Install WordPress easily on cPanel Hosting

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Far from seeming like a common procedure, which it is too, although it depends a lot on the profile of the user who faces the task, It is a task that needs to be documented.

Why explain how to install WordPress on WePanel?considering that it is something that has already been told many times in this blog, and is mega-documented in thousands of websites on the Internet.

Mainly because new people join the world of WordPress every day, each with their approach and profile, and the concepts change, evolve and, if possible, simplify. Also launching a WordPress website in Hosting requires an explanation, and this article tries to address how in a simple and practical way.

After this index, let’s address the hows and where to do it so that you know how to carry it out, especially if you are a client and you are launching Hosting or want to start up another website and you are not sure about the installation.

What version of WordPress should you install?

The answer to this question is undoubtedly >always install the stable version available at the moment so that you can enjoy all the new features that it incorporates and also have the peace of mind that you are using a version that has gone through a series of code verification and validation processes to make it as secure as possible.

You have several ways to find out what is the current stable version:

  • Accessing your WePanel, Applications, Install WordPress, Application/CMS (bottom left) where it indicates the compiled version that is usually the stable one.
  • Accessing the official site, blue button GetWordPress.
  • Consult the Blog, sidebar “WordPress Help”, Update WordPress where you will find the latest documented stable release article.
  • In Wikipedia, searching for “WordPress”, the first result, access and to the right, in the sidebar you will see Latest stable version.
  • Asking on the Official Forums asking!

There are many other ways to find out, but surely if you access the dashboard of your WordPress installation, once you have it running, you will immediately find out what the current version is.

Install previous versions is not justified unless you want to do it in a controlled test environment, for example a sandbox to recover some functionality lost due to an update.

Install “later” versions to the stable one that would be ALFA or BETA is never recommended unless you are a developer and do it under a controlled test environment and always recommended only for tests and not for production sites.

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YoAlways install the stable version, everything will be much better for your website!

How to install WordPress from Applications?

Wow, super easy! What would my dear friend say…and it’s true, it’s as simple as knowing how to click here and there a few times and that’s it! Enjoy your brand new WordPress.

I’ll tell you how the process is summarized:

  1. If you are going to use a new domain for the web, make sure that the DNS points to the contracted Hosting.
  2. Then access your WePanel Hosting Panel from your Client Area or from
  3. In section applications Accede to Install WordPress.
  4. Fill in the fields corresponding to the installer (see the detailed screenshot below).
  5. Once all the fields of the installation have been completed, click on the green button Install WordPress.
  6. Once the process is complete, you will see a screen with the installation summary.

Click on image to enlarge

What fields do you have to take into account to install WordPress in WePanel with the Applications installer?

  • Name of the site: The name that your website, store or project will have. (This is not the domain name.)
  • Select a domain: The one that will allow your website to be visible on the Internet. You must make sure that said domain points correctly to ).
  • Route: Use this field only if the website you are going to install is “another” website that is going to use an already active domain and with another website, and that you need to use for a second website in another folder, such as: your-domain. com/other-web/
  • Click on image to enlarge

    • Administrator Email: The email address of the site administrator where web notifications will be received (user registrations or registrations, update notifications, forms, etc.).
    • Administator: It is the name you will use to access the dashboard (WordPress administration). Avoid being the classic “admin” which is already very crushed.
    • Password: The default installer will generate a strong, alphanumeric password. But you can put your own password by unchecking the box, which will display a text box for you to put it. Use a robust one for the best security of your administration panel.

    Click on image to enlarge

  • Overwrite existing files: As its name suggests, it is so that you can check this option in case, for example, you want to install a WordPress in the /public_html folder (or any other) where there was already a website before, but you deleted it and there were remains, and you need to reinstall again in the same folder the web. Be careful, if you have another website installed from ” Applications” in the same folder, the installer will not let you overwrite it. Always check before there are no files in the destination folder, it’s the best!
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Click on image to enlarge

I’ve already installed it, now what?

When the WordPress installation is complete, you will automatically see a modal or popup window on the screen with an informative summary of the installation.

Click on image to enlarge

Closing the installation summary window Where can you find this data again?

In your WePanel, within ” Applications” click on “Start” and inside you will see the section Installed Applications where the information of each installed website (even if they are not WordPress) that you have made using the installers of the Hosting Panel is collected.

Click on image to enlarge

The button Options that appears to the right of each detected installation that has been carried out with the installers allows you to access a detailed summary of each of the installations.

Click on image to enlarge

An “interesting” tool within these options is Change Password that allows you to modify the password to access WordPress, to /wp-login.php either /wp-admin of the “Administrator” user and put a different one, if for example you passed it to a plugin or Theme developer to access your website and now you do not want him to continue having access.

Click on image to enlarge

Recommended reading:

You already know the access data for the website that you just installed, but just in case, I’ll refresh it here:

  • Web access URL: http or if it is a main or additional domain and http or if it is, for example, a subdomain.
  • User: The user that you have put to log in on the web.
  • Password: The one you have set to access. If you don’t remember it, I just explained how to change it. 😉
  • Access URL to the WordPress Administration Panel (called dashboard): http or or if it is a subdomain http or

You can also access it by calling /wp-login.php instead of /wp-admin for the dashboard.

In the following video I illustrate the WordPress installation process from Applications.

Uninstall WordPress from Applications

In the event that you need to uninstall a WordPress website that you had previously installed from WePanel, Applications, you have to take into account that the best way to remove the installation is by using the installer itself, which has the uninstall functionality of the website.

This only works for websites that have been installed by this method and not for those that you “transfer” from other servers/hostings, from your computer, or that you upload manually by other means (FTP, etc).

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Summarized uninstall process:

  1. Access your WePanel, Applications.
  2. In Installed Applications (if you have several) locate the one you are going to delete.
  3. Click the right button Options.
  4. Now click the red button uninstall.
  5. Confirm where it says “Are you sure? Yesuninstall the application and delete its files.”
  6. Once the uninstall is complete you will see the warning The Application has been successfully uninstalled.

What is removed with this option?

  • The WordPress website installed in the folder associated with the selected domain/subdomain.
  • The database associated with that installation.
  • The database user associated with that database.

This uninstall does not affect other websites hosted in the same Hosting in other folders or their corresponding databases.

Click on image to enlarge

Always make a backup before deleting a specific website, you never know if you will need the files in the future.

In the following video I show you in a few minutes how to uninstall a WordPress Application.

In addition, every time you uninstall a website created through ” Applications” we send you an email to the account indicated in the installation, informing you that the website was uninstalled:

Following your instructions, the “My website” site that was installed at the address has been uninstalled. Within the WePanel Control Panel you will find your current applications, access information and you will be able to uninstall or install new applications. Thanks for trusting us. Cheers!

This will record for the future that you did such an action.


The installation of WordPress, as I mentioned at the beginning of this article, is a fairly simple process, but knowing how, where and how to make it easier serve as a guide for those who start using this CMS for their projects and do not want have errors or problems in the process.

At we work to always offer you the necessary tools so that you can start your projects without complications and in the least number of clicks.

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