Internet ads: how to avoid the 35% tax

By means of the, the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic made official a tax for certain transactions with foreign currency. In this post we tell you what it is, why it involves a ad tax affecting your social media ads and how to mitigate its impact.

What is the tax about?

It is a perception (that is, a tax collected in advance) of 35% on the price of the official dollar, which It affects both the purchase of that ticket and the payments made with credit and/or debit cards. in said currency.

This surcharge It is added to 30% of the PAIS tax (or 8%, in some cases) and, according to the regulations, it will be implemented as a payment on account of the Income or Personal Assets taxes, depending on the case of each taxpayer.

If you have to pay those taxes, you will be able to recover the 35% perception in your annual affidavitwhich takes place the following year.

In the event that a balance is generated in favor of the perceptions, that amount may be applied to the cancellation of other tax obligations.

What exceptions does this tax have?

remain exempt from the 35% tax expenses related to:

  • health benefits,
  • drug purchase,
  • acquisition of books in any format,
  • use of educational platforms and software for educational purposes,
  • official research projects
  • and purchase abroad of materials for firefighting and civil protection by recognized entities.

How do I have to pay the 35% surcharge?

perception will be charged automatically at the time you make the purchase of dollars, when you pay your credit card statement in foreign currency or when a dollarized expense is debited from your account.

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Thus, what you will see in each operation are three separate amounts:

  • The official price of the retail dollar
  • The PAIS tax (30% or 8%, depending on the case)
  • The new perception of 35%

Attention: in the case of paying for online ads, you will see this perception reflected in the abstract of your chosen payment method, but not in the expense summaries of the platforms. both in like in Google you will see the investment without the impact of the tax.

Learn more about social media ads:


How does this measure impact my online business?

Most businesses that sell their products online use online advertising as part of their business. . Google, Instagram and Facebook Ads are some of the most chosen platforms.

Generally, these services are paid per month, in dollars, with a credit or debit card and their cost depends on how much money the brand invests.

If you advertise online in your business and pay with a non-local credit or debit card (such as Visa or Mastercard, for example), it is essential that you know that you will have to pay the 35% surchargein addition to that expense will be deducted from your monthly purchase quota of US $ 200.

At this point it is worth clarifying that, although there is no limit to dollarized consumption, you can consume the amount of dollars you need. But what does prevail is the quota on account of the purchase of that currency.

This means that if, for example, in one month you have consumption for US$600 on your credit card, during the next 3 months you will not be able to buy dollar savings.

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How can I pay for my Google ads in pesos?

To avoid the 35% surcharge (and having to wait for the next affidavit to recover that money), we suggest that you Change the payment method to a prepaid one.

This means that you will have to charge your ad account balance that will be consumed throughout the month.

Thus, you will be able to pay in local currency (Argentine pesos), only paying (21%) + the Gross Income perceptions that correspond according to each case.

Important: as it is a prepaid method, you will have to be very careful that the balance in your accounts does not run out to prevent the campaigns from being turned off.

All you have to do is contact him. and request the change of payment to “manual form”.

Thus, you will be able to choose to pay for your ads in pesos through a transfer in PagoMisCuentas or from Banelco. To do this, they will provide you with a code that you will have to use every time you want to top up your balance.

eye! There is also the possibility of choosing the manual payment method with a credit card but, in this case, the 35% will be charged.

Tip: We recommend that you make manual payments in advance since the crediting of the balance can take 3 to 5 business days.

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Regarding the you will have to pay the 35% perception both with manual and automatic payment methods.

Payment error: what to do if I can’t pay for advertising on Instagram or Facebook?

There are multiple reasons why this error can appear. Some of them are:

  • You are not using a professional account. I discovered in this guide .
  • Do you have an outstanding balance to pay?. In this case, you have to go to > Settings > Billing and you will automatically see the pending balance that you must pay.
  • You are not an administrator of the page. To fix this, ask the person who manages the Page to add you with the “admin” role.
  • Your ad was rejected for not complying with the advertising policies of the social network. In this situation, .

We hope that this article has clarified your doubts about this tax that impacts online advertising.

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This article was written in collaboration with .

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