Content for social networks: what is the best for each medium?

You already know that social networks are excellent channels to communicate with your audience and also to attract a new audience to your business.

For this reason, several who bet on this strategy create profiles on various networks.

But, after the profile is ready, do you really know what the best content is for each medium?

In this super complete post, we select the main content suggestions for social networks so that you understand which type of publication is best for each of your channels.

Oh, and before we begin, one question needs to be answered:

Do you really need to have a profile on all social networks?

Which social network should I use?

Although some social networks are similar, each of them has an audience with a certain profile.

This becomes very clear when we compare LinkedIn and Facebook.

The first is an essentially professional network, that is, it is there that you will do and find job offers, for example.

Now the second is a much more relaxed network in which you can talk with your audience about various issues that are not necessarily professional.

That means the tone and language you’ll use on each social network will be different. Consequently, the type of content in each of them will also differ.

When we have a business, especially if it is online, the tendency is for us to go out there creating profiles and defining strategies in all possible communication channels.

Of course that can be your goal. But you must have already noticed that it is not such an easy task and requires planning and dedication.

And if you work alone, on your own, that can be even more difficult, especially if you don’t plan ahead.

But even with good planning, it is important to understand which are the best social networks for your business.

For that, you need to discover, because only then will you be able to know which social networks your audience uses the most.

After that, it is easier to understand which media you should focus on and thus plan the content that will be published in each of them.

In short: you do not need to be present in all social networks, but make sure you have a profile in which your target audience is more active.

Social media content planning

After you understand which ones you’ll have a profile on, it’s time to start planning what you’ll post on them.

This stage is very important so that you have everything organized and do not put a lot of content in one medium and end up forgetting about the others.

Therefore, it is time to control anxiety, and prepare before starting to activate the profiles.

Of course, this planning does not have to be fixed. It is just a compass so that you have in mind everything you will do in the month.

However, we know that during the months and weeks there are some news that need to be shared at the right time.

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So don’t worry if you need to change your schedule to post important content on social media.

Now that you understand that, we have selected 3 quick tips to help you when planning content for social networks.

1. Have a goal

It seems obvious to talk about it, but when it comes to social networks, some people end up skipping that stage.

Like everything in your business, you must not only for your networks, but also for your publications.

What do you want to do?

  • Sell ​​more?
  • Be a reference in your area of ​​action?
  • Disseminate your brand to a new audience?
  • Find people to work with you?

Believe us, each of your posts must be directly connected to your goal so that you can publish interesting content for your audience.

In the end, it is useless to fill your networks with publications if they do not have any effect, both for your public and for your business.

2. Create your brand person

Yes, we already talked about the buyer persona in this post, but when we mentioned it, we were referring to the buyer persona, which is different from the brand persona.

And how are they different?

The buyer person is the profile of your ideal client, that is, the people who would possibly buy your products or services.

Now, the brand persona is the set of characteristics that represents the personality of your brand. In other words, they are the perceptions and values ​​that you want your audience to notice about your brand.

It is from your personal brand that you will define the tone of voice to use in your publications and the way in which you will communicate with your audience.

Any questions on this matter?

We have a full post that explains further.

3. Define your actions

The last suggestion is to create a with predefined actions for each of your social networks.

Take a look at this example:

With this type of calendar you can have an overview of everything you need to post on your social networks. Thus, you do not forget any publication.

In addition, you can define exactly the type of publication in each medium.

For example:

In the calendar that we show, for the day 01/05, you can leave a comment in the part that says that it is necessary to place a sticker with a personalized question to collect the doubts of your public.

But this is just an example. You can start with a type of calendar and, little by little, realize the information that is really necessary, then add or eliminate some field.

Content strategies for social networks

On the Internet, you will find several content publication strategies for social networks.

We selected 2 ideas to start with, but that doesn’t mean they are the best and only options.

In the meantime, if you still don’t know what to do, you can try these suggestions to find out what works for your business.

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Pareto principle

Well known as the 80/20 rule, the Pareto Principle is a strategy that basically shows that 80% of a business’s sales come from 20% of its customers.

But that doesn’t just apply to sales.

Being a power law, the Pareto Principle applies to several other concepts, and social media posts are no exception.

For this type of strategy, you would publish 80% content to charm and educate your audience and only 20% content directly focused on sales.


Have you noticed how trends dictate them?

If you want to be recognized in your market and attract more public for your business, having influencers talking about your brand is one of the best ways to achieve it.

But you must agree that getting this type of mention is very difficult, especially for those who are just starting out.

One suggestion for achieving this type of range is the 4-1-1 rule, developed by Andrew Davis, author of Brandscaping.

This strategy says that every 6 pieces of content you post on social media should be divided like this:

  • 4 pieces of content written by an influencer relevant to your audience and your business;
  • 1 exclusive content of yours that demonstrates your authority in your area of ​​action;
  • 1 sales content of your product or service.

With this strategy, in addition to mentioning the influencer -and showing that you can spread it to your audience as well- you also manage to attract followers with your exclusive content.

An interesting channel for this type of social media content strategy is .

Suggestions from our specialists

In addition to the two strategies above, we decided to go further and talk directly with people who post content on social media every day.

We talked to some of our specialists and they gave us interesting suggestions for you, take a look:

Pedro Turambar, Marketing Analyst

“With Twitter, I know everything that is happening in the world and in the issues that interest me.

If something interesting happens in the film industry, in football or in the world, I find out quickly thanks to Twitter.

The fundamental thing for me in that network is that you follow various profiles to be able to understand what is happening and share that as well. In the end, what you retweet is also considered your content.

The curation you follow also counts a lot in your content on Twitter because people interact by retweeting within your retweet.

Basically, I use Twitter to share memes and spread my texts written in other media, such as the blog.

In addition, it is very important to also enter into relevant conversations with other people.”

Rosario Romay, Marketing Analyst

“Always remember to talk to your audience, on all social networks. That is, answer what people are asking you.

Of course, it is not possible to do this in every business, mainly because this action needs to be scalable.

But even if you can’t respond to everyone quickly, when you talk to your audience, do it in a humanized way.

Try never to leave the user unanswered. Otherwise, he will think that there is no one behind your profiles.

If a person enters your fanpage and sees that all other questions have been answered, even if it takes a while, they will notice that there is someone who cares about the audience.

This also shows that the page is active, that you have updated content and that you are dedicated to helping people who have questions.

When you talk to these people, you satisfy the user because you answer their own questions and also understand their pain points and also what they think is missing in your business.

Responding to comments is a great way to get insights, no matter what network you use.”

Matheus Lacerda, Marketing Analyst

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“For me, it is the most important tool of all the social networks that I see today.

I wake up and the first thing I open is Instagram to see the Stories. I no longer lower the feed.

I consider that if you create an identity for your Stories it is very important, mainly thinking about creating a story that does not tire people.

I don’t find it interesting that you create 30 Stories at once.

Try to create 5 or 6 per day, that make sense to your audience and always mark people who are part of your day to day. So, just like the retweet, you reach another audience when those people share your Stories.”

Ana Luisa Mariano

“My main suggestion is about Instagram.

Many people end up posting images with long texts and forget that this social network is very imaginative.

The main thing for me is to focus on having a harmonious feed, more attractive to your audience, and not fill all your images with text.

And that rule applies not only to captions, but mainly to images with text on them.

Avoid that type of image and place long texts only in legends that are really necessary.”

Thiago Machado

“Never stop asking your audience what they want to see and hear.

Do tests and surveys on Instagram, use Twitter to create surveys, post images and leave comments open for your audience to respond and ask their questions, you can even make a video asking for those insights.

Thus, you can be sure of the type of content you need to publish on your social networks.”

Manage the content of your social networks

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