Affiliate market: how to generate income?

The affiliate market is one of the best ways to start having a free lifestyle generating income online. In this article you will find answers to the main questions so that you can get started today.

Hello! I am Javier Bermúdez, digital entrepreneur, expert in online business and affiliate marketing. I am the creator of the page from where we help more than 25 million people a year to find opportunities to work, study and travel the world. Online businesses have allowed me to have a free life to spend time with my family and pursue my passions: music and traveling. If you want to know more about me, you can find me at where I share everything I know to have a profitable online business that allows you to live the life you have always wanted.

If you are starting in the affiliate marketingsurely you have a lot of questions, you are not the only one, there are many people who would like to start working in this area but do not dare or do not know how to take the first step.

Some of the most common questions I get are:

  • What exactly is affiliate marketing?
  • How to find affiliate programs?
  • How do I decide which programs to join?
  • What are the best topics to work affiliate marketing?
  • How to start generating income?

To begin with, I have to say that affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to start . Not only that, but, done professionally, you can scale your profits as much as you want.

Are you interested in learning more about affiliate marketing? Today I am going to answer the main questions so that you can get started and start having a free lifestyle generating income online in a way that is suitable for everyone.

Let’s start!

What is affiliate marketing?

The In short, it is when you recommend a product in exchange for a commission. It is one of the best options to start in the digital world since you can start generating income by recommending products from other people or companies.

An example: If you recommend a course, a book, a product…, and the person buys through your link, you generate a commission. Imagine that it is a course that is worth €100 and you have a 50% commission, every time you make a sale, you will get €50. Not bad right?

The person who buys through your affiliate link does not pay more, the product is worth exactly the same as the original. It is the company or producer that does not obtain the full benefit of the profits, however, using this marketing model, the producer can reach more people, and therefore, have more sales.

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After all, it’s a win-win, everybody wins The affiliate will be happy because he has generated a commission and the producer will be satisfied because he has earned an income without making any effort in the sale.

The best thing about affiliate marketing is that you can start with very little and scale as much as you want. The market is huge, and while a producer or company only covers the sale of their own products, you, as an affiliate, can recommend products from other producers and generate commissions from all of them.

How to find affiliate programs

First of all, go to a platform like where you can find a great market of products that you can recommend.

Personally, I like to differentiate the different types of affiliate programs based on price. Selling a €3,000 program that generates a commission of around €1,000 is not the same as selling a €40 program that generates a commission of around €20 (these figures are indicative). Then there are the medium value products, around €400.

Selling a program for more than €1,000, known as High Ticket, it will be more complicated, however, you will have to sell less quantity to reach the figure you want monthly. For example, if you want to generate €2,000 per month, and you have a commission of €1,000 per sale, you only have to generate two sales.

On the contrary, a lower priced product will be easier to recommend and, obviously, more accessible, you will be able to reach more people. However, you will have to sell many programs so that you can reach the number you want each month.

How to decide which affiliate programs to join

Here are several factors to consider when deciding which programs to join.

your niche

First of all it will be in which you are working, what it comes to be, the theme of your community. This may be obvious, but it must be included.

For example, if you are working in a fitness niche, you are not going to recommend a product on how to fix a washing machine (there is one)… it makes no sense.

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The ideal is to find products that are related to your niche or products that can complement your project by adding value to users.

Many people get sidetracked when they see a product that offers very good commissions and is selling very well. If it doesn’t fit your niche, it’s not worth it.

Choose a winning product

Within your niche, you can find products that have better output. For this you can observe the competition or communities similar to yours to see what they are recommending.

You can also look at the market of to find out which are the “Hottest” or “Most Loved” products in your niche.

In section “filters” You can choose the theme (niche), the language of the programs, the currency, as well as define other search criteria so that the most interesting programs for your community appear.

Take care of the commissions

Some affiliate programs may offer very low commissions. Keep in mind that this is your job and your time, you can not waste time with very low commissions.

In the market you can find products between 25% and 75% commission, if they are lower, I do not recommend it. In other markets this commission can vary, for example, if you recommend books from Amazon, the commission is around 10%.

Attention to members

One of the things I have learned over the years is to maintain a good relationship with producers. Programs that offer a service or orientation to members tend to work much better.

If you have a producer or someone on their team offering guidance on promoting their products and how they can fit into your community, you’ll see your conversion rate improve, especially for dummies.

What are the best topics to work affiliate marketing

The best affiliate programs are those that solve a problem.

After this great statement, I like to define three main areas to work on affiliate marketing: Health, Money and Relationships.

These three great areas never go out of style, they are because people are always looking for solutions to specific problems in their daily lives.

Within these three large areas you can find a lot of very interesting products and sub-niches that are sure to work very well with your community or future community.

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You just have to know how to apply the different techniques to achieve better results when it comes to affiliate marketing.

How to start generating income with affiliate marketing

You already know what affiliate marketing is, you know the different price options offered by affiliate programs, you have received some tips to know which products to affiliate with according to your niche (theme) and also, you know which are the best niches.

Now, it’s time to get your act together and learn some techniques to start generating income by doing affiliate marketing.

The more people see your affiliate link, the more chances you have to generate income. Therefore, we have to work on driving traffic to those programs to generate a commission. There are two main paths for this:

  • Organic traffic.
  • Payment traffic.

When we talk about organic traffic, it consists of sending traffic through the different options “free” that are present today on the internet.

For example, through a blog making posts of different types, through social networks like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest… You can also use YouTube to create videos and generate traffic or channels like Telegram, Whatsapp or Sparkle.

As for paid traffic, it is about buying traffic on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and even Google or other programs like Taboola or Outbrain.

The good of is that you can get straight to the point by directing the ads to people who are really interested in these products, therefore, you will generate more sales commissions.

However, it is not free, yes, you can start with very little money and reinvest the profits to further scale the traffic to your affiliate programs.

Tips to Succeed in Affiliate Marketing

One of the biggest tips I can give you as an expert in affiliate marketing billing more than six figures per year in different companies, is that you be constant. Perseverance is one of the keys to entrepreneurship online. Whatever happens, you have to move on.

Do you want to know more advantages and discover how to earn money with the Affiliate Program?

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