Business opportunities: 10 non-traditional options

The new generations, especially the so-called “”, they have very different habits and behaviors from the previous ones, they have a great ability to take advantage of new business opportunities, a more empathic sense of seeing the world and a close link with the digital world. In fact, this closer relationship with the Internet influences various aspects of the lives of millennialssuch as your professional goals.

If a few decades ago young people at the time of valued more aspects such as financial stability or social status, today the scenario is very different: what matters most to millennials is freedom, flexibility and innovation in the work environment.

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And given this change in profile, the labor market has also changed to be able to keep up with the pace that these new generations impose. the desire of or remotely from anywhere in the world and with what you love is already a reality for a whole series of professionals.

But whoever thinks that only young people are interested in changing their professional paths is mistaken.

There is a significant number of people who are already in the market and who, dissatisfied with the career, unmotivated or curious to try something more challenging, are looking for new and more modern business opportunities to generate income.

But, after all, what is the traditional market?

When we say traditional market we are referring to the market that values ​​jobs or professional choices characterized by the search for job stability and, of course, to earn money.

The most common path until today and, therefore, what is even more recommended for young people who are deciding their professional future is to enter a university course, graduate, specialize in that area and get a stable job. such as, for example, a vacancy in a public competition or in a large company.

However, with so many transformations derived from the technological revolution, this model has been surpassed by an increasing number of people.

Knowing the greater number of business opportunities offered by the digital market, people are opting for more dynamic careers that allow them to exploit other skills and knowledge beyond those that can be acquired at a university.

With this, the calls they are not so far away anymore and it is very likely that you already know people who act outside the traditional market.

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Business opportunities outside the traditional market

A few years ago it was hard to imagine that one day we would be hiring private drivers by cell phone, exchanging hotel rooms for apartments of people we don’t know on our trips, scheduling cleaning services for our house and our car through a application, and even using credit cards without paying any service fees.

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If we are already seeing so many changes now, it is also possible to foresee that the jobs that the next generations will do will have an even more different profile than what we are used to.

In fact, significant changes are already taking place, with a growing appreciation in jobs focused on creativity and relationships, and on the other hand the devaluation of traditional jobs that involve monotonous and routine activities.

We are witnessing the emergence of professions for which there are not even developed university courses yet, which has encouraged the growth of online courses through online platforms. to absorb public demand.

These professions involve, for the most part, activities directly connected to the digital world, as is the case of software developers, digital marketing professionals, user experience specialists or content producers, among others.

The business of digital entrepreneurship

Faced with this reality, the search for their own business opportunities has transformed the entrepreneurial spirit into a strong trend, which welcomes those who do not feel they fit into any traditional professional field.

For those who are not yet familiar with the term, we can define entrepreneurship as an innovative action in the business world through the creation of new products and services or the change in pre-existing models. The it implies the same process of creative and innovative action, but in a way that is closely associated with technology.

In a reality where the Internet and the contents of the virtual world are increasingly accessible, digital entrepreneurship has become a sure bet.

This happens because this type of activity can provide the reach of a larger audience, in less time and providing more convenience to the entrepreneur, with the initial investment required being lower compared to that of a physical business and the probability of working with something in their field being greater. of interest.

Well, if you opened this post, you surely want to know more about online business opportunities. Therefore, we have selected some interesting options for you to start thinking about what you would like to do.

10 innovative business opportunities


Coaching is a methodology of in which, through the use of specific tools and techniques, the behavioral changes necessary to achieve goals established by the client at the beginning of the process are worked on.

It is currently widely spread and can be applied both for professional and personal growth.

The professional can act in face-to-face consultations, online or through courses aimed at a specific audience.

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2. Consulting

The work of It consists of using some specific knowledge and/or experience to assist the client in a certain area of ​​their daily life.

People and companies hire these specialists for the most diverse reasons to receive help in some aspect in which they lack knowledge or direction.

Financial, image, personal organization, professional, business management, etc. consultancies can be offered.

If you want to work at home, this is a business opportunity where you can perform via Skype or other video tools.

3. Online classes

With the growth of distance education, acting as It is one of the best business opportunities. If you already work with face-to-face classes, it will only be necessary to adapt your way of teaching to the particularities of the virtual environment. However, there is room even for those who have never taught but have knowledge of certain content and are willing to share it.

One of the advantages of teaching online is the fact of being able to explore content that you like, that you master and with which you feel comfortable when preparing relevant material for users. Classes can be produced in various formats, such as video classes, ebooks, audiobooks or webcasts, among others.

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work as It is especially suitable for those who want to be digital nomads, that is, those professionals who work while traveling.

For some time, working as a freelancer was associated only with ways to earn extra money in the free time that people had after a formal day of work.

However, with an increasing search for freedom and autonomy to manage one’s career, the number of digital nomads who support themselves exclusively through these activities has increased significantly.

As a freelancer you can act in the area of ​​writing and reviewing texts, in the creation of content for social networks, translation, photography and much more.

The options are many and, with dedication, it can be quite profitable. The important thing is to know what you do best and offer these services to those who need them.

5. Craft work

If you have any artistic ability, that can be your gateway to the business world.

Several products allow homemade productions, such as candles, natural cosmetics, jewelry, decorative objects, embroidery and paintings.

In addition to the traditional method of sales, through the exhibition of products in physical stores or craft fairs, it is also interesting to focus on the virtual environment to reach more people and obtain better and faster results (if good strategies are used! marketing, of course!).

you can create a or pages on social networks that are exclusively to promote and sell products, which helps to reach more users.

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Among the social networks It has been gaining a lot of prominence, mainly after its changes in 2018, which greatly helped those who use this medium to sell.

6. Food production

Food production is a job opportunity very similar to craft work.

For those who know how to cook, like to do it and think about using that skill in business, the production of food at home for home delivery, whether it is hot or frozen food, is a great option within current business opportunities.

With time increasingly scarce, there are many people who seek to maintain a balanced, healthy and accessible diet but away from home. So this is an excellent in which to invest.

7. Ecommerce

If your idea is one of the two above, the It is one of the possibilities for the sale of your products. But the creation of virtual stores can be an option both for those who want to market what they produce and for those who are interested in reselling to generate income.

You can, for example, invest in pieces of clothing, shoes, bags, fitness products or anything else that can be sold. The next step is to photograph them, create your ecommerce and put them up for sale online.

If that is your case, do not forget to think about payment methods and, above all, how to deliver the products to those who buy in your virtual store.

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8. Digital Influencer

Today it is difficult to meet someone who does not know at least one. This is a very growing trend in the virtual world and it could be the perfect business opportunity for those who are looking for a way out of the traditional job market in digital entrepreneurship.

To become a digital influencer, it is necessary to produce quality content for a segmented audience and share it through the various existing channels, such as YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. With time and the use of proper marketing strategies, the posts reach a significant audience and users begin to feel connected to the influencer.

In this way, the digital influencer becomes considered an authority in the niche in which he operates, attracting the attention of brands and companies that seek him out to promote their products through the use of his…

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