Conversion rate: understand what it is and how to increase it

The conversion rate is one of the most important metrics to measure if your strategies are having the expected effect. But many entrepreneurs still don’t know how to calculate it or usually relate it to sales.

Better understand what conversion rate is and see tips to increase your performance, either in generated or in sales.

What is the conversion rate?

The conversion rate is the ratio between the number of users who visited a page and the number of them who performed the proposed action there.

Contrary to what many people think, this rate does not refer only to completed sales, but to all the results achieved with marketing actions, such as filling out the registration form, downloading rich material, requesting a quote and subscribing to the newsletter. , among others.

Why calculate the conversion rate?

Through the conversion rate you have the possibility to monitor the results of your marketing actions and even compare two periods of time to know which strategies were more effective in attracting traffic, capturing leads and making sales.

This data, added to other metrics, is useful to optimize your expenses with digital marketing, showing if your investments in , , and actions with influencers are bringing financial return for your business or if you are just wasting money.

It is important to remember that when a business is starting, the benefit is not always immediate. Therefore, it is important to monitor the performance of your actions periodically, in addition to carrying out several tests until you discover what works best for your niche audience.

Often a simple change in page/ad appearance can increase the conversion rate of a campaign you thought was lost.

Before calculating the conversion rate, it is also important to define what the objective of the campaign is.

If your intention is to attract visibility for the brand, the number of followers and the number of likes are metrics that must be taken into account. If your focus is lead generation, the number you are interested in is the number of people who have signed up to receive some of your content, as these users are one step ahead in the customer journey.

How to calculate the conversion rate?

Now that you know what conversion rate is, you must be curious to know how to calculate it, right?

And if you don’t have much knowledge in mathematics, don’t worry, because the formula is simple: just divide the number of people who carried out an action by the number of people impacted during the campaign, and multiply that total by 100 to obtain the percentage.

An example.

Juan created a landing page to promote an ebook on interior decoration. Of the page’s 15,000 visitors, 4,225 downloaded it as directed.

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4,225/15,000 x 100 = 28.16%

That is, of every 100 people who entered Juan’s page, at least 28 downloaded it.

Let’s look at another example, now related to ads.

Silvia is selling a course on architecture and design. So she created an ad on the Google search network to attract visibility for her product. Of 10,000 people who clicked, 290 bought the course.

290/10,000 x 100 = 2.9%

Proportionally, for every 100 people who clicked on the ad, approximately 3 bought the course.

Does it seem like a low number?

It depends on the value you have invested to make the ads, how much you have spent to create the course and, mainly, the value of the product. If the course cost one thousand dollars, Silvia invoiced 290 thousand with the sales made in the course. . Even deducting operating costs, that value is still very expressive, okay?

There is still the possibility to test new versions of the ad and increase that benefit further. (For those who want to save on the production of the course itself, we also have a blog post explaining ).

What are the types of conversion rate?

There are two types of conversion rate: through direct access, which is when the user types the address of your page in the browser bar, and via organic searches, which is when the visitor finds your website by doing a Google search. .

Ideally, the conversion rate via shortcuts is higher, since it is made up of people who are looking for a specific solution and already know your product.

In the case of the conversion rate for organic searches, there is also a distinction between the users who searched for the of your site and those who found the page searching for related terms. In both cases, the conversion rate should be similar, since these users have never had contact with your brand.

But do not despair, it is possible to increase the conversion rate via organic hits if you have a good position in the search rankings.

A recent study by the company Advanced Web Ranking showed that the first place in Google organic searches receives 34% of the clicks, while the second and third place receive, respectively, 19% and 12%.

For that reason you need to invest in quality content and (Search Engine Optimization) to offer the best user experience and make your page more and more relevant.

How to use the conversion rate to improve your performance?

Calculating the conversion rate of each campaign separately is the best way to know which actions and channels are giving the best results.

Having this information is important to optimize what is already working and rethink the format of ads, pages or emails that are not giving good results.

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It is important to highlight that your conversion rate depends on the objective of the campaign (generation of leads or sales), the audience that you have segmented and, of course, the in which you develop your performance.

If you offer a free product, the conversion rate of this campaign will probably be higher than that of a page focused on sales, for example, since you are giving something of value to your customer without asking for anything in return.

But be careful, it is always good to remember that the work does not end when the user agrees to be part of your email list. Necessary with content, which implies an investment of time and money, although less than in sponsored link campaigns.

Regardless of the factors mentioned above, your goal should always be to improve the conversion rate, proposing actions that are sustainable for the size of your business.

How to increase your conversion rate?

It may sound cliché, but you’ll need to focus on your user experience and building a trusting relationship with them before you think about moving on to the next steps in your sales funnel.

Here are some tips that can help you in this process.

Know your audience well

To be accurate you need, first of all, to know your l, their preferences and problems, to create content aligned to those expectations.

Tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console are free and give insights important on the issues that are most worth betting on.

Have good landing pages

Increasing the traffic of your channels is important, but the key is to deliver value to the user. Your landing pages should be intuitive and easy to navigate. And that also includes good images and good text distribution, so that the visitor finds all the information he needs quickly and conveniently.

Today there is available in the market that can help you create high converting pages with minimal investment. We suggest you do a lot of searching to find the best option.

Use responsive design

In most countries of the world, the majority of the population accesses the Internet through mobile devices. Therefore, thinking about the experience of these users ceased to be a differential and became an obligation.

Test on different screen sizes to see if your content is responsive, and look at the page load time on mobile, as this also counts for ranking points. One tool that can help you calculate page load time is Google Speed ​​Insights, which is also free.

Create interesting texts

Another fundamental factor for the good performance of your campaigns is the texts. If they are not clear, your target audience will be confused, which reduces the chances of conversion.

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This type of text is also called copy. For copywriting experts, a good sales copy is one that can synthesize the main idea and benefits of your product in a single sentence.

If you have exceeded the number of words you will have to review it. This exercise is important to train your skills as ad networks have character limits. In the blog we have a complete text about with some tips that can help you create texts that sell!

Make sure the design is in line with the copy

The It is essential to create a dialogue with your target audience and generate identification with your brand, in addition to transforming the publication or any graphic piece more pleasant for reading, directing it in a clearer and more intuitive way.

But, to get good results, it is necessary that the design of the page is consistent with the copy and one adds information to the other so that the visitor can understand the benefits of your product.

Include a visible call to action (CTA)

The it is the button on your page that expresses the action you expect the user to take after being impacted by your campaign. It is important to make it clear, once again, that this action is not always related to the sale, it can be a download, answering a survey, signing a petition, etc.

First of all, your call to action must be well visible and placed, since it avoids dispersion. Use heat map tools (heatmaps) to find out which areas of the pages your visitors click the most.

The button should stand out from the rest of the page and have colors that contrast with the background and make it easy to read. In this case, some layout or font change features may interfere, so please use it carefully.

There are some about the colors that convert the most, in the case of green, for example, but you will only be able to know what works for your business model by testing.

Do not look for ready formulas on the Internet, because each entrepreneur has an audience, and what worked for your competitor can have the opposite effect on your audience, even if they sell a similar product.

Lastly, and perhaps the most important tip: before being interesting, your call to action has to be functional. Remember this whenever you are creating a page, as the display device can have a great influence on how the visitor assimilates the…

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