Link building: what it is and how to do it

The link building is a strategy used to get links to a web page. Working with link building strategies can generate doubts, concerns and can be quite a challenge, either to get backlinks or to decide where to insert an internal link in the content.

The main objective of this article is to review the main concepts and clear up the most common doubts about link building.

What is link building?

The link building it is a set of actions whose objective is to obtain quality and relevant links for a web page. The more qualified links there are, the greater the chances of increasing your site’s authority and reputation in search engines (for example, Google or Bing). This will have a positive impact on where your website appears in search results.

Links – also called linksby its name in English— have a lot of impact on search engines, because fmake it easy for pages to be found and pass authority depending on the quality and quantity of links that page has received. It should be noted that we are talking about one of Google’s ranking factors.

Link building —a term that could be translated into Spanish as “link building”— is an area that deserves our attention and time, if we want to have a site with authority, relevance and that generates good results.

When searching for the term “link building” in Google, you will find results that speak of “link building”; it is exactly the same, but united in a single word. Although, strictly speaking, the correct way to write it is separately: “link building”.

What are internal links?

The internal links or internal links are hyperlinks pointing to a page from the same domain. They are usually used to facilitate user navigation within an internet page. The main functions of an internal link are:

  • Browse the site.
  • Make the site easily navigable by search engines.
  • Establish the degree of hierarchy of the site information (site architecture).
  • Distribute authority between pages.

Internal links in html

Many of the content management systems (CMS) have a button to insert links, you will usually find it with a chain symbol similar to this: 🔗.

Now if you want to know how to insert an internal link in your web page with HTMLthis is the code you should use:

anchor text

Now I explain what each of the elements means:

  • : start of the link tag.
  • href=”url”>: destination link, that is, where you want to redirect the user.
  • anchor text: anchor text or anchor text, that is, the text of the link.
  • : close the link tag.

How to link internally

If you want to know how to insert an internal link in HTML code, look at this example of one that we put on the institutional page of Tiendanube to visit our blog:

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💡Type: Use a descriptive keyword in the anchor text that tells search engines what the landing page is about (more on this later).

What are backlinks?

A backlink it’s a link pointing from one website to another, which is not the same domain. The backlink is extremely important for an SEO strategy, as it represents a vote of confidence from one site to another.

Backlinks are a signal to the search engine that a site with authority and relevance guarantees the quality of the content of another site. It’s like giving the search engine an indication that the content is of good quality and relevant to users.

The more sites with high authority and relevance point to your domain, the more likely the search engine will understand that your page deserves to appear in the top positions, which will have a positive impact on the visibility of your site.

Notably what matters most to Google is not the number of links, but the quality. Therefore, when it comes to getting backlinks, keep in mind the following:

  • Is the domain pointing to your page relevant and does it have good domain authority? You can find this out with tools like Ahrefs or Semrush.
  • Does the site that links to your content have any relationship with your product/business/content?

This second point is relevant because it is important that the backlink is natural. It doesn’t make sense for a food recipe site, even with good authority, to link to a site that talks about finances, for example.

💡Type: Keep in mind that some backlinks are more valuable than others. Therefore, try to get links from trusted, popular and high authority sites. Don’t forget: quality is better than quantity!

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What is linkjuice?

The linkjuice is one of the ranking factors that the search engine takes into account to determine the authority that each link will pass from one page to another.

These factors depend on variables such as:

  • Link page authority.
  • Content relevance.
  • Position of the link in the content.
  • Number of links on the page and HTTP status.

Let’s talk about two strategies to get link juice:

  1. That your domain receives a link from an external website (backlink).
  2. That your domain sends links to external websites (external link).

Now I explain what each of these strategies is about.

We already said that each link passes authority from one page to another. The more authority your page has, the search engine will understand that your content is reliable, of quality and relevant to users.factors that directly affect the positioning of the page.

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If you are a visual person, like me, think of link juice as follows when an external domain links to your page:

“Page A” has more authority than “Page B”, because it has a greater number of links that refer to it. Therefore, good backlink planning is extremely important for SEO work. Focus on getting as many relevant, quality, natural links as possible.

external link

Imagine you are producing content that covers the top 10 brands on social media. Every time a brand is mentioned, a link to the brand page is inserted.

In the end, the link juice will be divided for each inserted link. Next, I show you an image to exemplify:

It should be noted that not all links will receive the same authority value (the image is only to facilitate understanding); As I explained before, this transfer will depend on several factors.

What are nofollow and dofollow links?

Links work as a vote of confidence. It’s like they’re saying to the search engine, “Do you know this page? I’m making sure it’s relevant to users.”

dofollow links

A “dofollow” link is one where the site that links to another site lets the search engine know that it is, in some way, supporting the other site and endorsing its contents.

To insert a dofollow link, the following code is used:


nofollow links

The use of the “nofollow” attribute in a link allows its insertion, but this vote of confidence does not take place. So, andThe domain does not pass authority to the page it is linking to. The nofollow tag is often used when the page points to an unreliable source, but one that makes sense to reference.

Let’s imagine a blog is writing about the biggest SEO mistakes and one of those mistakes is a page that uses deceptive tactics in its SEO strategy. In this case, it is recommended that the link to this page be nofollow.

To insert a nofollow link, the following code is used:


💡Type: Nofollow links don’t convey relevance, but they can be a good way to get relevant traffic to your site. Of course dofollow links are better, but nofollow links are better than nothing.

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What is anchor text?

The anchor text (also called anchor text or anchor text) is a text that can be clicked on to go to another web page. It usually appears blue, but some sites customize it by changing the color, underlining, density, etc.

If we talk, for example, about the , the anchor text for this example is “Tiendanube blog”.

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The purpose of the anchor text is give context, both to the user and to the search engineon the content of the inserted link.

In this way, the search engine uses the backlink anchor text as a way to understand how your page is seen by third parties and what it is about.

Example of a good anchor text

Of course, you don’t always have control over how other sites will use the anchor text to link to a page on your domain, but you can optimize the way you do internal linking and backlinking on your site. Some recommendations:

  • Avoid generic texts.
  • Don’t use too many words or long phrases.
  • Be concise.
  • Use keywords naturally.

A friendly anchor text example would be: “The is a digital marketing technique based on the creation and publication of content.”

Example of a bad anchor text

It is common to find many anchor texts like “click here”. However, this type of anchor text is not recommended because it does not give any type of context to the user or to search engines.

Therefore, it is always recommended that we try to include our links in sections that allow users and crawlers to know what the linked page is about.

A example of an unfriendly anchor text en: “If you need more ideas, and download 38 free templates for your Instagram posts”.

You are probably wondering what would be a better way to communicate a downloadable? I’ll give you an idea: “If you need more ideas, download for free!”.

link building vs. link baiting

The link baiting It is an SEO technique used to get external links in a natural way, that is why it is often compared to link building, although in essence they are very different.

The main difference between link building and link baiting is that, while link building involves an effort on the part of the author or a representative of the site to get a link, link baiting (or link bait) consists of create high quality and potentially viral contentworthy of being shared.

If you wonder which is better, link building or link baiting? The answer is “it depends”, and it is that each particular case will have to be evaluated in order to determine which of these two techniques is appropriate.

5 tools to measure your links and those of the competition

1. Ahrefs

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