How to carry out an SEO Briefing for a new client? –

When a client requires work SEO on its website, it is convenient to be clear about certain previous questions that will later be of great help to us when it comes to understanding the environment in which we will work. long before the web analytics or the keywordresearch, is the realization of SEO Briefing of the website project. If you have not yet heard about it, in this post we will tell you how to do a complete SEO Briefingwhich you can share with your client, and which will help you adapt the online strategy according to their needs.

Keep reading to find out what requirements an SEO Briefing meets!

What is a briefing?

The brief or briefing, is an informative document, which contains the essential information to start planning a project concrete, as well as to execute it. The main idea is that through this document the client is able to express their concerns, wishes and needs before carrying out and starting up a specific project for an agency or supplier.

These types of documents are usually very common in the world of advertising, although they are also spreading to other types of activity sectors. It is undoubtedly a great communication tool between the company and its supplierswhich will determine objectives, deadlines and means, among many other relevant aspects for the achievement of the project.

What aspects should an SEO Briefing contain?

There are a few points to keep in mind when prepare the SEO Briefing that you will later share with your client. All this will help you define the project to a greater extent, thus being able to plan its implementation based on the specific needs and characteristics.

Contact information

The first point to take into account is to be clear about the main company datain order to always be in contact in case of doubts, as well as the person or persons of reference in the project: Name or corporate name, registered office, telephone, email, website, contact persons, etc.

Definition of the service, product or brand

It is important a detailed definition of your activity, knowing exactly what our client does, the different types of service they offer or the products they sell. In the case of SEO, it may be essential to know if said product or service has a certain seasonalityin order to be able to later analyze our traffic metrics more rigorously.

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Also, in case the project wants focus on certain geographic areasit will be convenient to define them or even establish certain priorities, since later this will allow us to be able to work with geolocated terms.

Competition and competitive advantage

In order to better understand the sector where our client is located, it is convenient that we can define the main competition. This will help us, to later check if said competition is also reflected at the organic level and web positioning.

Another point to take into account is the customer value proposition, define the main competitive advantage and what makes it stand out from the competition. The values ​​that the brand seeks to transmit and that can help to humanize it.

Project Objectives

It will allow us to better understand the expectations of the project, as well as what exactly our client is looking to achieve. It can be an objective more related to increasing web page traffic, gaining visibility for certain key terms, etc. It is important that these objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and located in a certain time period (SMART). This will allow the definition of the budget who intend to invest in the project.

Definition of the audience and the buyer person

Must know which people will be directed our efforts in SEO work. It is vitally important to know who our current audience is, as well as those who may become potential clients. It is not the same to work with a client that is directed to the final public, than with a B2B project.

To do this, it is convenient to have set a target audience. In this hearing we will have defined what we call our buyer person, An example of what our potential client would be like, as well as what characteristics they would have: where they live, age, sex, social status, income, etc.

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Target keywords

When working on SEO in a web project, it is convenient to know about what key terms does the customer have in mind to focus onsince this will give us an idea of ​​how affordable these terms are according to the objectives, as well as in the subsequent realization of our keyword research. In addition, it is a way to find out how the client thinks that their potential clients are looking for them on the Internet, as well as different names for their business that may be interesting for us to review in the search.

Technical aspects of the project

There are other aspects more related to technical issues of the web, which we must share with our client. We must know in what content manager the client’s web page is found, as well as if they have possibilities to implement improvements on the website, either because they have their own development team or if, in their case, they lack one. Also, we must take into account if there are other domains that are associated with the web.

content marketing

With respect to Blog, it is convenient to know if they are following any content marketing strategy, and if they do not have a blog, this can be a great option when it comes to working on web visibility. In case you are currently making content for the blog section, it is convenient to know how often they make updates.

The above questions will help you get to know the project in greater depth, however there are some key aspects that should also be taken into account when implementing your strategy:

  • Have you worked with SEO before?: It is convenient to know if our client has previously worked on the SEO of their website, and if so, how it went.
  • What other types of online marketing strategies are you working on?: The synergies between the different digital marketing tools are fundamental. Find out what kind of strategies your client is following, what campaigns they have active, if they have a presence on social networks, etc.

Access to tools

Keep in mind, explain to your client, the main access that you will need to work on the SEO of your project. Make a list of all of them, as well as the main data they should provide, as well as the accounts to which they give you access: CMS Manager, Search Console, Google Analytics, Google My Business, FTP access, etc.

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Deliveries and times

It is convenient for your client to keep in mind that SEO work is a set of actions that require the medium or long term, to start seeing tangible results. However, you will be able to specify a delivery or optimization schedule with it, which will help both of you to keep track of those actions that are being carried out on the project in question.

How to carry out an SEO Briefing with your client?

Once we have elaborated the main points to be dealt with in our SEO briefing, it is time to deliver it to your client, so that he can complete it. If you prefer, you can fill it out with him through a call, since it is very likely that doubts will arise in this regard.

The SEO briefing is not static, since depending on the sector or the project in question, it is possible that different questions arise that you have not previously taken into account. Think of those points that are relevant to the client in question and adapt it according to their needs.

Since we take into account the importance of knowing as much as possible about an SEO project before working on it and therefore, conduct an SEO Briefing, becomes a fundamental task. If you are also interested in improving the organic positioning of your website and gaining visibility in the SERPs, our website will help you achieve it. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information.

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