Change of Entry Credentials to the Domain jhvitalenergy.c…

Hello good evening.

How and where can I change the Administrator’s email and password?

Currently there is only one Administrator, the owner, but a while ago I removed myself as the main Administrator of I was like scardoso, with my Yahoo: and I entered with my password.

This was done because I had to create and upload the temporary website but I’m done.

Now I removed myself from Users, but before I had put my email and password to enter.

How do I check to be sure that the authentication is now back in the hands of the owner.

Where can I see it and correct it if it is not right?

It is a privacy issue of the owner. I’m done and I don’t have to be Administrator 0.

I await your response to see if you can help me.

Thank you

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Answered: 06/16/2022 4:03 am

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