In the first class of the basic Community Manager course we are going to find out what volume of people connect daily to social networks, surely the numbers will surprise you!
We are going to know the basic aspects of the figure of the Community Manager. And for this we will start with the penetration data that social networks currently have.
Understanding what impact the use of social networks is having on society is essential to know that when we enter this world, we are entering an environment with a massive reach. Go for the course!
As we have seen, this will be the first Community Manager course, and later you will be able to see the advanced course in which he will have a more strategic approach and related to the role of Social Media Manager.
In this lesson we have learned about the recent history of social networks: in just 20 years the market has taken over this type of communication medium, making it indispensable in our daily lives.
This helps us to identify why Community Managers are so important, in a world in which brands must be present in several social networks at the same time, and in the appropriate way.
Within the entrepreneurial world, the business model of social networks is totally disruptive. Right in this lesson we have seen what it is based on, and what are the key points of it. A very interesting vision of why networks like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram have been the companies that have grown the most in the last decade.
As homework, I suggest you take a look at the IAB study that we share with you on our intranet. And remember, that if you have any questions about the content of this class, I will be happy to answer you in the support tab. Until the next class!
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