How to Sync Metamask Mobile App and Chrome Extension

Metamask is a private crypto wallet that you can use to store and trade your cryptocurrencies. It’s available to use as a browser extension, but what if you want to check your wallet when you’re away from your PC? Learn how to sync the Metamask mobile app and the Chrome extension

The good thing is that Metamask also has a mobile app that can be connected to the extension. This is how you can sync your Metamask extension for PC with the mobile app.

How to Sync Metamask Mobile App and Chrome Extension

Metamask is a popular choice when it comes to crypto wallets. It is secure and allows you to store NFTs and domain names in addition to your cryptocurrencies. It also allows you access web3 applications and it is widely accepted by various Dapps (decentralized applications) for payments and login . It also does not require any identification to configure.

That is why people prefer to store their cryptocurrencies and related digital assets in Metamask. Metamask also has a mobile app for Android and iOS, with the same features as the extension’s counterpart. This app can be useful in cases where you need to verify a wallet transfer on the go.

There are two methods to sync the Metamask app with the extension, but one of them has been discontinued. So let’s see the working method to sync your Metamask wallet in minutes.

Sync Metamask app with extension using recovery phrase

This method requires you to use the secret passphrase provided to you when creating your Metamask wallet to import your wallet into the mobile app. It is recommended to keep that phrase in a safe place, because once it is lost, not even Metamask will be able to help you recover your funds.

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Here’s how to import and sync your Metamask wallet with the mobile app:

Step 1: download the Metamask app ( , ) and open it on your mobile.

Step 2: touch Begin .

Step 3: select Import using the secret recovery phrase .

Step 4: the app will request consent to collect usage data. You can choose I agree but we recommend that you select No, thanks .

Step 5: Enter the secret passphrase that was provided to you when creating the Metamask wallet account.

Note: Enter the 12 keywords in the same order you entered them when you first created your Metamask Wallet. Do not share this Secret Phrase with anyone else.

Step 6 – Create a new strong password for your wallet.

This password is what you will use to unlock the extension on your PC in the future.

Step 7: in the mobile app, you have the option to activate the use of biometrics like a fingerprint scanner or Face ID to unlock your wallet. You can activate it if you want.

Step 8: Finally, click on to import .

Your Metamask wallet will be imported into your Metamask mobile app and synced with the Metamask PC extension.


Discontinued method: synchronization with the Metamask extension by QR code

Metamask previously allowed users to sync and import their wallets to the mobile app by scanning a QR code from the Metamask extension. This process was quite simple but had security issues so it was discontinued for now.

According to Metmask, the feature has been “temporarily disabled,” so maybe they’ll bring it back later. If this feature returns, the article will be updated accordingly.

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Having Metamask on your phone allows you the ease of access and convenience of checking your funds wherever you go. But since mobile devices are quite prone to security flaws, we recommend using a separate hardware wallet if you have high-value funds.

I hope the above guide will help you to sync the Metamask extension on your PC with the mobile app. Stay tuned.

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