Duro Felguera announces a squad adjustment

It has informed the workers’ representatives of the intention to start a negotiation period to carry out a workforce adjustment that “adapts its structural dimensioning to the current needs of the business”.

This has been confirmed by engineering sources, who do not detail the magnitude of the adjustment, which they consider “unavoidable” and which they link to the complex current circumstances.

“This is a fundamental measure of the business plan, essential for the competitiveness and profitability of the company, and, therefore, to guarantee its future”, they have warned from the company.

They explain that at the present time, the company cannot continue to support the current size of the workforce, which requires taking a “strict action” to adjust the workforce that, together with other measures, can help build a “sustainable future” for Hard Felguera.

From the company, which has opened a period of negotiation hoping to reach a favorable agreement with the legal representation of the workers, they have said that, despite the “delicate” situation of the company in recent times, they have always wanted to prioritize the employability.

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