Almas, the luxury of enjoying the most expensive caviar in the world

Caviar is probably one of the products that most remind us of luxury and quality, gastronomically speaking. Even more so, when the product we have on the table is Alma, awarded as the most expensive caviar in the world, around $25,000 a can. We tell you the secret!

The beluga sturgeon fish is responsible for generating the roe of this succulent delicacy, whose most important aspect when assessing its quality is the age of its fish. Almas comes directly from Iran, a quality that makes it extremely rare and therefore especially expensive and exclusive.

The only shop known to sell this ultra-luxurious caviar is Caviar House & Prunier in London’s Picadilli, England, where a 24-karat gold can goes for $25,000 a kilo. This incredible delicacy comes from a rare 70-year-old Iranian Belgian sturgeon fish from the Caspian Sea, the largest saltwater lake in the world.

This exquisite caviar is made up of pea-sized, gray roe. In general, the lighter the color, the more expensive the product. The clearest is in turn known as ‘royal caviar’.

The Beluga sturgeon is now threatened with extinction, prompting the US Fish and Wildlife Service in 2005 to ban the importation of Beluga caviar, which originated in the Black Sea and Caspian Sea basin.

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