Bug in Loco translate

Very good! forgive my boldness but… I also had the same problem that is discussed here and I have solved it in a very simple way.

After trying and trying, I realized that I always edited the .PO file and also did it by script (wrong on my part…) :whistle: but what I never did was modify the .MO file

Well here is the solution:

If you look in public_html/(Yourweb.com)/wp-content/themes/(Installed Template)/inc/languages
you will find the .PO and .MO files for each language you have.

Since we only need Spanish in this case, we download the files es_ES.PO and es_ES.MO.

Once this is done, which takes a matter of seconds… We edit the file es_ES.PO with a free program and already mentioned above POedit. ( Having the software installed, just right click with the mouse on the file es_ES.PO and click on open with, then we mark it as with POedit)

If you already have the translation to your liking, click on the “Top-bar” of the File > Save program ( The .PO file will be saved)
Finally, go back to File and click on Compile in .MO ( Your file will be updated. MO)

We only have to re-upload both files to the same site, it will ask you for permission to replace it… you say yes and that’s it. ( If you have Wp Super Cache or similar… remember to clear the cache)

Ami fixed my mistake for me by playing with the North template that you can find on Themeforest.

I hope it helps you =)


Answered: 04/06/2016 12:17 pm

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