Types of ads on Facebook: which is the best for your business?

Facebook is one of the main tools for those who want to work with digital marketing in their business. With over 2 billion users, it’s a great channel to advertise products and services, but to take advantage of it you’ll first need to understand the types of ads on Facebook.

Therefore, Knowing how to advertise on Facebook is the easiest way to boost your brand’s sales.

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This platform is still one of the most used in the country and around the world.

according to the website In 2020, Mexico had approximately 92 million users on Facebook, Colombia, 35 million, and Argentina, almost 34 million.

With the mobile market constantly growing, you need to master the techniques to. With that in mind, we have gathered here the possibilities that exist to advertise on Facebook and increase your sales.

Types of ads on Facebook

In order for you to choose the best Facebook ad for your business, you must understand what each of the options available on the platform is for.

Video Ads

Videos are one of the main contents of current digital marketing and using them in favor of your business is essential to make good ads on Facebook.

It helps in the marketing strategy of those who have the objective of selling or disseminating something in a simpler way. Ultimately, the they tend to have more commercial appeal and attract more people’s attention.

You can use videos to publicize the or disclose physical material, for example. There are many possibilities.

Check out this ad we posted on ‘s Facebook page:

ads on iimage

One of the most popular types of Facebook ads are image ads. Since they are easier to configure, they become the gateway for those who are just starting to get acquainted with the Ads Manager page.

To be successful and avoid penalties, you must choose some that are within the parameters of this social network.

If you want to know if your image is within the requirements of Facebook, you just have to and run a test.

Another important aspect is to have a persuasive text, that is, to use a technique called . Your text has to be able to draw the user’s attention to the point of taking him to your page.

Even image ads are often the most democratic. They serve to advertise physical products, services and. Use your creativity!

Take a look at this example we posted on our Facebook page:

Ads for collection

Collection ads are ideal formats for those who want to advertise products or services specifically for the .

A collection ad makes it possible to bring images and videos together in one place, creating a full-screen experience capable of generating more engagement and fostering the interest and attention of the user. to stay in the ad.

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It can be used for both local and online businesses. The important thing in this type of Facebook ad is to have a specific strategy to use the collection correctly and not cause a negative experience.

ads por sequence or carousel

This may be the favorite ad for entrepreneurs who have multiple products to sell online.

This format allows you to advertise up to 10 products or services at once, modifying the name and value of the product, for example. This makes the much easier by visualizing everything you are willing to offer.

In fact, this Facebook ad format is often very popular in some market, such as clothing and food.

Another possibility is to use this type of ad to show a panoramic image.

e adsinstant experience

The instant experience ad is another advertising model totally aimed at the mobile market.

With it, you can create different types of ads on Facebook using the catalog of photos and the details of your existing products. The big difference is that, because it’s optimized, the instant experience directs your ads to an audience more likely to consume them.

Purpose of ads on Facebook

Well, now that you know the types of ads on Facebook, it is important that you know that not all of them have the same objective. Next we are going to show you some of the purposes that you can achieve by advertising on this social network.

Lead Generation Ads

With the concern of businesses to obtain more and more To intensify your marketing strategies, Facebook allows you to meet this specific demand.

This strategy works as a landing page, but within the social network. Therefore, structure your campaign thinking as if it were a capture page. Think of an eye-catching text, a strategic image, and most importantly, ask the right questions to attract valuable leads.


Facebook ads for the purpose of making offers, on the other hand, are aimed at entrepreneurs who want to make .

When users see your ad on their walls, they can save it, like it, or comment on the post.

Post Engagement

Ads on Facebook with the aim of generating with publishing they basically do what their name suggests. They are recommended for those looking to increase brand awareness and drive more audience engagement with their content.

This option is interesting for those who want to make the Facebook page or of your brand gain visibility. For those who want to sell directly, this may not be the most recommended option.

Participation in events

These ads are ideal for attracting your audience to a specific location, whether physical or digital. It is the easiest way to interact with people and build a around a single goal.

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In this way, it is easier to get participants for the launch of a new product, workshop or face-to-face course.

“Like” on Page

Ads on Facebook with the aim of generating “likes” on the page are intended for people who want to increase the reach of the fanpage

Although they are efficient at first, it is necessary to filter the public that will see this content very carefully. Thus, you ensure that new fans are really interested in your solutions and have real opportunities to become buyers.

How to choose the best type of Facebook ad for your business?

To be successful with the various types of ads on Facebook, rather than start producing the materials for advertising, it is necessary to analyze your as a whole and know what type of content is the most suitable for each moment.

Although we have already suggested some options, we have separated some tips so that you do not make mistakes when creating your ad campaign.

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1. Set the objective of your campaign

Before deciding what is right or wrong for your business, you need to consider what your campaign goal is and then choose the ideal type of Facebook ad.

Therefore, be clear about the result you want to achieve by advertising on this social network.

Sales? Increased lead base? recognition and Of the brand?

All these details make a difference when it comes to structuring a successful campaign. You can create campaigns focused on:

  • conversions
  • Traffic
  • Messages
  • video views
  • Sale in the catalog
  • Application installations
  • Brand recognition
  • Scope
  • Traffic for the establishment
  • Log generation
  • Engagement

2. List the possible types of Facebook ads you can use

Many of the types of Facebook ads that we mention in this article can be used simultaneously. But if you’re new to Facebook Ads Manager, it’s best to focus on one strategy at a time.

At this early stage, video, image, carousel, and collection campaigns are usually the easiest.

However, do not limit yourself to our suggestions. Do tests and discover all the functionalities.

3. Narrow down your options

If this is your first time using the ads tool, go slowly. Start by using only one type of Facebook ad at a time.

When you have reached your goal, start creating your next campaign putting into practice everything you have learned from the previous one.

And remember that most of the time, when the number of ad options is smaller, it is easier to achieve the expected results.

4. Write the copy and create the images

One of the great secrets of those who seek success by advertising on Facebook has to do with the content of the advertising. Therefore, having good images and compelling text is essential in this process.

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The text, in addition to being persuasive, must show truth and awaken the desire to buy in those who read it. While the image, in addition to following all Facebook parameters, has to be beautiful, objective and with clear information.

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5. Use different ads for campaigns with different goals

As we have already mentioned, the great advantage of working with Facebook is being able to use the different ad options it offers. If you’re past the initial phase, it’s time to start testing other campaigns and goals.

From time to time, some campaigns lose steam within this social network, even though they may have performed well until the day before.

This happens because the algorithm understands that the ad is getting “old” and, in addition to stopping showing its content to people, it makes the value of each click higher.

For this reason, use different types of ads for your new campaigns and always have your objectives very clear.

6. Target your target audience

Remember that the for ads should be thought for your . And know exactly who you are can help you in this process.

Think about the problems your customer is having and how you can solve their situation. Structure your ads consistently with text and images that reflect the message you want to send. That way people are hardly going to ignore them.

7. Pay attention to results

The big secret to making ads on Facebook is to be attentive to the results. For that, you will need to understand a bit more about the and what you should evaluate in order to analyze if your campaign is generating profits or losses.

Know some concepts like ROAS, cost per click and average ticket is essential to analyze what can be improved and what needs to be replicated.

Try different types of ads on Facebook

To decide which ad is best for your business, you need to test, evaluate the results, and understand what’s happening at each stage of the campaign.

Therefore, develop an effective marketing plan, produce good copy and images, segment your ads and have your target audience very well defined. With all this in your hands, it will be much easier to define what type of Facebook ad is the most suitable for each campaign.


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