Hello Bernard,

When entering Settings> Pdf Embeder they show you the following text:

Installing PDF Embedder
To use the plugin, just embed PDFs the same way you normally would with images in your posts/pages – try a PDF instead.

In the post editor, click add media, then drag and drop your PDF into the media library. When you insert the PDF into the post, it will automatically be embedded using the plugin viewer.

So you should not enter the link directly, but add it as if it were an image, that is:

From a post or page that works with gutemberg or the classic editor, this is why when inserting it or trying to do it in a divi module it does not take the shortcode automatically because the way you insert in divi is not the same as in gutemberg, if you wish, do the test directly inside an input without using the divi constructor and insert the pdf that you have already uploaded in your system, then click on the code tab and you will see that it does have the shortcode created. 🖐️

Basically it is not entirely compatible with the visual constructor of Divi, do not comment on how it goes, greetings 🖐️

Answered: 10/23/2020 9:42 pm

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