What are the best-selling courses at ? meet them

“I want to sell online courses, but I would like to know first which ones have the most sales.” If you also want to discover which are the best-selling courses on , we have good news: we have created a video that deals precisely with this topic.

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VIDEO | 7 best-selling product categories at | Tips

1. Gastronomy

One of the main categories of best-selling courses at is gastronomy, these courses are having more and more success, because within this niche there are thousands of possibilities: confectionery classes, light and diet cooking, vegan and vegetarian food, cuisine from different countries, cocktails and much more.

In addition, this type of training attracts different types of people, because the public can be made up of gastronomy professionals or people who cook as a hobby.

2. Health and sports

The cult of the body and health has been intensifying more and more in recent years. According to the sports industry as a whole accounts for 1% of GDP in Spain.

Added to this is the world of fitness and food supplements.

Realizing this opportunity, health and physical education professionals began to bring content to the digital medium. And they were very well accepted, since digital materials reduce the cost of purchase for the final consumer.

3. Personal development

The personal development niche aims to develop human potential according to the behavior that each person has.

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It is possible to find online courses to raise self-esteem, improve productivity, and get motivated in the “Personal Development” segment.

4. Marketing and Sales

We are going to comment on one in particular: the and online sales, to be more exact.

Actually these two disciplines. they have the same objective as the traditional ones: to promote and sell a brand or a product. As almost all types of businesses are on the Internet, from small to large stores, many are those who want to learn how to promote their products or brand.

The online courses of , or Instagram are among the best sellers in this field.

However, speech courses, Y They are also highly sought after because, in addition to having a very well thought out marketing and sales strategy, it is also necessary to communicate them properly and convince others of the importance of their implementation.

5. Business and career

The materials in this niche help in professional training for those interested in opening their own business, improving their performance in their current job or starting a new career.

This segment has a high performance among the best-selling courses at due to the search for solutions to increase and diversify income. And also because of the competition in the job market, which makes professionals want to stand out more and more.

The best-selling online courses in this category are those that deal with Digital Marketing, Administration, Accounting, Sales and Crafts.

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6. Spirituality

Online spirituality courses can be connected to topics such as religion, meditation, natural therapies, astrology, and other related topics.

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7. Finance

We all want to be up to date with our invoices, both individuals and companies. And more and more people want to have a healthy relationship with money. We also need to save our money and make this savings multiply.

For this, it is necessary both to plan, save and invest.

Result: online courses in this area are quite successful.

8. Fashion and beauty

The fashion and beauty segment offers thousands of possibilities and is becoming increasingly popular. There are online courses on makeup, hairstyles, image consulting and many others.

9. Programming

“There is a lack of programmers, every year there are 5,000 vacant positions and they are even looking for boys.” This is a 2017 headline from Clarín, an Argentine newspaper. And this is the reality of almost every country in the world in 2020.

Added to this is the fact that the traditional educational system does not have the capacity to qualify so many people. With an enormous possibility of, after training, getting a job, programming becomes quite attractive, making the courses for programmers among the best sellers on all Ead platforms.

10. Data Science

As Peter Sondergaard said “Information is the fuel of the 21st century, and data analytics is the combustion engine”.

(English term for Data Science) is an area of ​​study that uses scientific methods to obtain insights from existing data and support decision-making.

Companies use these techniques to make decisions that help expand their businesses and the demand for this professional is great. What makes the search for online training courses essentially practical and oriented to the labor market is high.

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11. Design

This is a very broad field, with many branches and possibilities for action. In the digital field, the graphic designer is still a highly demanded professional, since the concern with everything related to the image is important.

The best-selling courses at in this category are Photoshop and Illustrator.

12. Music

“As it is good to be able to play an instrument” says a song. Music is a universal language and we are encouraged to appreciate it from childhood. Singing or playing guitar, it doesn’t matter. It is almost impossible to find someone who would not want to learn something related to music.

And you? Which course do you want to do? Or maybe you are interested in creating your own!

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I hope you liked the video.


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