Subtitles to a video: why you need them

There are several factors that must be taken into account when producing audiovisual content and, without a doubt, the insertion of subtitles in the videos is one of them..

To give you an idea of ​​the importance of subtitles: according to , 85% of videos on Facebook are watched without sound. Therefore, if the video does not have subtitles and is not well explained in the images, there are high chances that it will be rejected by the public.

In this article we will show you why the use of subtitles in videos is important and how to put them.

What is the importance of subtitling in videos?

Nowadays it is more and more common to find videos with subtitles. This is because the subtitles increase the reach of publications, mainly by making them more accessible to different audiences.

In addition, the subtitles in the videos convey the idea of ​​being a well-made and quality production, details that are important and that can change the entire .

This makes a difference in some people’s lives. After all, many Internet users are hard of hearing, for example, or they can’t hear the audio at the time, or the image simply didn’t grab their attention enough to watch the video through to the end.

Below, we have separated some more reasons for you to put subtitles on a video:

1. Increase range

Your video may reach someone who speaks the same language as your video, but that person may also be from a different region or even a different country. This, due to aspects such as cultural differences or the geographical peculiarities of the language, can end without perfectly understanding everything that is said.

Then, the subtitle in the videos will help this user to understand the whole message.

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But increasing video reach isn’t just about supplementing speech with text. It also has to do with translation. A video in English that is subtitled in Spanish will be able to reach a greater number of people, for example, and thus attract more and more audiences.

And it goes without saying that it is a great opportunity to expand your business abroad, thereby increasing your .

Another reason to subtitle your videos refers to the as search engines like Google and YouTube tend to rate videos with subtitles. In this way, you reach more people by making your media better positioned in these tools.

Optimizing your video for SEO tools will help you a lot in your marketing strategy. .

2. Increase accessibility

The accessibility of your content is something very important, which should be considered even beyond your marketing strategy.

In addition to worrying about things like audio quality, do not forget that there are also people with hearing disabilitiesthey will not be able to hear the sound of the of the etc.

Therefore, consider subtitling your video with those people in mind, so they can understand your content, and therefore also interact with your brand.

On the other hand, there are times when the user cannot hear the Audiowhether it’s because you’re in a public place or because you don’t have headphones on, and subtitles would be ideal for moments like these.

There are even cases where if the video does not have the subtitle option, the person will stop watching it.

How to add subtitles to a video?

Now that we have explained the importance of subtitles in videos, we will show you how to insert them.

Here, there are some situations to consider:

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1. During post-production

The most traditional way to add subtitles to a video is during the . You can put the subtitles on your while you work on your edit. And the first step will be to transcribe all the content in a text document. Then, you will have to add the subtitles, adjust them, synchronize them, etc.

It is a simple but laborious process, which depends on the length of the video and the complexity of the voiceover.

In the following video from Escuelacine, you can learn the step by step to add subtitles to a video in a very simple way with the program :

2. Platforms that already offer this feature

There are also some platforms like YouTube, and even Facebook, that allow you to include a subtitle file right after uploading the video. In this case, you should already have the transcript ready in a text document.

On YouTube, you just need to access the Video Manager and then go to Creation Studio > Video Manager > Videos. Next, click the dropdown menu next to Edit on the video you want to put subtitles on. Then Subtitles / CC > Add new subtitles or CC.

At that moment you will be able to create the subtitles or hidden subtitles, synchronizing them, as well as uploading the files and making the necessary adjustments over time.

3. Automatic transcripts

On YouTube it is also possible to opt for the . Although, although innovative, this functionality may have some flaws.

It is a efficient speech recognition technology that automatically creates subtitles. However, the fact that they are generated by machine learning algorithms can end up compromising the quality of the texts.

Things like slang, personal names, and other typical elements of speech end up not being transcribed correctly. There are also other factors that interfere with the exact transcription, such as the length of the video, the overlapping of many voices or the low quality of the audio.

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And do not forget that in order for your video to offer this option, you will have to activate it.

4. Use of specific software

In addition to video editing programs, there are other specific software to add subtitles to a video. Below, you can see 3 of them:

1. Jubler

is a free software available for Mac and Windows that also creates, edits and synchronizes subtitles in videos, even accepting different types of subtitle formats.

Another of its functions consists of the possibility of changing the color of the subtitle.

2. Subtitle Workshop

is an application, also free, well known and used. The software allows you to add, edit and convert subtitles. It’s practically as easy to use as a text document.

It has a clean interface and it is a lightweight program. In it you can check the spelling and preview the video, to make a perfect and synchronized transcription.

3. Open Subtitle Editor

This software is super easy to use. It has the necessary resources to edit videos and subtitles. It is also free and one of the most practical on the market.

By the way, once you know the importance of adding subtitles to a video, further strengthen your marketing strategy by also learning about .

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