Clear cache on Android | ‘s Blog

We store everything on our cell phone: photos, videos, messages, applications, games… that can fill up memory and make our cell phone slow down.

There are a number of things you can do to clean up your storage and make your phone go faster, such as clearing your Android’s cache.

But… Do you know what mobile cache is? We explain it to you and show you how to delete it to free up space and gain speed on your mobile.

What is an application cache?

The cache memory is a temporary storage space that your Android mobile uses to save data quickly and have faster access to it. It is an important component of any mobile device.

Examples of cache usage

For example, when you browse the Internet, the web pages you visit are saved in the cache so that the next time you enter they load much faster.

Or when you use an app like WhatsApp, data and images are cached so you don’t have to download them again each time.

Why is it a good idea to clear the cache?

Over time, this cache becomes filled with data that is no longer useful or up to date, so it is a good idea to clear it from time to time. This will help free up storage space and improve the performance of your Android mobile.

How to clear the cache of your Android

Before clearing the mobile cache you should know:

  • By clearing the cache you will not lose any important data, so you can do it without worrying. Only obsolete temporary files that are no longer needed will be deleted.
  • We recommend you repeat this process from time to timeapproximately once a month, to keep your device optimized.
  • Also It is a good idea to clear the cache of specific apps if they have problems.
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How to clear the cache of one or all applications

If you want to clear only the cache of a mobile applicationyou can do it, and you will also be able to free up a lot of space.

To do this, go to your Android settings and follow these steps:

1. Enter «Settings» and go to the section “Storage”.

2. Click on shared internal storagewhich is where your applications are saved by default.

3. A list of all the applications you have installed on your Android will open, and you will be able to see how much each of them takes up.

4. If you click on any of them, you have two options:

  • Clear storage: It will erase all data from the app and make it like new. This option will free up more space, but make sure you have saved all the information you want to save.
  • Clear cache: With this option you can clear the application cache and gain storage.

With all this, you will free up space on your phone without having to install “cleaner” programs that take up space and actually do what we have taught you.

But if your mobile phone does not give you the option to clear the cache of all your applications at the same time, you will have to use a specific app that provides this service or be patient and clean application by application, as we have told you above. .

Applications to clear the Android cache on our mobile

If what you are looking for is a massive cleaner that makes your life easier, here are our recommendations that you will find in the Play Store.

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Remember that if you don’t want to risk not being able to download some of these applications from anywhere, with the best mobile rate you will have no problems.

CCleaner – Clean your mobile. The most popular app

It is one of the most popular apps to optimize and clean Android devices. When you install CCleaner on your Android, you will have a simple button available to “Clear Cache” with just one touch.

The app will detect and delete all obsolete temporary files stored in the cache.

1Tap Cleaner, a simple and easy-to-use app

It is an option that promises that with just a single touch you can clean the entire cache, search logs, histories and calls.

In addition, it includes a cleaner to reset the launch of certain applications by default.

Norton Clean, the famous antivirus has its cleaning kit

It is one of the best and most valued in the App Store, with a rating of 4.6 stars.

This app helps you eliminate unnecessary elements and residual files, and optimize the device’s memory to recover storage space on your Android tablet or phone.

AVG Cleaner – Cleaner

The app of uses the “application hibernation” functionality, which allows you to extend battery life and thus be able to use your device for longer and in a more optimized way.

The Google APP to delete junk files from your Android

These are the Steps to follow to clear your Android cache:

  1. Open or Install .
  2. Select the “Clean” option in the bottom navigation menu.
  3. In the “Junk Files” section, click on “Clean”.
  4. Allow Files by Google to delete your temporary files in the pop-up window.
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With these steps you have already cleared your Android’s cache and freed up storage space.

In case you have doubts: difference between cache and cookies

While cache are files that remember sections of pages, such as images, so that they take less time to load on future visits, They are files that are generated when you visit a website to save your browsing data.

Recommendations to free up space on your Android

In addition to clearing the cache, if you want your Android to not be so slow due to full storage, in addition to being able to save many more files, we recommend that you do in the cloud (like Google Drive or OneDrive) and delete those files that you don’t use or don’t need to have on hand.

And of course, you can also expand the memory on most Android phones using a . It is recommended that you put your music, photos, videos and other files in it to leave more space in the internal memory for applications and system files.

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