BuzzSumo [Tutorial]: improve your marketing strategies

BuzzSumo is a powerful online tool that allows any user to know what the most popular content is on the web. If you or your company uses content marketing to promote yourself, this tool will be of great value to you to achieve success.

When working with digital marketing it is important to look for tools that help in the development of, and BuzzSumo is one of the most indicated.

This tool is useful for content producers and marketing analysts, since it allows the monitoring of the audience and helps in the suggestion of what you will cover and in the segmentation of the public of social networks.

By using the platform, it is possible to predict and identify which content and strategies are going to be more attractive to your audience, avoiding the creation of actions that do not produce results.

To learn more about this tool and how to use it, keep reading this text!

What is BuzzSumo?

is a software that allows marketing professionals to search and identify topics consumed and shared in search engines and

It is possible, for example, to enter the URL of your web page and analyze the quality of your links and content, or even those of your competitors.

The platform can be considered one of the most complete, since it offers functions that help from planning, through execution and ending with the analysis and monitoring of results.

BuzzSumo offers a one-week trial version, after which it is possible to purchase paid plans that offer more complete features.

How can BuzzSumo help you?

It can help you in many areas of marketing. For example, with the analysis of , it helps to improve the authority of the website and also shows which are the topics that are on the rise in each segment, which facilitates the definition of topics for ebooks, landing pages and blog posts.

In this way, based on the experience of other users and brands on the Internet, you can predict what will give the best results. This makes it easy to create long-term actions and seasonal actions, such as around Christmas and Black Friday.

Social networks

In the case of social networks, the tool makes a compilation of what was shared on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

In this way, it can show you which are the most searched and cited terms in social networks on the topic you want to analyze.

alliance with influencers

Making alliances with brands and influencers is also a way to expand the perception of the brand to different audiences. However, how to choose the best influencer to speak for you?

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With this in mind, the platform allows you to analyze influencers based on their authority and degree of relevance on the Internet.

The website features a list of influencers who speak on certain topics and also points out relevant insights that will help you make the best choices.

Data analysis and trends

All marketing work must be defined from the analysis of data and trends, and the platform helps in this regard. It provides several that will be important to your strategy.

For example, Google Analytics provides a lot of information about the ranking of web pages, Twitter and Instagram also allow you to search for hashtags and mentions of your brand.

However, the advantage of BuzzSumo is that it brings all this information together in one place!

How to use BuzzSumo?

Well, have you been wanting to know the tool? Then take a look at this tutorial to learn how to use BuzzSumo’s main features!

Let’s go?

1. Your account

When you enter the BuzzSumo app, you will see the registration and login options in the upper right corner.

Since this is your first time, click on “Login”.

You will be directed to the registration page. Complete your information, create a password and mark the first option to accept the Terms of Service.

Finally, choose your main activity with digital marketing (social networks, content marketing and others), add the domain of your website and the name of your brand.

When you finish, click on “Finish” and Congratulations! Your account has just been created.

2. Content Search

You will see that the platform has a main menu at the top.

First, go to “Content Research”. In the “Content Analyzer” field, you will make a diagnosis of your domain or a specific post.

By filling the search bar with the address of your website, you will see a ranking with the most successful content, according to various criteria, such as Facebook engagement and number of retweets.

To define the focus of your search, simply change the option to “Sort by” or click directly on the column of the criteria you want.

Did you notice that on the left side there is a huge column of filters?

Well, you can refine the performance analysis of your pages or competitors, choosing:

  • content age;
  • whether it should be exclusively for B2B audiences;
  • type of content;
  • publication size, etc.

To view reports on the performance of a domain, post, or keyword, click “Analysis.” The first chart indicates user engagement.

You can select the option to view Total Engagement data, or just Avg Engagement (Average Engagement Rate).

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This functionality is interesting not only to understand the health of your strategy, but also to observe the competitors, practicing the .

In addition, by filtering your search by domains, you can identify potential partners to create — brands that act in the same niche and have a similar audience, but with complementary themes.

When returning the results, BuzzSumo allows you to filter the information in the graphs by the type of social network, by clicking on “All networks” and selecting another option.

In the right corner, you also have the possibility to filter by day, week or month. Other graphs that appear below are of participation by:

  • social network;
  • type of content;
  • publication date (day of the week);
  • content size (number of words).

Finally, at any time you can click on “Export” and save the graphics in PDF, a very useful material for.

oh! and that goes for all the results of the tool — the export button is always there.


In the same way, you can analyze your page on Facebook and that of your competitors, in the “Facebook Analyzer” tab (Facebook Analyzer).

Just place the user you want, which is the @username under the name of the page.

You will be able to classify the results by the number of “likes”, interactions, comments, times it was shared or by the date of publication.

In the “Analysis” option, graphs with data on participation in social networks with the searched keywords are also produced.

The tool also shows the posts with the most “Engagement” (emotional bond) by day of the week, publication time and type of content.

4. Keyword related issues

In the “Question Analyzer” tab, you can see all the questions associated with the searched keyword, as well as topics connected to it, which is excellent for a strategy.

5. Trending Topics

To find out about the new interests of your audience, just use the “Trending now” tab, where the most popular content of the moment appears.

Refine your search according to market segmentation by clicking “Add Trending Feed” and entering the specifications you want.

These data are very useful for him, as they suggest strategies based on user trends and your segment.

6. Backlinks

In the “Backlinks” tab, you can see what content has backlinks that return to your domain or to a specific publication.

In the example, Neil Patel’s post returning to has a backlink to our content about the tool.

A very interesting functionality is to create mention alerts, in the “Options” button.

This same functionality is in the “Monitoring” tab, in the general menu.

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7. Mention Alerts

By clicking on “+ Create Alert”, you will be directed to a page where you will fill in some specifications.

According to them, you will receive a notice whenever there is content published on Google with mentions:

  • to your brand;
  • to your competitors;
  • to some content on your website or blog;
  • to a specific keyword
  • to an author;
  • to backlinks that matter to you.

Inform if you prefer to receive notifications by email. The statistics on these mentions can also be accompanied by graphs with the rate of mentions in days.

8. Influencers

The “Influencers” tab is for searching for people with domain authority or a high number of followers who are related to your niche, filtering by type — bloggers, companies or ordinary people, for example.

You can sort search results by criteria like domain authority, number of Twitter followers, or average rate of retweets it receives.

In Search Content Share, you will find influencers who have already shared some content with the keyword that interests you, and you will also see if it has already been published in a certain domain.

9. Topics

A new feature of BuzzSumo is the topic search.

Simply reporting an interesting keyword is to click “Search”. The tool will return various topics with content ideas, related keywords and statistical graphs on each one.

10. Teams and projects

You can also invite other users by email to be part of your team. You just have to click on the “Invite your team” option, write the email addresses and define the level of access to the saved projects.

Projects help you more easily find the most interesting searches you’ve done.

Did you notice that in all the data that the tool shows, there is a little flag next to “Save”?

You notice that it is the same icon as the “Projects” tab in the upper right corner.

Just click to access these saved items, including articles, influencer descriptions, question suggestions and related topics.

11. Settings

Finally, you can customize a series of settings of your account by clicking on the icon with your avatar.

It is also there that you will see the “Plans” option, to compare and hire the paid versions.

How to produce results with the help of BuzzSumo?

After reading this content, it becomes easier to understand how…

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