Twitter Marketing Guide

Twitter is the fastest growing social network in Latin America, with a (2011 vs 2010). Despite not having as many users in the region as Facebook, it is an excellent platform to be able to dialogue with your community without the need to add them as friends or for them to be fans of your brand.

In this guide we will help you establish your profile on Twitter and implement an effective marketing strategy.

Basics before you start

Before starting with the practical advice, it is important to know certain terms used in the Twitter community, which you have surely heard at some point:

  • What is a tweet?: An update to your status on Twitter, i.e. a post.
  • What does it mean continue tosomeone?: When you follow an account, their tweets will appear in your timeline or timeline. This means that you should follow those accounts that generate interesting content for you. Much of your experience on Twitter will depend on following interesting users.
  • What does it mean that someone follow me?: In the same way that you receive new tweets from those you follow, your followers will receive your new posts.
  • : A mention is any Twitter update that contains @username in the body of the tweet message. You’ll find your mentions in the replies tab. If you include more than one person in your update and use the @username format, that person will also see the update in their replies tab. To send a mention on Twitter write your message normally and include @username in the tweet.
    Keep in mind that users will only see each other’s replies or mentions on their timeline or timeline if they are following both the sender and the recipient of the tweet.
  • : Retweeting (doing a retweet) is a feature that allows Twitter users to quickly share tweets with their own followers. If you find a tweet in your timeline that you think will be interesting to your followers, then retweet it!
  • : the “#” symbol, called a tag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a tweet. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages. For example, if you are at an event like BAFWeek and want to tweet about it, you can use the hashtag #BAFWeek2012.
  • What is a #FF?: the follow fridays o #FF are a custom adopted by Twitter users based on recommending other Twitter accounts that you consider interesting on Friday. For example, “#FF to @modaBA for the event they organized!“.
  • : Twitter allows you to group different accounts into groups or lists. This way you can generate lists for different topics. It is important to note that it is not necessary to follow an account in order to add it to a list.

Build a professional profile

Of course the first step is . Before you start getting followers, it’s important to make your profile look professional. For that we recommend:

  • Profile picture: Generic Twitter photos often lead to mistrust, so it’s essential . If you are creating your brand profile, we suggest using your logo. However, it is also advisable to put your own photo for “humanize” account. Your followers will feel more confident to follow you if there is a person behind the account.
  • Brief and concise biography: You only have 160 characters to describe yourself and show what your followers will find if they follow you. It is important that you generate interest.
  • Background image: that is in line with the design of your brand. As with the profile picture, it is important to avoid generic Twitter images to give a more professional experience.
  • header image: recently for profiles. something like the (or cover photos). You can take advantage of this space to show more about what your brand offers.
  • Good Tweets!: is the most important. Keep in mind that when people visit your profile they will only see the most recent tweets. Take care that these few tweets reflect who you are and that you are dialoguing with your audience. Remember that you should generate relevant content and respond to your followers MORE than you post offers or try to sell your products.
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Generating followers of your target segment

Now that you have your profile, it’s time to get followers. There are many ways to get followers. However, the big challenge (and what will pay off the most for your store) is building an audience relevant to your target segment. For example, if you sell clothes for teenage girls, getting a large number of 15-year-old girls is likely to generate more results than an audience of adult men.

But where to find them? How to get them to follow your profile?

While having a large following isn’t everything, showing a large audience to your profile visitors is a great way to build trust and confidence. A practical way to start is by finding people who follow those who follow them. What you should look for are accounts that have almost a 1:1 ratio between their followers and those they follow.

There are tools that can help you achieve this:

: by entering a keyword you will be able to see Twitter accounts with their respective number of accounts they follow and followers. By connecting the application with your Twitter account you can follow directly from the results.

There are also directories like and automation tools, which allow you, among other things, to follow users automatically based on different rules that you can configure. The most popular is , but there is also .

Generate followers with your properties on the Internet

If you have a website, virtual store, blog or send an email newsletter you can use these to increase your audience on Twitter. To achieve this you must ensure that you include a link to your Twitter account in all your online properties, from those mentioned above to your email signatures and profiles on other social networks.

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If you have a blog, a great way to get followers is by using the . The idea is to include this button in each of your blog posts so that your readers can share your articles. Additionally, you can configure the button to indicate that the article is shared via your Twitter account. That way users who find that tweet interesting can easily follow you.

Practical improvements for Direct Messages

Once you have followers you will be able to send direct messages to them. Direct messages have the benefit of being private. However, you must be very careful when doing this. Excessive use of direct messages may result in you being identified as SPAM.

Think of the first direct message as meeting someone personally or sending an email to someone you don’t know. If the first thing you do is try to sell to him, he will probably ignore you or mark you as SPAM. Instead, you should see the message as a way to establish a deeper connection with your followers. For example, you can tell them that it’s nice to be in touch and thank them for following you. Another good idea is to ask them what kind of content they would find interesting.

Ideally, each message should be personalized for each follower. Of course, this task can be a bit difficult if you have many followers. In that case, you can count on free tools like , which allow you to automate a direct message for your followers. In any case, remember NOT to greet your new followers with an offer. Try to build a personal relationship. This will then bring the sales.

Combine automated content with personal tweets

Automatic tools can be of great help to generate content without having to keep an eye on your account. However, you should be very careful when using them. You may lose a lot of followers if your account is identified as a .

But as Uncle Ben says, with great power comes great responsibility. That is why we share tools below, which used responsibly can help you generate very good relevant content for your audience.

The first is , which, once connected to your Twitter account, allows you to post tweets whenever your favorite blogs post a new article through their .

When you enter the tab Advanced Settings or advanced options you can add the Twitter account of the owner of the blog using the fields post-prefix either post-suffix, as seen in the image. In this way you will show the blog owner that you are a loyal follower, share their content and potentially connect with them to work together.

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The bottom line when using TwitterFeed is to choose blogs that generate relevant content for your target audience.. Furthermore, if you generate interesting content, surely your audience of followers will begin to retweet your content, increasing the reach of your message and increasing your potential base of followers.

The second tool is a plugin for those who have a WordPress blog and it’s called . This plugin will publish to your Twitter account older articles from your blog, which are probably still interesting but were forgotten in the archive thanks. Thus, your followers can see valuable content from your blog that until now you were not taking advantage of.

The best thing about these tools is that they will help you to have your Twitter account active despite not having time to keep it constantly updated..

However, the most important tweets are those you personally make to engage with your community and industry leaders. Remember that you should not limit yourself only to your followers. Having real conversations using @Username lets your followers know that you are more than just a bot, but rather a human who wants to converse with them.

Listen on Twitter through searches and lists

Possibly the best Twitter management tool today is . This not only allows you to manage multiple social networks and schedule tweets for certain times, but also provides the ability to have multiple columns so you can track your mentions (@youraccount), direct messages, user lists and also Twitter searches. .

  • Twitter searches: Twitter searches are a very powerful tool as they allow you to observe the mentions that users make of certain terms that are relevant to your industry. For example, if you sell shoes, you might be interested in seeing tweets that include phrases like “shoes“, “i need shoes“, “best shoes” or what they say about your competitors. This way, if you see a user post something like “tomorrow is the party and I still don’t have the shoes“, you could reply using @Username. Remember that you should not go out to sell desperately. Surely these users are not your…
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