Online training: a guide to implement it in your company

Have you noticed how they are being increasingly sought after?

Whether to pursue a university degree or specialize in a certain area or acquire new knowledge, many people have turned to distance education to achieve their goals.

Within the job market it is no different.

Companies are taking advantage of the virtual environment to invest in online training, improve teams and improve their results.

Both large companies and small businesses can benefit from this modality, it is enough to know exactly how to apply it within your business.

To find out how online training can be used in your company, keep reading today’s text. We are going to explain everything about this matter!

The importance of online training

Before learning the step by step to create an online training, it is essential to understand the importance of offering constant workshops to your collaborators.

Investing in the people who work with you increases the chances that your business will achieve the desired objectives, in addition to favoring their individual growth and keeping them committed and motivated to carry out their activities.

A company that ignores the training of its employees misses the opportunity to align them with organizational strategies and increase individual performance, which generates benefits for both parties.

How to implement online training in your company?

Now that you know the importance of investing in online training, it’s time to learn how to implement it.

Know the needs of your company

For training to be truly useful and efficient, it must meet the needs of the company and its staff.

What is the use of creating an incredible online training, if it does not add any value to its direct beneficiaries, nor does it fit in with the strategic planning of your company?

That is why the first step in creating an online training should be the evaluation of the needs of your company, so that you properly identify the skills and abilities that need to be worked on in the teams that are with you.

Define your audience

Before developing the online training, you must define who it will be addressed to.

Will your training be for new hires? Or will it be available to perfect and update the knowledge of the current ones?

If your company has several branches of action, define well which areas will benefit from this training, in order to prepare the material in an assertive and attractive way for the participants.

Other data such as the average age and interests of the group must also be taken into account, since all these factors influence the language and the tone that will be given to the communication.

Select the format

Online training can be provided through video classes, ebooks, interactive games and, for example. There are several formats that can be chosen according to your objective.

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We know, however, that video content has been one of the most consumed due to its practicality. This has made companies invest heavily in this format to ensure employee engagement.

If the idea is to transform learning into something dynamic and interesting, forget the materials with very long texts that tire the reader.

You cannot complain that employees do not adapt to training if you are offering unattractive options, right?

Write the script

You have already defined the public that will access your training and the ideal format, now is the time to prepare the .

This step is important even for those who have mastery of the content that will be shared. Without the script, you run the risk of forgetting important information or you may have difficulty conveying the message clearly and objectively.

Dividing the training by stages is essential so that the collaborators understand the sequential logic of the content and absorb the maximum amount of knowledge.

Think about the most important information, the data that you cannot stop sharing and write down everything that is essential for the development of your online training.

Get the necessary equipment

If you opted to do a video workout, you’ll need the , the , and a .

For the participants to have a good experience and really care about what is being shared, it is essential that the videos are of high quality and easily understandable.

Don’t worry if you don’t have the conditions to invest in professional equipment. Many smartphones have cameras that record in HD and can be the solution for your training.

edit the material

In order to make your online training look professional and add effects, cuts and other elements, it will be necessary to edit the content.

There are several available online that can be used, such as iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, and Shotcut. Most are intuitive to use and offer several free tools that will get your material up and running.

Worry about leaving the audio without distortion, since interference, noise and low sounds impair the user experience and can affect the results of the training.

Choose a platform for online courses

The training is ready, now, just choose the .

Despite the fact that YouTube is a world-renowned and easily accessible social network, it is more advisable to invest in your own platform for online courses.

These services offer tools that facilitate both the experience of those who store the videos and that of the users.

They have a variety of resources that enable interaction between teacher and student and make learning more dynamic, simple and accessible.

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It is important to check some details before making your choice:

  • If the platform is responsive, that is, it adapts to different mobile devices;
  • If the Virtual Learning Environment (EVA) has the necessary functionalities to carry out your training, such as discussion forums, spaces for exchanging information, publication of texts, slides, support to answer questions, among others;
  • If you can personalize the content so that it is attractive to employees and offers a positive experience.

Why do an online training for your company?

It is no coincidence that an increasing number of people are choosing to invest in online training in their businesses.

Replacing face-to-face training with the distance model can be advantageous for both employees and the company, and it is exactly these advantages that we are going to talk to you about now.

1. It is low cost

An online training does not require large financial investments to be carried out. As we have seen before, with accessible instruments it is already possible to create complete and quality classes.

However, even if you decide to invest in a more expensive platform, buy a professional camera and microphone, or use any other item that has a high cost, when it comes to offering the training, it will not be necessary to spend more money.

To train people in person, it is very common for companies to hire instructors, screens, projectors, physical spaces, coffee breaks, among other details that make the entire process quite expensive.

With the online version, you avoid these expenses without harming the learning of your employees.

2. You don’t need to worry about commuting

When you create face-to-face training for your business, you need to worry about how to get all the employees to the same place, at the same time.

Unless your company has plenty of space available, it may be necessary to resort to outsourced environments that have auditoriums or meeting rooms, for example.

Those who carry out an online training do not need to travel, since they can do it in their own workspace, individually.

3. Can be done at any time

To train employees in person, it is necessary to previously stipulate fixed dates and times, so that all participants are organized and present.

In companies with a large number of employees, especially, this can become extremely complicated and difficult to manage.

Instead, online training can be made available continuously, for the employee to access at their preferred time.

It is better for the employee to use that quieter time of day to do the training than to have to stop or postpone important activities to be present at the established time, right?

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In addition, you may later come across a situation at work that requires some information from your classes. With all the content online, you can access at any time, remember what you need and put it into practice.

4. Allows control and interaction with the user

By placing your classes on an online platform, it will be possible to see the people who are viewing the contents and the most accessed schedules.

This information can help you in the elaboration of the next trainings and in the improvement of the already existing classes.

In addition, the virtual environment allows participants to interact, leave their questions, comments and suggestions.

In face-to-face training this is also possible, however, there is not always enough time to listen to all the participants and understand the difficulties and interests of each one.

It is also virtually possible to put tests and exams to the test to guarantee the assimilation of the content or to reward people as they progress in the training. This strategy helps with engagement and makes the activity more motivating for students.

5. Can be diversified

As we said before, your online training can be done in various formats. The fact of being built and available in the virtual environment allows the use of innovative and interactive approaches, which are not always possible in conventional training.

If you have invested in video class training, for example, you can do a live broadcast sporadically, to attract employees and diversify the classes.

Another interesting idea is to interview consultants and experts on a topic so that they share their knowledge and experiences with the people in your company.

You can, in addition, with more complete information on a certain topic, so that the employee can access it in times of doubt, be it from the cell phone, tablet or computer.

6. Guarantee the constant development of your staff

Another advantage of online training is the possibility of creating several different classes to access them according to the needs.

You can map the skills that an employee needs to have to execute the various activities of your business and create specific training for each one.

Thus, the employee will be able to access the training when they encounter any difficulty or need to improve certain knowledge.

In conventional training, this is not possible, since it is necessary to elaborate each stage in advance, so that…

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