Affiliate System: everything you need to know

Work from wherever and whenever you want, earn extra money, be the owner of your own business… These are just some of the benefits that affiliation provides, an excellent career opportunity or to increase income.

And has its own Affiliate System, which has a market where you can choose products from the most varied segments. Keep reading this content and find out everything about this universe!

What is an Affiliate?

You’ve probably already seen a lot of people selling third-party products for commission, right? Well, that’s exactly what the job of an affiliate is all about!

In the digital products market, there is the figure of the Producer, who is the one who creates the product, and that of the Affiliate, who sells it in exchange for a commission defined by the Producer.

I am going to explain it to you in more detail so that you understand it better:

  1. The Producer puts his digital product up for sale on a platform like .
  2. The Affiliate makes the disclosure and the customer, the purchase.
  3. The platform tracks the link of the person responsible for that sale.
  4. The Producer gets his money.
  5. And the Affiliate receives a commission for the sale made through their disclosure.

It is important to remember that commissions can vary from 30% to 80% of the value of the product. This means that if a product costs $100, you can charge between $30 and $80 per sale, depending on the rules you set as a Producer.

VIDEO | How to start making money as an affiliate from scratch.

What are the advantages of working as an Affiliate?

  • You work when and where you want;
  • Low initial cost;
  • You have a source of extra income;
  • You are your own boss;
  • Possibility of working with topics that interest you;
  • You care about only one thing: selling.
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Of course, like any job or business, working with the affiliate market requires a lot of study and discipline. It is very important to always spend time studying digital marketing and affiliation.

How does the Affiliate System work and what do you need to get started?

Now that you have understood what affiliates do and the benefits that this profession could bring you, we are going to show you how the System works.

To get started, here are the steps to register on the platform and choose your product.

  1. Access the and register in the “Affiliate” profile. It’s totally free.
  2. Enter the Market, which is in the left side menu, and you will find thousands of products that you can join, also without paying anything for it.

As there are so many products available, it is normal to be in doubt about which one to choose. For this reason, I have separated 4 tips to help you define the best product for you and to get the most out of the Affiliate System.

First, it is necessary to understand that working with digital products means managing specific markets. For that reason, it is important to choose a niche to start with. To do this, you can think of topics or an audience that you already know.

For example, if you are a person who is very interested in practicing physical activity, a good option is to choose a product related to this topic. Thus, it will be easier for you to disclose it, since you have an affinity with this matter.

The second tip is to watch the market carousels.

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the carousel recommended It has an artificial intelligence capable of using your behavior on the platform to recommend products that are increasingly in tune with your profile. The more you use it, the more accurate the suggestions will be.

Within hotter, the products with the highest temperature are found. This index measures the acceptance of a product in the market. The higher the temperature, the better your reception. This means that the products in this tab are selling well and regularly.

The dearest They bring a selection of products with a high satisfaction rate and well evaluated by buyers. They are interesting for those who are starting, because, generally, those who buy these products do not ask for a refund.

on the carousel most recent, you can see new products. This can also be a good option, because these are products that do not yet have many Affiliates, which means less competition in their promotion.

Also, do not forget to check the value of the commissions. Typically, the products with the highest commissions are the hardest to sell. So if you are just starting out, we suggest you choose cheaper products with lower commissions.

In More filters, you can choose between affiliation with a click or by approval. We recommend you choose the first option. This means that the Producer does not need to approve your Affiliate application for you to become an Affiliate for that product.

Producers who enable the Affiliate Approval option are often looking for Affiliates with more experience. After choosing the product following our advice, we go to the third step: start promoting it!

You can start in two ways:

  • Making it known among your audience;
  • Advertising on the Internet.

If you have a blog or social media profile and already have a following, advertise your chosen product to these potential buyers. This will be an excellent opportunity to advertise organically, that is, for free.

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You can also promote it through ads you can create on social networks like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, or on Google and ad platforms like Taboola and Outbrain.

These channels allow you to target your ads according to the audience you want to reach. But in this case, you will have to invest money to reach the right people and make sales.

How does identify the recommendation of a sale?

Through a Hotlink! In other words, a unique identifier code that refers to a specific product and is linked to the user’s account. With this system, it is possible to identify the person responsible for a sale and correctly process the commissions.

In the video below, you can find out how the disclosure link (Hotlink) works:

VIDEO | How the Hotlink works | Help Center

Is the Affiliate System transparent and secure?

uses a tracking technology that ensures the correct assignment of commissions for each sale made. Even if the Buyer completes the purchase on the Producer’s website, the system is able to identify that they have accessed through the Affiliate disclosure link.

Did you like this content? Well, to deepen your knowledge about the possibilities of working as an Affiliate.

Hugs and excellent sales.

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