Corporate education in companies: benefits and implementation

In the midst of a highly competitive scenario, the companies that stand out the most are those that invest in their employees, and corporate education is one of the pillars for this. In the end, well-prepared employees make all the difference in the job market.

In addition to generating more profit for companies, employees who receive training feel more valued, since corporate education contributes to the .

And they also manage to better understand the company’s processes, which helps a lot to create a good organizational climate.

Therefore, more and more companies are concerned with corporate education.

A piece of data that illustrates this is from the EAD Census which, when investigating the free courses offered online in the years 2015/2016, verified that the vast majority were corporate courses, totaling 12,475.

This statistic still shows us a possibility in the corporate education scenario: the search for training online.

For this reason, with the Internet, it is possible to have professionals who have great knowledge on various topics and can collaborate in the construction of knowledge also in relation to companies with agility and low cost.

But, before thinking about training for your employees, you must first have a good understanding of what goals you intend to achieve by implementing corporate education in your business.

For this, it is important that you know your company well, its strengths and weaknesses, that is, you need . By knowing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and possible threats, it is easier to identify what type of training your company needs.

With that in mind, let’s now understand a bit more about corporate education and see how it can be implemented in your business.

What is corporate education?

Corporate education is a way to maintain competitive advantage, inspire learning and thereby also improve the performance of a company’s employees.

It organizes training for employees with the aim of keeping them always up to date with respect to the company’s routines and actions.

From the planning, the focus on the objectives and the selection of techniques, actions are developed with the employees of a company, which can be conferences, courses, meetings, among others.

Most of the time, what was used the most were conferences and meetings during the working day. But, as we already mentioned, with the availability of technology and people’s preference for virtual teaching, other business training formats began to be implemented.

With this, various ways of implementing and offering corporate education in companies were planned, including the use of online platforms, which can be important allies in this process.

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But why implement corporate education in your company?

Now we are going to highlight some of the results achieved with this type of training:

1. Better results

When an employee maintains continuous training within the company where he works, he presents better results in what he does.

Imagine a shoe store that offers workers various training courses throughout the year.

This establishment will surely show better financial results than another store that does not offer business education. In the end, having all the salespeople working in the same way and with the same objectives makes them have a common approach.

But the results of corporate education are not just financial. They are also related to the .

2. Satisfaction

An employee who is satisfied with his work produces more and, as a consequence, generates more results.

One with 30 thousand people from 15 countries points out that motivated people are 50% more productive.

The accounts of this research also conclude that salary reward is not the only way to satisfy workers, but social rewards, sometimes symbolic, end up being more important.

Thus, in addition to corporate education bringing new knowledge, it also motivates the worker, who feels valued by the company and, once satisfied, will have greater productivity.

But, in addition, they tend to want to stay in the companies where they work, building a career within them.

This positively affects the professional and personal journey of the individual, who finds the long-awaited satisfaction in his work.

3. Process optimization

When workers are trained, processes within the company are optimized. This happens because all the roles are well defined and known and, therefore, each employee performs his tasks as a gear.

Do you realize how everything is a cycle?

Satisfaction generates a result that, in turn, optimizes processes, being advantageous for both companies and their employees.

But note the difference between business education and training.

Business education is a continuous process, while training is a one-time thing.

For example:

A telemarketing company conducts a course for new employees, with the theme of good customer service.

It is only a training, since it is an isolated action, carried out with a view to corporate training on a specific topic, at a given time.

On the other hand, if that company adopts a corporate education stance, several planned actions are carried out over the years. They can offer courses on the most diverse topics that help in the construction of knowledge to all those involved in said company.

Now that you know what corporate education is and you know its main advantages, it is time to know what ways to develop it.

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How to implement business education?

The first step to implement corporate education in your company is to define which method you will use.

There are 3 types of training that can be implemented:

1. Internal training

Training within the establishment itself is when employees share knowledge and information with others, depending on the area of ​​action.

This method helps employees to have knowledge of the most diverse processes of the company.

2. Task training

Task training is one in which one of the company’s owners or partners can structure meeting opportunities such as meetings and workshops to share their techniques.

In this type of training, films, books that can inspire and stories of success stories within the company are also used.

3. Business training

Business trainings are those that occur outside the company and are not always related to the work performed specifically by each employee.

They can deal with topics that complement the service, such as workshops on finance, planning, marketing and various others that are relevant to the company as a whole.

Entrepreneurship education can use different techniques, such as:

  • Expository classes;
  • Talks and conferences;
  • Seminars and workshops;
  • movies, books;
  • Case studies;
  • Small group discussion;
  • dramatization, simulation, games;
  • Technical meetings;
  • Workshops;
  • Online and face-to-face courses.

To choose which technique to use, it is necessary that they know very well the profile of the company and also its employees, in order to achieve the objectives that we previously stated.

To implement corporate education, we will show you below some important steps.

It is necessary, first of all, to ask yourself: what are the objectives you expect for your business from business education?

It may be that the objective is to increase billing, reduce costs, optimize processes, achieve institutional organization or others.

Regardless of what it is, the important thing in defining the goal is to think about where it is and map out a path to reach it.

It is necessary to identify what needs to be improved in your company and, from then on, define those objectives.

Courses can be taught with a view to more than one goal. However, it is recommended that you approach one by one, so that the results can be measured and more effective.

  • Draw up a plan

What techniques will be used?

Will they be short or long term courses?

Will there be sessions with films and discussion or will they be talks with themes related to the final objective?

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There is no way to implement corporate education without first planning what will be developed.

This implies not only the choice of the technique and the themes to be worked on, but also the time period for the activities, which teams will be involved, if people from outside the company will be invited, and what are the best days to promote these moments.

Regardless of the technique and the time used, there are different possibilities to develop corporate training.

We talk here about the face-to-face or online modality.

The face-to-face training generally includes a larger physical space, the invitation of professionals from outside the company or the employee’s trip to the training site.

The online modality, which has been widely used, can become more advantageous when thinking about the agility that it provides, for example.

When creating or buying online courses that fit your goals, the planning stage is optimized, since the professionals in the area have already prepared the content that will be transferred.

In addition, if you create your own, it is possible to have personalized content that is adapted to each company and that is taught by people with great knowledge in the area.

In this way the costs can be much lower, since it is not necessary to have an investment for displacement, expanded space and a special payment for the speaker. And the content will be much more aligned to what you expect for your company, since it can be totally focused on your business.

Corporate education can also encompass other elements that go beyond training courses.

Think about what other things your company can do to keep the professional motivated and in constant search of knowledge.

Actions such as monthly awards, scholarships to take courses, talks on personal issues, meetings or technical visits, are some of the ideas that may be allied to the objective.

And to know more…

Did you like these tips and want to know more about how to implement corporate education in your company?

Check, also, in your company and do yourself an online course totally focused on your business.

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