What is influencer marketing and what does it bring to your business? –

Years ago girls and boys wanted to be astronauts or veterinarians, now they want to be influencers. Is a reality, influencer marketing is here to stay.

Although the term is on everyone’s lips, there are those who still have doubts about whether to collaborate with a if it will be useful for your business or instead it is only for big brands that already have a great recognition on the internet.

If you want to know what is influencer marketing and why you have to jump on this bandwagon before your competition comes up with it, read on.

Who are the influencers?

Even if you think it’s something recent, influencers have existed since the time of the dinosaurs. Let’s see, that’s exaggerating a lot, I know. But I do dare to say that since they exist since the media: television, radio, press, etc.

A influencer He is a person who has the ability to influence the decision-making of the people who follow him. They are affecting the purchasing decisions of consumers. This is perfectly applicable to both the offline and online worlds. What do you think your friend does when she tells you how well a cosmetic brand has done for her and you go and buy it? influence you.

In the offline world they were known as ambassadors, opinion leaders or celebrities. Now, online, they are known as influencers, although they have different names depending on the social network they use. That is, there are several types of influencers

What is influencer marketing?

Now that we have defined what an influencer is, let’s see what is known as influencer marketing. Well, influencer marketing is a new marketing strategy that is based on creating collaborative links between brands and companies with those people who have great visibility and prominence on the internet, the influencers.

The influencers They have emerged with the internet, especially with social networks, and have become benchmarks for millions of users. The people who make up the audience of influencers follow the type of content shared by the influencer on a daily basis and are very sensitive to opinions. This is where the power of the digital marketing.

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How is the profile of an influencer?

Not everyone can be an influencer. This is so, sorry to disappoint you. The profile of an influencer has certain characteristics or specific characteristics that make you connect in a special way with your audience. In the end it is just another profession and not all of us can be surgeons or are worth climbing the Himalayas.

  • They inspire confidence. Some influencers have the full trust of their followers. Others don’t. For this reason, influencers who take their work seriously and who do not want to lose the credibility of their audience only recommend those products or services that they have tried and liked.
  • They are great communicators. Influencers are very easy to relate to. In some cases it will be innate, in others something acquired or worked on. This is why they are so beneficial for brands. Socializing helps them get more followers and keep the ones they already have.
  • They know how to empathize. Empathizing is identifying with another person and sharing their emotions. Influencers achieve this by listening to their audience and also being very clear about what and when to respond. The empathy of influencers consists of knowing how to listen, be understanding and serve as a support to an audience with whom they identify, without giving lessons or advice.
  • They are creative and original. If influencers stand out for something, it is for their ingenuity to communicate, with which they manage to capture the attention of their audience. They are very powerful loudspeakers for brands and communicate in a way that represents them and with which the audience feels identified.
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As you have seen, the world of influencer marketing is not something as simple as uploading a photo showing a product. There is a whole world behind.

How does influencer marketing work?

The goal of influencer marketing o influencer marketing is to amplify the reach of a brand in social networks and influence the purchasing and consumption habits of the audience that is loyal to the influencer. In other words, it basically consists of getting the influencers talk about your brand in a natural and clear way to make your products or services known to your audience. But, How is the brand-influencer-audience triad created? I tell you.

The influencer agencies They put a brand that wants to do influencer marketing in contact with an influencer who will carry out different actions on their social network profiles to impact their audience. So, is any influencer good for doing an influencer marketing campaign? Well no. The influencer must have values ​​in accordance with the brand values that you are going to promote and with whom you are going to collaborate. In addition, your profile has to be related to the sector of the brand in particular. It would be strange for a gamer to advertise diapers (or not, who knows) if he is not a father or a mother and if his audience is young people between 16 and 30 years old.

This is so because in the influencer marketing is highly valued naturalness of actions, being able to integrate a product or service in the daily life of the influencer and that users feel trust and credibility about the promoted brand. In the end, it is nothing more than the power of recommendation, that someone you trust and who is a reference for you, tells you what do you think about a brand, product or service. And that you, as a user, feel identified with a person, with their lifestyle, their values, their profession, etc.

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A few lines ago I gave you another clue. The hearings. The audiences of the influencer and the target of the brand must be, so to speak, similar. You have to be very clear about who the brand is, what its audience is, its potential customers and where it is, on which social networks it moves. Both audiences must know each other perfectly to achieve the perfect symbiosis between the three protagonists of the novel: brand, influencer and audience.

If you ask us for feedback on , We recommend influencer marketing without any doubt. The influencers who take their work seriously are very professional people, they are like billboards full of lights that move masses. It is a mistake not to have an influencer in your digital marketing strategy. Look at the graph of , where it is clear that there are companies that have been working with influencers for a long time (more than 3 years), but a large part of the respondents have been using influencer marketing for less than 1 year or have not yet started. Which means that influencer marketing has and will have a long way to go.

Source: II Study of Advertisers with Influencers,

All businesses and brands, large or small, can harness the power of content creators. What are you waiting for?

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