is that he was unable to sell any subscriptions, and that made him understand something that was very important in his career: he discovered that he did not know how to do .

How did Erico Rocha change the idea of ​​entrepreneurship?

Not content with the failure of his auction site, Erico Rocha looked to .

This aroused in him a thirst for knowledge, which led him to the United States to study more.

There, he learned stories of people who managed to bill 1 million dollars in 24 hours, which made him want to put this strategy into operation in Brazil as well.

So, Erico Rocha specialized in ways to make marketing campaigns capable of creating such a great moment for his business that it aroused in people a desire to anticipate and desire to buy, better known as a launch.

After much study, Erico Rocha applied the techniques of that launch in some of his companies. In 2013, he reached his first 500 thousand dollars in turnover in 24 hours with a.

And it was mainly due to that turnover that in Brazil, and later in all of Latin America, began to gain strength.

After seeing someone who made such a high profit in such a short time, other entrepreneurs and people with the desire to achieve something new realized that the digital market was a real option.

The 2 main mistakes to avoid

Despite all the success of Erico Rocha, it is not an easy thing.

Even if there is a path and some rules to follow, it is necessary to put effort and dedication into the process behind a great product marketing campaign.

Like everything in life, entrepreneurs must face different challenges and, along the way, you may make some mistakes.

Next, look at 2 mistakes that Erico Rocha warned us about as the main ones that should be avoided:

1. Not applying all the steps of the release

According to Erico Rocha, the launch is like a Formula 1 race and there are steps that you cannot skip, such as changing the tire and refueling.

In the launch, there is a stage that refers to the , the W effect: if you do a live broadcast in the middle of the launch, in theory, if you invoiced X on the first day, after the webinar you will manage to invoice another X .

The webinar is as if it were the moment of the Formula 1 pit stop, essential to prepare the launch for the battlefield, that is, the sales of the product.

However, despite teaching this strategy, in one of his launches, Erico Rocha skipped that part and didn’t do a webinar, which probably cost him a third of his sales.

What did Erico learn after that mistake?

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That even though you design your entire strategy expecting a result, no plan survives the battlefield if you don’t follow all the steps of your strategy. And as much as you have a plan, when dealing with the real world, the results can be different.

2. Not focusing on customer transformation

A big mistake made by several digital entrepreneurs is to focus the launch of a product only on the content they teach, that is, on what they know.

For example:

If you have a weight loss product and during the launch you only talk about weight loss techniques that you can teach, just to show buyers that you have content to offer.

But the focus should be on the transformation that product will bring to whoever buys it.

Continuing with the example of the slimming product, nobody wants to buy a product to make abs. On the contrary, the goal is to buy a product to have a muscular body. In other words, you don’t have to show how the person is going to lose weight, but rather the final result that they will have.

Anticipate the result to your potential customers so that they are sure that what your product promises to do, really delivers those results. Show the actual results instead of just talking about the features of your product.

The more extraordinary results your clients have, the more your business will grow (Erico Rocha at FIRE 2017)

3 tips from Erico Rocha for those who are starting now

Thinking of someone who is at point zero, now starting their career as a digital entrepreneur, Erico Rocha suggests 3 tips:

1. Make an email list

Even if you don’t have a product yet, it’s very important. This makes your launch more impactful.

And how can you do that?

Choose a niche to act in and start connecting with people in this area.

on the topic that you will address in your product and create a field for capturing emails on your pages. In return, offer a reward of real value to everyone who leaves their contact details on your site.

Without an email list, the digital entrepreneur cannot do anything.

The list does not have to be very large. The important thing is that you have people who are really your potential customers.

2. Create a relationship with your list

It is useless to have a list with several contacts if you do not nurture the relationship between your business and the people interested in it.

Therefore, send them more rich materials.

Gradually people on your list will tell if what you’ve sent them is enough to keep them interested and you’ll also notice this as people sign up or unsubscribe from your emails.

By nurturing the people on your email list with interesting information, when you launch the product, they will already be prepared to buy what you offer them.

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For Erico Rocha, the successful launch is one that already exists before it happens.

3. Use mental triggers

Have you noticed how we automatically perform some actions on a daily basis?

For example: you don’t need to think to get up, or walk out. This simply happens when you need to get up and walk around.

Our brain is programmed to perform some actions automatically. Thus, we managed to concentrate more on other activities that require more complex solutions.

The same thing happens when we make a purchase decision. Our brain makes us choose between various products available in a market, and it is in this context that they enter.

These triggers are strategies that you can use to persuade your audience and thereby make them know that whenever they need a solution to a certain problem, they will look for your product without a second thought.

And how do you do it?

Delivering suitable content to your leads in order to become an authority in your area of ​​action.

These are three fundamental tips for those who are just starting out. But, in addition to them, Erico Rocha also shared how his business took off from scratch, in 2013, and reached a turnover of 32 million reais per year in a space of 4 to 5 years.

In the following video, Erico leaves us his main business tips. Don’t miss them. It is delicious!

Get started!

As you must have noticed, Erico Rocha was a person who decided to take risks in a new market and who, like everyone else, surely made some mistakes, but that did not discourage him. On the contrary, out of his difficulties, he further refined and improved the methods he already knew.

Thinking back to when you started digitally and today, it’s easy to see that the market is much more prepared now. After all, many people have already started something new and improved to get to the point where we are currently at as far as I know.

For this reason, some people believe that there is not enough space for all those who want to start an online business. But you must have already noticed that if you really have something that makes a difference in other people’s lives and dedicate yourself to it, success can be achieved.

So what are you waiting for to start?

If you want to start a business, but you still don’t know what the initial steps to take are, you don’t have to worry. We created a free course that teaches you step by step how to create your own digital product.

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