What is link building and what is it for in 2018? –

If you already have clear SEO basics and you’ve taken your first steps by reading blogs, forums, and books on search engine optimization, you’ll know the importance of link building when positioning a web page. If this is not your case, do not worry. In this article, the first of a series dedicated to this concept, we will explain what is link buildingwhat it is for and how we can take advantage of it from the beginning.

What is link building?

Or put another way, what are we talking about when we talk about link building? As the term itself indicates, link building refers to the construction of links that point to our page from other websites. The link building (or linkbuilding, or link construction, or link achievement… each SEO expert can call it in a different way) is the set of techniques or tactics aimed at getting a specific web page to link. The benefits are several, but from the SEO point of view, when a website with great authority links us (that is, that Google considers as such, such as Wikipedia, a mass media outlet, a university…) one part of that authority also happens to be attributed to our website. This directly influences Google rankings.

Is link building important in 2018?

Google algorithm changes have affected how the search engine interprets the links that connect some websites with others. Link building in 2018 is more important than ever.

At the end of February 2016, Backlinko did a spectacular study in which, with some collaborators, . The results? Very interesting. And as for link building? Yes, they confirmed that the links that point to the websites are still a key factor for them to appear (or not) in the high positions of Google.

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Some variables that influence the quality of the links we get:

    • The authority and trust of the linking page.
    • How popular the linking page is.
    • The pages that link to the page that links to your page (yes, it’s a chain!).
    • The relevance that exists between the content of the linking page and the linked page.
    • The number of links to the same page from the linking page.
    • The different variations of anchor text (the text that is clickable) in the links to the linked page.
    • Whether the link is follow (relevant to Google) or nofollow (not so relevant to Google).

From this it is extracted that not all the links that link to our page are the same and that some have much more relevance and can contribute more than others. We have to worry about the pages that link to us but without losing sight of the fact that many others are linking to these pages, so you may have the odd toxic link that does not benefit you at all. This is a chain that can be almost impossible to check, so it is advisable to use tools like AhRef that take care of checking the link profile of a page. Do not forget that if the page that links to you has many links from different sites, this will have a positive impact on their website and therefore also on yours.

Basic link building techniques

There are various link building techniques through which we can get links to our website. We highlight the most important ones so that you become fond of this important SEO positioning technique and discover all the secrets about it. what is link building.

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directories. Although there are those who prefer to leave the directories aside, a good link building strategy for a company that is starting can include registering its website in some very specific directories. Don’t complicate your life: a local directory, a directory of your sector and a large directory of the Yellow Pages style are, from the point of view of a brand that is taking its first steps, a logical approach to the world of the Internet. Do it without fear!

blog comments. At this point, almost all the links that appear in the comments part of blogs tend to be nofollow (that is, they do not pass the authority of the URL that links to the URL that is linked). However, some comments on blogs in the sector in which your business moves can make sense, bring traffic and give you visibility, which is always good and can also indirectly give you links from the blogs of those who read you. It’s common for some bloggers to visit your community pages and later talk about it on their blogs. Don’t miss that opportunity!

guest author. Guest posting, in English, is an exceptional technique if you can present yourself as an expert in your sector. It basically consists of participating as a guest author in a blog with a theme similar to yours. In return? A link to your website from a page in your sector. Perfect!

Shipment of products. Are you an eCommerce? Can you afford to change any of your products for advertising? I’m sure you do. Offer yourself to bloggers in the sector and give them a taste of your oranges, your socks or your wine in exchange for a rating on their blogs. If you have a good product, don’t doubt that the criticism will be favourable… and they will link to you!

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If you want to know more about what link building is, you cannot miss the rest of the articles on the blog, such as . Get the most out of your website’s SEO!

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