Blog themes: how to find the best ideas? [10 técnicas]

To be successful with your You not only have to write well, but also address topics relevant to your audience and help solve problems. The equation is simple: the more value you offer, the greater the chances that they will engage with your content and recommend it to others.

We imagine that at this moment you must be asking yourself: “but how am I going to discover the blog topics that are of interest to my visitors?

With the advancement of the Internet and its tools, it is increasingly easier to discover what type of information users are looking for when they arrive at your page and, based on that, be more accurate in the production of content.

Take a close look at our list of 10 strategies to find the most relevant blog topics!

1. Use the Google/YouTube search bar

When you start typing in the search bar of engines like Google and YouTube, the tool itself completes your sentence with the terms most searched by users, according to the example below.

In the case of Google, these word suggestions also appear in the footer of the results page in the search field. related search.

These terms are already a good starting point for your text production, but if you want to go deeper in your analysis, look for the search volume of each of them in the Google Keyword Planner and use tools such as either to discover the degree of difficulty to rank said term. This way you identify if you have enough resources to compete for that keyword.

It is important to note that search volume should not be the only factor to be considered when writing content. More important than that is evaluating whether that term is relevant to your business. For example: a blogger who talks about travel is not the best person to talk about makeup, since there are other bloggers who specialize in this topic.

2. Visit Google Trends

makes a list of the most searched topics at the moment. The tool provides a graph with a search volume in the period you have determined and the countries in which the subject has been investigated the most, in addition to the main related terms.

Likewise, it is possible to filter the results by category (“arts and entertainment”, for example) or by country, to arrive at an even more specific result.

This information is important because if the search volume is growing it means that many people are researching the subject, that is, it is worth spending time creating unpublished content about it.

To exemplify, we tracked the volume of searches for “online courses”, in the last three months, in Mexico.

An important suggestion when doing the search is that the time periods are larger (above 90 days), because that way you avoid writing about topics that were highly searched in the last week, but that will not have any relevance. within a month.

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Try to privilege perennial content that can continue to generate value for your readers, regardless of how much time passes.

3. Do a blog performance analysis

If you already have a blog for a long time, the page performance analysis will help you discover the most accessed content and the behavior of the visitors.

But why is it important? By knowing the content that is most accessed, you can produce more materials focused on the subject and resolve other doubts from your users.

There are two fundamental tools for this task, one of them is . To have access you must have a Google account, since all services are linked.

In the menu on the left, click Behavior > Content > All Pages. With this command you will see the most visited posts of your blog, the average time spent on the page and the rejection rate.

You can also use Google Search Console, which shows what words users searched for to find your blog. To find out what they are, select Search Traffic > Search Analytics > Queries And that’s it: the tool provides a list with the terms that bring the most traffic to your site and the number of hits from each one.

Still in the Search Console, in the menu pages you can discover which posts of yours are ranking in Google and for which terms. This information is essential to measure the results of your SEO strategies.

4. Search Facebook groups

Most people who are online also use the Internet to socialize. With that, groups on social networks like Y they became spaces to share experiences, gather doubts and express opinions about products and services.

In order to know the issues that users are commenting on, what their problems and doubts are, it is important to be part of these discussion groups and, whenever possible, interact with people.

Many bloggers/entrepreneurs confuse joining groups with self-advertising all the time, and that’s exactly what you should avoid.

Think that you are there as a mere spectator, to discover the topics that most interest your audience. This means that you should not share links, and when you want to do so, you will have to deliver value to the people who are participating in the discussion.

5. Analyze what your competition writes

It’s good for two reasons:

  • You can make a comparative analysis with your blog: quality of the texts, type of language used, images, etc.
  • It is useful to identify issues that are being neglected by your market and that may be of interest to your audience.
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It is important that you understand that working as a blogger is much more related to identifying problems and proposing solutions than creating something new and never seen before. In this case, knowing what your competitor is doing is essential to propose new approaches and create original content, even if you are talking about a similar topic.

6. Check Facebook Insights

is an analytical tool available to any entrepreneur who has a Facebook page. Through it, it is possible to obtain demographic and behavioral data of your followers, which can be useful to discover the topics that most interest those profiles.

7. Read foreign blogs on the subject

When writing, the more references you have, the better. Therefore, we suggest that, in addition to national competitors, you look for foreign blogs, as they can give you ideas of topics to address, even with global data.

However, you have to be very careful in this matter, because the audiences that these blogs are aimed at are very different, so an issue that attracts a lot of attention in another country may not have the same impact here. After identifying possible topics, it will be necessary to track the search volume of that keyword in your region of origin, as we explained in the first topic of the text.

Let’s remember that the content must be 100% original, since plagiarism is penalized and can cause serious damage to your credibility, okay?

8. Renew outdated content

To have good content you will not always need to write texts from scratch. You can also revitalize old posts to add more relevant and current information. This is a good way to ensure that your materials continue to generate value, even years after publication.

But the fact of “reusing” content does not mean that you will have less work. First of all you will need to find out which posts of yours are attracting traffic, but are not yet in the top positions of the search rankings (take into account until the second page of results).

Next, do a search on the topic to find out if it has gone through any relevant changes since the post was published. It is also interesting to analyze the posts of the competition in order to think of new approaches.

Finally comes the stage of rewriting the text. Since you’re already more used to the writing process, this may be the easiest part.

Do not forget to follow the accesses after the update to know if the changes brought return in traffic.

9. Take opinion polls

The simplest way to find out what people want is to ask, and in the case of the blog, it’s no different!

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Contact your readers by email and ask what kind of content they would like to read on your page. This will not only help you find blog topics, but a way to .

Currently there are several tools that allow free opinion polls, such as Google forms. In other words, you will not need to spend anything to get to know your audience better, and in exchange for people’s participation in the survey you can offer more assertive content.

10. Create an editorial calendar

The last technique isn’t exactly for finding new threads, but a way to .

The editorial calendar is a schedule of all the marketing strategies of your business. In it you can include social network posts, blog posts, mass newsletters and all the content that is essential to promote your brand.

With a predefined calendar you have a macro vision of your strategies, you can better organize your time according to each demand and you have more peace of mind to measure the results.

How to create an editorial calendar in just 3 steps

1. Set your goal

There are multiple objectives to be achieved with a blog, for example becoming an authority on a topic, increasing traffic to your page, increasing the conversion of texts, etc.

2. Define the best tool

After choosing your goal you must define the best tool to create and manage the editorial calendar. Some options are: Google Calendar, Asana and Trello. In order not to confuse you with the deadlines, it is important that you group the tasks according to the channels: blog, social networks or email marketing, and classify them in order of importance.

This way you can know which posts are a priority and which can be scheduled for another date. But we remind you that the calendar is just a document to guide your content production, so don’t worry if you have to edit it to suit the demands of your audience.

3. Determine the frequency

The last step is to define the ideal frequency for publishing the posts. This calculation must take into account the importance of the demand and the number of tasks that you manage to carry out.

In sum: Whatever technique you choose, the most important thing is to put your audience’s interests first and create original content. Now that you know how to define a goal and choose blog topics, take a look at our post with .

Until next time!

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