Women entrepreneurs: you can also become one!

In recent decades, the job market has changed significantly. Undoubtedly, within these changes, seeing more and more women occupy jobs is extremely important to build a fairer society.

Currently, women can study, work, choose whether to get married or not, and imagine very different lifestyles from those of a few decades ago. In part, these conquests are possible thanks to the unity and struggle of the women themselves.

However, it is also true that women entrepreneurs have existed historically. Just think of the sale of kitchen or make-up accessories through catalogs and magazines, which are activities that are easy to reconcile with housework.

On the other hand, many times, these undertakings are not as valued economically or socially as other types of work.

But, today, women do not limit ourselves to this type of work activities. Women entrepreneurs are occupying positions of power, from planning, creating and selling their products, to teaching in various markets, among other things.

This process of opening and transformation has been accelerated by the increasing use of technologies and the growth of the digital market, which expands the options of as well as for the growing support for women entrepreneurs.

If you want to know more about what it’s like to be a female entrepreneur, keep reading this post! We are going to tell you 4 incredible stories of and what are the habits they have in common.

Being a woman entrepreneur: challenges and strengths

Like any path in life, becoming a female entrepreneur has its ups and downs, and it’s not easy at all.

There are a series of challenges that may still take some time to overcome at a social level, and others that we can transform into strengths.

That’s right, difficulties bring us opportunities for growth. Here we present some with which, surely, you identify.

inequality of opportunity

Despite the historical advances in relation to gender equality, we can affirm that we are still far from being an egalitarian society in this regard.

According to in Latin America, women earn less money throughout their lives and have fewer employment benefits than men.

This study also states that women continue to be 30% less likely than men to get a job and that only 6 out of 10 women work.

I mean, there’s still a lot to do. And, for this reason, it is so important that women continue to seek their economic and professional independence, and that they are not afraid to occupy the spaces reserved for men.

To reverse this situation day by day, it is essential to believe in ourselves and be with women who support us so that we can grow and live the life we ​​want.

long days

As we saw in the previous point, the opening of the market for women is still not egalitarian. In addition, it does not keep pace with the decrease in the workload in the domestic sphere.

This results in a working day that adds to the intense routine of taking care of the house and the family.

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It is proven that women are still responsible for most of the domestic work. This includes planning and executing tasks related to cleaning, feeding, shopping, caring for children and the elderly, as well as organizing the day-to-day activities of the whole family.

With this accumulation of functions, there is little time left for the and professional and to have moments of self-care. Many times, the consequences are tired, frustrated and sad women.

If you are going through this, believe me you are not the only one. And then what to do? First of all, it is essential to identify the causes with questions such as: Do you have a long-hour job that does not make you happy? Do you lack family support? Are you the only one responsible for things in the house?

From there, some paths open:

– Talk with your family so that they understand what you feel, and try to organize things in a fairer way.

– Define, little by little, specific moments to take care of yourself or to be alone.

– Bet on activities that make you feel better, such as short exercise routines, therapies or meetings with friends.

The important thing is that you feel better, and that you know that it is possible to create another way of life.

build authority

Related to the previous point, about how the image of women is associated with certain places within the work organization that are not exactly those of power, it is very common to feel difficulties in having to build an image of authority.

This is so because, perhaps, they have never seen you as such. But you have to know that it is possible for you to become a benchmark in what you do or be in charge of a company. To begin with, you need to believe in yourself.

Increasingly, we see women occupying positions that were previously unthinkable for them to occupy: the best soccer player in the world, the first female president in the history of a country, CEO of successful companies worldwide, head of her own business, and many more examples.

With this, I want to tell you that, little by little, women grow and are recognized in many acting markets. And the trend is that this happens more and more.

Don’t be afraid to be an excellent professional and excel at what you do!

Greater independence and feeling of accomplishment

One of the great advances, without a doubt, is the independence that a woman gains when she has her own job and, even more so, when she is her own boss.

We know that women’s economic dependence on men has historically been an obstacle to growing in their profession. This is so because, many times, the lack of own money goes hand in hand with other types of dependencies, such as emotional and psychological.

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Therefore, when a woman decides to become independent and go her own way, she obtains a freedom that, despite all the challenges we are talking about, strengthens her internally and externally.

And how does he do it? Well, in addition to feeling fulfilled by being able to carry out her professional projects, she has the financial means to continue growing and making her own decisions.

Magazine in which, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi), the participation of women in the creation of companies increases every year. In Mexico, female entrepreneurship represents 11.2% of all companies in the country.

A big step! Don’t you think?


The andIt’s the ability to overcome difficult situations and move on.

We have talked about some of the challenges that exist when a woman wants to start a business. Some of them are social and historical and, therefore, the power to transform them lies in the collective sphere.

On the other hand, there is a space where you can change things: yourself. Overcoming difficulties and proposing to change depends on your decision.

We know that it is not as easy as saying it, and that not everything will be rosy. But your resilience will give you the strength to get ahead.

You can start by taking a look at this post with .

And remember that you are not alone!

5 habits of successful women entrepreneurs

VIDEO | 5 habits of women entrepreneurs that will make you successful | Tips

In the 4 stories that we will share with you today, we can identify some habits that these women entrepreneurs have in common and that can serve as references for you to start your journey as an entrepreneur.

1. Do not fear failure

It is common to feel, not only fear of failure, but scarcity, independence, the unknown, among others. Sometimes fears make you imagine things that can actually be totally different when you put the ideas into practice.

For example, feeling that you will not be able to take care of your bills if you change jobs, or that, if things do not go so well the first time, all is lost.

Therefore, although obstacles may arise that do not depend on you, take the opportunity to break your that is, the thoughts that prevent you from growing and moving forward.

And remember that the and failure depend on the point of view. As you will see later in the story of Beatriz González, when a first plan does not go as expected, it does not necessarily mean that you have failed. It may be the opportunity to make a major change to achieve success.

2. Plan

Sometimes we feel that we don’t know what to do to achieve a transformation or get out of the place where we are. Everything seems impossible to us. Well, start by thinking about what you want to achieve. Economic independence? An extra source of income? Change of ? Have more time for your family or your personal interests?

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Based on these answers, outline your plans with actions that you can take at this time and organize yourself well to do them. Observe each step you take, the scenario in which you move and your real possibilities.

Define your it will be a great starting point towards success!

3. Take every opportunity to learn

To be successful in any endeavor, it is essential to study about the area in which you want to work In addition to knowing a little about .

If you are not yet a specialist in the market that interests you, you can take advantage of all the and train you in courses, do on your own or closely follow the referents on the subject.

There are many offers in the digital market that allow you to learn from wherever you are, such as online classes, YouTube tutorials, webinars, ebooks and all the available material that you can access no matter where you are. Many are even free!

4. Prioritize themselves

A woman who wants to take an important step needs, at some point in her life, to make herself a priority. Why? Because, socially, we women learned that we should always take care of others and our home above all else. And of course it is very important to do it! In the end, caring is loving.

But, there are times when life asks you to put yourself first, to think of yourself, to take care of yourself and focus on what you want for your present and your future. It is not about being selfish, but about balancing care and attention between the internal and the external.

5. Surround yourself with people who support dreams

Do you remember that at the beginning of this text we talked a little about the context of women entrepreneurs? It is that yes, in addition to doing your part, working hard for your dreams and strengthening yourself, you need to be close to people who want the best for you.

There is no use wanting to go in one direction with your boat if people are not rowing with you. Having healthy relationships, whether they are partners, co-workers, family or friends, is an important part of any person’s success.

Andrea Rojas has already said it, falling stops being a problem when you have someone to pick you up. And she is one of the 4 entrepreneurial women you will meet right now.

4 stories of women entrepreneurs to inspire you

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