+15 characteristics of successful web pages

A web page, by definition, is an electronic document capable of containing text, sound, video, links, images and many more elements, its access is possible through a browser. Known what are their characteristics next.

Knowing what elements and functionalities a website should have is vital if you are creating your own space on the internet. And it is that in your page you can include many functionalities, elements and components making it sufficiently complete and attractive for visitors. However, adding everything in your path to it may not be the best alternative.

Do you want to know what are the characteristics of the ? Here I explain what a , what are its characteristics and what you should know about web structure. Believe me, knowing the answers to these questions will be very useful when working on your online store. Keep reading!

What are the fundamental characteristics that a website should have?

In general, there are three main characteristics of web pages and these are:

  • Domain;
  • Contents;
  • Images.

Now I explain each of them briefly.

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Domain 📍

The domain of a web page is the address given to this specific space, which is made up of an http:// and a name, such as .mx. By putting this address in the browser you will tell it to take you to the website you want to see. The domain is essential because if it did not exist we could not enter the site. It’s like ordering a taxi and saying “Take me home” without telling you the address where you are.

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Contents 🧾

In content we can understand the entire range of elements that fall into this category, which can be:

  • Texts;
  • Descriptions;
  • Articles;
  • News;
  • Recommendations;
  • Questions;
  • banners;
  • Videos;
  • Infographics;
  • Pop-ups;
  • Links;
  • E-books;
  • Manuals;
  • Guides.

And the list is endless. In content it is possible to include all the messages within a website, even product sheets of an online store. They say that “On the internet, content is king”, that is how important this element is within your website.

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Images 🖼

Yes, you guessed it. When talking about images we are considering all the graphic elements that exist within a web page, from graphics, illustrations, photographs, icons and more. For many, this is one of the most attractive features of web pages, as it attracts the attention of users, helps convince visitors to make a purchase and gives the page an incredible style. What would you think of a web page that does not contain images? It would be the same as trying a delicious dish without salt. Not at all?

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What is a web page?

A web page by definition is the set of information that is displayed on a screen and can include text, audiovisual content and links to other sites. If you want to know more about what a page is and how to create it, I recommend you check out our . It will surely be useful to you!

What is the structure of a website?

now that you know What is a web page Y what are their characteristicslet’s talk about the structure of a website. These are the four common elements on every page:

  1. Header;
  2. Menu or navigation bar;
  3. Content area;
  4. Footer.

Let’s take a brief look at each of these elements.


The header is the top part of the page where we can usually find the logo or the name of the site. It can also contain a search engine, link icons to social networks and a motto or slogan of the brand.

The menu or navigation bar is a diagram or a structure that groups and organizes the content, facilitating navigation within the website. You can group the content by categories, areas of interest, type of products or content. Its operation can be in accordion, hamburger, drop-down or traditional. Depending on your page, the needs of your brand and the type of users you have is how you can choose the most appropriate menu for your space on the web.

content area

In the content area there can be endless modules, elements and functionalities, ranging from the banner area, product sheets, articles, descriptions, videos, interactive maps, forms, downloadables and much more.

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The footer is the bottom of every website. Usually this section and header can be found on every single page within your domain. In this place you can find contact information, terms and conditions, the legal aspects of the site, icons of social networks or relevant links that may be of interest to the visitor.

What are the characteristics of a successful website?

Now that you know the basics of a website, let’s talk about the characteristics of a successful website. Keeping them in mind when creating your website or online store will help you make users love browsing and shopping on it. Look at them!

  • They have a clear purpose.
  • They are easy to find on search engines.
  • They are light and download quickly.
  • They allow the navigation and use of all its elements from mobile and desktop.
  • They use fonts and colors that help legibility.
  • They have a search engine to help you find content easily.
  • The information is well written and without misspellings.
  • They solve all (or almost all) the visitor’s doubts.
  • They are intuitive and easy to navigate.
  • They show their social networks.
  • They offer clear and reliable contact methods.
  • They are constantly updated.
  • They deliver valuable information.
  • They focus on the user experience.
  • They are memorable.
  • They have little publicity or at least this is not invasive.
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Let’s talk about each of them to clear the doubts. You think?

They have a clear purpose

Whether in life or when creating a website, having a clear purpose will make things easier for you. What do you want your website for? Is it to sell online? Why do they hire your services? Or maybe it will be your cover letter?

Start building your website by thinking about how to make your purpose clear at first glance, making it easy for the user to take action without getting lost in a sea of ​​information or jumping from page to page.

They are easy to find in search engines

For this point, you will have to help yourself with SEO strategies (Search Engine Optimization) which will help make your site easy to find from any search engine. You must have your purpose in mind, if what you want is to sell musical socks, make sure that your content includes those keywords that will make your potential buyers find you more quickly.

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They are light and download quickly

Have you wanted to enter a web page and it takes forever to load the information? This is one of the problems that millions of Internet users face and decide to leave the page if the page does not load in less than 5 seconds. Yes, we are that demanding on the internet. For this reason, work on the speed of your page, optimize the images to avoid excessive weight and avoid components that slow down the download of information.

They allow the navigation and use of all its elements from mobile and desktop

Nowadays, it is essential that a web page looks amazing from any mobile device and from a computer. Considering that according to , the smartphone is the favorite tool of Internet users to make purchases in Mexico, if your page does not allow users to carry out this action easily as they would from any computer, you are missing out on a huge opportunity.

💡 Expert tip: If you decide to open your website with a shopping cart or online store in Tiendanube, this problem will be a thing of the past, since all the designs are made to look amazing on mobile devices. We take care of loading times so that speed is on your side. .

They use fonts and colors that help legibility

Reading on a smartphone or computer screen is not the same as reading on print. Therefore, the colors and fonts you choose should be readable by most users. There are different tools that can help you check if the colors and fonts are the ones indicated on your site, helping you with web accessibility issues.

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They have a search engine to help you find content easily

The search engine is a very powerful tool on a website. Thanks to it, users can find what they are interested in in a more agile way. In addition, if you configure it in the right way, it can give you even more information about your users, being able to detect what your visitors are interested in and are not finding at first glance.

The information is well written and without spelling mistakes

Spelling counts, no matter if it’s a school paper, a love letter, or a web page. Taking care of the words and the way you write gives more value to your site than you imagine. In a successful web page you will hardly find spelling or writing errors. Be sure to take care of these aspects when creating yours.

They solve all (or almost all) the visitor’s doubts

The more questions your website solves, the more likely your users will trust your brand and be encouraged to fulfill the purpose for which it was created. Avoid the mystery and lead users to ask questions via WhatsApp or . Give the information to your visitors so that they can make the decision for themselves, without the need for additional assistance.

They are intuitive and easy to navigate

A confusing or ambiguous architecture is the worst enemy of an effective web page. Avoid creating virtual labyrinths from which only you know the exit. The clearer the structure and the more organized the content, the greater the opportunity for conversion you will have.

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They show their social networks

Your brand’s social networks will not only help you create a community, but also give credibility to your business. When a company has social networks and sells online, users are more likely to trust you and your business.

If you haven’t created your company’s social media yet, we’ll help you do so with these handy guides:

They offer clear and reliable contact methods

A fundamental characteristic of successful web pages is that they offer clear and reliable contact forms. Whether through chat, WhatsApp, social networks or contact forms, a good website gives the…

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