Create PopUp in WordPress (Best plugins)

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In this article I am going to talk about the Popups for WordPress.

I know that there is a love-hate relationship with this resource so widely used by many websites, but my goal is for you to understand that a Pop Up, in good hands, can be highly effective (There are studies that show that when used well, it can increase the chances of a sale or subscription by 600%).

Personally, I do not usually use Pop Ups in WordPress (the simple reason is that I do not usually have this type of requirement from my clients, since their websites do not require this tool).

But if you are reading these lines, it is because either you want learn how to use pop ups as it should (I’ll tell you below) or because you have a very specific need for your website, and you are considering different options to achieve it.

Keep reading because at the end of the article you will become a more advanced WordPress user, with full control and knowledge of Pop Ups and their correct use.

What is a pop-up

I imagine that at this point in the digital world, it is already very clear to you what a Pop Up is and, in the wrong hands, how annoying they can be.

But if you just got out of a bunker you got into in the year 1995, and make websites It is the first thing that has crossed your mind to do in this new modern world in which you suddenly find yourself (welcome, by the way), I will explain in an easy way what is a popup

On a day-to-day basis, especially if you live in a medium or large city, you already live surrounded by Flesh and Bone Pop Ups.

I speak, for example, of those situations in which you are calmly walking down a busy street, and a person assaults you with a cloth vest, a necklace with his photo on a plastic-covered identification and tells you: Excuse me, do you have a moment? (I can call this the charitable Pop Up, and I think it is not very effective).

In another situation you can be in a clothing store looking at some pants that you love, and a person who works in that store, more or less your age, approaches you and says: hey, I see that you are looking at these pants. It’s so you know that this coming saturday we will have a 30% discount on some items, including these pants. (I call this Pop Up the eloquent, and it is really very useful).

And to finish off the metaphor with real life Pop Ups, there is one that no one likes. It is a Pop Up that can be of various colors, depending on where you live, and that appears suddenly, and you stay frozen in your seat, without moving, while the Pop Up tells you: Do you know why I stopped you? Documentation please.

Well, apologies here for this section / comic monologue, but explaining a Pop Up today is very difficult (since everyone knows what it is), and I wanted to be original.

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We continue with the article, that this coming interests you!

When can we use a Pop Up

As in everything related to online marketing and web creation, here it depends more on the What that he what.

A Pop Up is really very powerful, used in a very specific context, which depends both on the objective you have at that moment, and on the type of audience it is intended for.

However, I can give you some general advice, so that you are clear When and when not use a Pop Up in WordPress.

These are some of the many examples of good or bad use of Pop Ups, but I want you to get the essential idea of ​​when to use them and when not.

Examples of good use of Pop Ups

  • To warn that there is a mobile web app that is visited: I have just seen a Pop Up like this in an online store that I frequently visit through my mobile in Chrome, and it has made my day. I instantly downloaded it.
  • To offer a discount all over the web, if you spin a Russian roulette wheel with different prizes on each piece of the roulette wheel: look, Pop Ups don’t usually have an effect on me, but this one has caught my attention so much and it has seemed so original to me, that I have inserted my email, to be able to spin the wheel. (I got a 50% discount).
  • Use Pop Ups with a simple design, clear, and that you understand what it offers in less than 2 seconds: in another online pet accessories store, they offered free shipping for purchases over 40 euros.

    The Pop Up used was elegant, simple, small and did not interfere with website navigation at all.

  • A Pop Up that appears after having visited 4 or 5 pages of a website: I am looking to buy a new computer, and I have landed in the analysis of one of the computers that I have as finalists for the purchase.

    I have been browsing the web, looking at other articles, and after 4 articles viewed, a Pop Up has appeared offering me to subscribe to their email distribution list. I have done it delighted.

Examples of misuse of Pop Ups

  • Use more than one Pop Up on the same page, whatever type it is (we see the types of Pop Ups below).
  • Show a Pop Up just enter the webasking for your email or something similar (in my opinion, these are the least useful).
  • Put Pop Ups on mobile (It is an aesthetic and usability error, and Google also penalizes you at the SEO level).
  • Use Pop Ups that block the entire screen and they don’t let you see the content. It’s frustrating. Dropouts at 99%, I assure you. Do not do it.
  • pop ups asking for a like or a follow on Instagram or Twitter (this reminds me of the charity Pop Up that we mentioned at the beginning of the article).
  • A Pop Up that is too bizarre or very poor in design, confusing, that does not communicate
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As you can see, these are just some examples of good and bad Pop Ups.

I leave it up to you to be self-critical and to know if your Pop Up idea or the one you are already using on your website is going to be useful or not for the objectives you have set for yourself.

Types of Pop Ups

We continue now with the types of Pop Ups in WordPress, to see if any of them ring the bell in your brain area destined for inspiration and creative ideas.

Exit Pop Up

As you can imagine from the title, these Pop Ups are activated when the visitor intends to leave the page they are on, and leave your website.

This is useful for offering a great eye-catching discount or something that is of great interest to your target audience (I’ve already been caught like this a couple of times).

Another good example of using exit pop ups are the .

When you add items to the cart in an online store, and you are going to close the page for any reason, it can be a good alert and reminder option that you have items in the cart, in case you want to finish the purchase before leaving.

Scroll Pop Up

This type of Pop Up is usually very useful when you have a landing page for a certain product or service, and you offer, by reaching more or less 3/4 of your website when scrolling down, a succulent discount or something similar.

It is quite effective because if the visitor scrolls to that depth on your website, in theory, it is because they are interested in what they are seeing and want more information.

Hence the importance of having a great web design that create a need on your visits.

Pop Up based on a click or interaction

On a website, for example, with articles on a specific topic, content search is often used a lot to find a topic more easily, or in an online store, to find a specific type of object.

What if when a search is done, whatever it is, you show a Pop Up on the results page (after about 5 or 10 seconds) that offers receive an email with future results of said searchfor future articles or products?

It would be a very effective way to capture emails from possible leads on your website, offering them something useful and making their lives easier.

Well, this type of Pop Up based on clicks, or any interaction with your website, offers these interesting resources.

Pop Up embedded in the website

This last type of Pop Up does not become a Pop Up itself (because it does not appear suddenly), but it is already there, but yes, I consider that it has the same functions as a normal Pop Upsince it has a specific purpose (that you click, that you register, that you do something).

They normally go in that invisible area of ​​the entire web, called sidebars, or between paragraphs in an article, for example.

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They have a certain balance between their intrusiveness, and the ability of the average visitor to not even see them.

So now you know, if your current Pop Up looks like any of these guys I just mentioned, you’re on the right track, or you’re not. It all depends on how you use it, and what you use it for.

We now go to see the best plugins that, in my opinion, you can use to create a Pop Up in WordPress.

Right after I will tell you in a short video tutorial how to make one on your website.

Best WordPress Pop Up Plugins

There are hundreds of options in the WordPress universe to create a Pop Up. The truth is that it is quite difficult to decide on a solution.

The most important thing for everyone is that you can get all the types (or almost all) of Pop Ups that I have described, and that have statistics for them (to be able to sharpen your aim and achieve supreme effectiveness with your sales strategy and objective).

Below I mention the different ways to create a Pop Up in WordPress, and I am sure that some of these options will interest you.

free plugins

Yes. They are the most popular. But of course, everything free is usually limited, or has a paid plugin behind it, if you want more useful options.

However, and so that I also get along with free plugins, I am going to use one called , to teach you how to create a Pop Up on your WordPress website (below, in the video tutorial).

payment plugin

I have a weakness for paid services. More than anything because I also offer a paid service at a professional level, and I like to strive to offer quality, support and continuity.

That said, of all the premium plugins I know of, the one that tends to work the best is the .

eye! I have not been paid to mention them, nor do I have an affiliate link or anything.

I just like what it offers. Of course, use it only if:

  • You use Pop Ups A LOT and form an important part of your marketing strategy.
  • Are you willing to pay a money every month.

In return you get a very complete tool with which you can do real tricks.

Being part of a tool

These are the ones I use the most, because it is much easier, it is integrated into the tools I use, and no external plugin is needed.

If you use any (type Elementor, BeaverBuilderetc) or some “all-in-one” plugin service type WPMUDEVyou will be able to use its creators of Pop Ups in an effective and simple way.

Of course, not all of them come with statistics (especially in page builders), but for small and specific actions, it works perfectly.

No plugins, everything…

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