Do you know what leads are and why this strategy is vital for you?

If you have a company that provides services or sells any product, you have undoubtedly heard of a target audience. But do you know what they are? leads?

A person interested in a product or service and who shows that interest is called lead.

This type of client is essential for your brand to grow, regardless of the of your business. After all, having multiple people contact you in exchange for educational information is a great way to think about converting them into customers.

In this post we are going to help you better understand what the leads And why should you care?

What are leads?

Generally, a lead is someone who comes into contact with your brand in search of more knowledge or information about your product.

For that they are willing to leave their personal contacts in order to obtain a content offer, usually educational.

The big question is: do you know where you can order customer contacts?

Sign-up forms to receive different materials or even sign up for a newsletter are great for that. That way you can see who is really interested in knowing more about your products.

However, not all the people who follow your brand on the Internet can be considered leads. There are a few key differences that you need to know in order to classify your users.

  1. The visitors They are people who visit your site in a certain period of time. They are not necessarily frequent, but you know they have already been there.
  2. The subscribers they are the ones who signed the newsletter and follow your brand on social media. But at first they only want to receive educational content. They don’t even know they have a problem that needs to be solved. But the interesting thing is that the subscribers they want to learn more, so they come to your page. They are leads in potential.
  3. The leads they are the users that are within the reach of the company. Since you already have information such as their email or even their mobile phone, you can think of strategies to convert them into your customers. In the digital market, the information made available by a lead is the email.

But why is it so important to have someone’s personal contact?

Email is one of the main communication channels on the Internet. That is why it is a powerful tool. This type of contact is based on real people who have given you permission to talk to them.

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Well then the lead It is not just who leaves personal information for the company. He is a qualified contact. That is, someone who has already identified that he has a problem and knows that he needs a solution.

For some marketing scholars, there is a type of lead called qualified. But that is just a denomination and it depends on your line of studies.

That is why in this post we are going to call lead to each user who is already considering the possibility of buying a product or hiring your service, but who still wants more information about your brand.

In short, the lead is a potential consumer who shows interest in a certain brand, product or service.

What is lead nurturing?

Understanding who are the people who have a specific interest in your brand is very good for your marketing strategies.

But you have to think about and make them leads become customers.

This is what we call “lead nurturing”.

It does not help to have people interested in your service, who have already reported their email, if they do not generate profits at some point.

You have to feed your leadswhich means going all the way from personal contact information to becoming a buyer.

This trajectory of lead even the sale is known as the “buyer’s journey” or “sales funnel”, that is, what the person does towards a company. They are the experiences that she lives until she buys your product.

This journey is divided into three stages:

  1. Knowledge: is when a person faces or expresses symptoms of a problem. The searches carried out at this stage by the user are more educational, since he wants to understand the problem he has.
  2. Consideration: The person has already defined what their problem is and given it a name. She wants to understand the approaches and methods available to resolve what she has discovered.
  3. Decision: the strategy or method to solve the problem has been chosen. So this is the stage where the purchase is really effective. The user becomes a client.

At all stages of the buyer’s journey, you can help them better understand their problems.

How can you do it? By means of the and innovative to educate the people who seek your service.

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People searching for your brand who leave their information so you can contact them are looking for something beyond buying and selling products. They want to be educated and directed to make an intelligent decision.

That is why the focus of your content should not be based solely on sales.

Provide incredible information!

Show people that they can take advantage of what you offer in the form of educational material. That way you manage to train your potential customers.

How to make a good lead nurturing sequence?

By now you know what they are leads and you have also understood that they need to be educated to become consumers (nutrition of leads).

But do you know how to do that nutrition?

Before even thinking about the content you are going to post, you must know exactly who you are. lead:

  • What stage of the sales funnel is he at?
  1. TOFU (Top Of The Funnel) – Early phase of the funnel – cold leads (attraction).
  2. MOFU (Middle Of the Funnel) – Middle of the funnel – qualified leads (consideration).
  3. BOFU (bottom of the funnel) – End of the funnel – hot leads (decision).

Then it is already possible to think of a good lead nurturing sequence.

  • Send mass emails with specific objectives for each person, basing the types of messages according to the stage of the funnel in which the person is.
  • Promote specific email marketing for each lead. Think of a sequence based on an event or a personal characteristic of your audience.
  • Send newsletters, with content that can educate and qualify your lead.
  • Create a relationship with your customers and leads current.
  • Define fixed time intervals to send emails. Don’t do it all at once so you don’t fill up your inbox. lead.

In addition to knowing what to do, it is important to understand what not to do. Keep an eye out for some mistakes to avoid. The most common are:

  • Buy email lists and send specific content to those who did not leave your email of their own free will.
  • Do not map sent content.
  • Use personal email and not company email.
  • Not creating a way to get the person to the next stage of the sales funnel.
  • Mismatching the proportion of content created and delivered for each step of the funnel.
  • Do not use text in the body of the message and only send advertising brochures.
  • Assign different people to each phase of the buyer’s journey. Remember that the person is the same, but they may be at different stages of acquaintance.
  • Make end-of-funnel-only technical texts (BOFU).
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After sending your content to leads, you need to analyze your strategy. This is important because you will see what has worked and what has not. That way you can adjust your results in order not to repeat the same mistake.

Next, it analyzes the reception of the emails. Check if your leads opened the message, downloaded the content, which subjects are the most searched for. This way you will have the opportunity to create an even better strategy and take advantage of your email list more and more. leads qualified.

Why work with that strategy?

The growth of the customer base is a common goal for many brands. And to do so, it is necessary to conquer new leads. People who are interested in what you have to offer are more likely to become new buyers.

From this perspective, the importance of working with the recruitment and nutrition strategy of leads it is essential to achieve contacts capable of becoming clients.

And the more satisfied they are with your products and services, the more people promote your brand. Thus, they spread information about your product to other people through the so-called organic diffusion (without large financial investments) of your services.

Well, then working with this strategy will help increase the amount of sales conversion. And the more sales, the greater the profit, not to mention that your brand will be better known. In other words: you will be an expert in your business niche.

That is why it is important to always think about generating leads, educating them and making them loyal customers and ambassadors of your products.

To finish we ask you: have you managed to understand what the leads And why are they important to your brand? Follow on social networks to receive more information about the digital market.

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