Black Week : the opportunity to sell a lot in a week Participate in the Black Week and get ready to increase your sales.

Anyone who works with digital products already knows that Black Friday is one of the best times to sell. Did you know that in the last year sales increased 242% on Black Friday alone?

For this reason, this time we are not going to dedicate only Friday to offers. We’ve prepared a whole week for our Producers and Affiliates to exceed all expectations and sell much, much more!

And there is still more: this year, in addition to the special tab to include the products participating in the campaign in the Affiliate Market, we have a great novelty!

To find out what it is and also how this great week of sales is going to work, you just have to stay here with me because I am going to tell you everything.

In 2019 Black Week was a success, and in 2020 our Campaign will last a whole month so you can sell much more. Take a look and find out how to participate in ‘s Black November campaign!

How to participate in the Black Week ?

If you are a Producer, the first step is to register a special campaign coupon.

Registering coupons:

  • Access the platform;
  • Use the banner on the home page to select the product you want to apply the coupon to;

or then

  • Click on Products, in the left side menu;
  • Next, go to I am a producer and choose the product that will participate in the campaign;
  • You just have to choose the offer you want to apply dragging the cursor between the intervals from 5% to 50%.
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Now you just have to create a good strategy and distribute the coupons to your Affiliates and buyers!


Make sure the checkout is eligible for coupons.

The coupons will be valid from 12:00 am on 11/25/2019 to 11:59 pm on 12/01/2019 (Brasilia time) and will be automatically deactivated when Black Week ends.

Any Producer can create a coupon, but for the product to appear on the Special Tab in the Affiliate Marketyou must meet the following requirements:

  • Have Affiliate Program enabled
  • Be published in the Market
  • Submit a Blueprint greater than or equal to 60%
  • Have Open Membership.

oh! Do you remember that I told you that we would have a novelty for the participants of the Black Week?

Well, here you have it!


This year, in addition to an offer campaign in the Affiliate Market, we will also have a Black Week special page on the .com site, where your product can be displayed on a fully personalized landing page with the identity of the campaign.

For a product to be eligible and appear on the special .com Black Week page, it must:

  • Create the Black Week coupon
  • Configure the Product page
  • enable option “Allow my product to appear on the official channels, as long as it meets the quality requirements”in the Product Page settings;
  • Meet .com product quality requirements.

During the Black Week period, the coupons will be automatically applied to the products participating in the campaign on the special page.

If you’re Affiliatefrom November 13browse the Market on our platform.

  • You will see a special banner that will send you to the black week tab with participating products.
  • To participate, you just have to choose which products you want to affiliate with.
  • The products that are included in the tab will already have the coupons applied, ready for you to use during the campaign period.
  • So, you just have to create a good disclosure strategy and wait for Black Week to arrive.
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Still don’t know how to become a Affiliate?

A piece of advice that is worth gold

Attention Producer! When you sell your product in the Black Week, you will be able to disclose the coupon so that your buyers can use it when buying. Or you can choose to configure a parameter in the checkout link to disclose your sales page with the coupon already applied.

Said like this, it may seem a bit complicated, but you will see that you can configure it simply and quickly:

  1. Find the link of your checkout, which is like this: “https://pay./…”
  2. If it is the first parameter, add at the end: ?offDiscount=CODE
  3. If it is not the first parameter: &offDiscount=CODE


If the link was: https://pay./xyz

And you applied the 20% coupon to your product, it will be:

https://pay./xyz?offDiscount=BLACKWEEK20 either https://pay./xyz&offDiscount=BLACKWEEK20

Don’t forget to test the link before sharing it, ok? 🙂

Black Week Special Webinar

So that things go well for you in our Black Week, on 11/12 we will have a live class and 100% free with tips on tools and strategies for you to sell a lot at Black Week . Do not miss it!

Get ready to boost your sales with Black Week .

Until next time.

Good business! 🙂

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